Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

130 valoraciones
Temetropolis by tem2zy
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5.061 MB
12 MAY 2016 a las 18:14
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Temetropolis by tem2zy



Welcome! This map is my ninth creation.
This map is focused on huge metropolis what has over 100,000 population at least.
So this map has extensive flat ground that you can use! And many harbors also,
even double Sewage purifier what has a super capacity!
It's time to create your huge metropolis!

Connection information ::
Full(8) Highways
Full(4) Railways
Full(4) Ship and Airplane lanes

Basically this map has ::
Extensive Beach
National Park
Country Club
Beautiful Interchanges
Central Terminal Island
Mountains and Hills
Double Sewage Purifier

And some decorated buildings

About Sewage Purifier,
If you looked my Sewage purifiers at first, don't worry.
You can use this purifier easily. You just build 'Drain pipe' in purifing area!
Look at purifier screenshot. Purifing is automatic, always working, and no cost!
But this double purifier has a purifing capacity of about 2,400,000m3/week.

About Ore and Oil
This map has few resources, especially ore and oil.
I know it will not make you to game play easily. But it is intended.
You can build many harbors! so many cargo ships will help you and your citizens!

Youtube Videos
If you want to see videos what playing on this map,
I wanna introduce a Green County in youtube channel of 'TazerHere'.

I like your comment, complaint as well!
If you like this map, please click the thumb-up icon. It makes me smile :)

43 comentarios
mohalen 4 MAY 2021 a las 16:08 
Fantastic map! Than you!

How did you set up the sewage as now I want that in all my cities/maps! :)
Jazziah 7 MAR 2020 a las 19:14 
Really nice map! Thank you!
호감맨 18 ENE 2020 a las 2:43 
항상 잘 쓰고 있습니다.
alejandrosalros68 29 AGO 2019 a las 22:05 
Very nice map.
backkom5 2 MAR 2019 a las 19:04 
🇸🇺🇷🇮 25 MAR 2018 a las 1:07 
Such a Great Map :D Amazing
TAEMIN B  [autor] 4 AGO 2016 a las 3:29 
반갑습니다 또 고마워요 :steamhappy:
도널드 트럼프 3 AGO 2016 a las 19:33 
심아트 보고 방금 구독!!!
Y.H.S 7 JUL 2016 a las 21:49 
이것저것 둘러봤지만 이게 제일 맘에 들어요ㅋㅋ 잘쓸게요 감사합니다^^
Tazer 18 JUN 2016 a las 5:43 
Thank you, I hope so too. :steamhappy: