Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

280 人が評価
[DEPRECIATED] Trumpet A8/B10
Assets: Intersection
1.034 MB
2016年4月21日 14時46分
2017年1月2日 15時23分
15 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

[DEPRECIATED] Trumpet A8/B10

creativeDEX 作成の 1 件のコレクション
Dexter's Next Level of Road Design
28 アイテム
Trumpet A8/B10 by Dexter

Hi everyone,

here is my Trumpet Interchange highway exit solution.
It is a realistic build, you can see this in Pforzheim, Germany.

Note: For better placement make sure that the ground are flat enough!

Required Mods
Network Extensions 2
Fine Road Tool
Optional Mods
Road Edit Collection

Don't forget to rate and leave a comment if you like my work.
More of my creations:
Next Level of Road Design
LUT Collection
My favorite Interchange
My Artwork

25 件のコメント
GrumpyZade 2021年2月16日 7時18分 
Had to unsub because of network extensions 2 being incompatible with harmony mods
Jew Shekelstein 2019年2月18日 10時16分 
Wow! This mod really helped me get my shit together after my wife left me. I sure wish there were more mods like this.
creativeDEX  [作成者] 2018年8月13日 8時25分 
Pls no spam under all assets and even profile page. One comment is enough and maybe reading description and comments on the ws pages could fix your problem too(before posting a comment).
SkullKrixzz 2018年8月12日 16時15分 
this fails during map load for me.... and im not aure why, i have all requirements...
creativeDEX  [作成者] 2017年10月21日 16時46分 
Can you now stop this! Talking about the same under one asset is rly enough!
Sounds like trolling!
saintkhawnan 2017年10月21日 16時43分 
Really? Is cursing (wtf) really necessary? You stop it!
creativeDEX  [作成者] 2017年10月21日 16時32分 
@saintkhawnan Wtf, writing again under all assets about the same problem.
As i sad this error "net info missing" means the needed roads(textures, 3d models etc.) aren't in your loaded game! Also this week was patch day, many mods aren't working. But the NEXT2 mid is working, cause i used this mod today.
saintkhawnan 2017年10月21日 16時31分 
Unfortunately, I have over 100 mods; and since 1.9 update, many have not yet been updated... Not sure of any specific conflict, if any? Nonetheless, regards!
saintkhawnan 2017年10月21日 16時19分 
Actually, I am subscribed to the NE2 mod + subs... Not certain which mod yet crashes my city; but your asset is just one of around 50 that did load with just an error since 1.9... I will have to try and place your asset later once my city stops crashing:(... Nonetheless, it's a beautiful asset-- thanks for all your hard work on this
creativeDEX  [作成者] 2017年10月21日 5時12分 
This error "Broken: Custom Assets:[...]Data: NetInfo missing" comes up if Networks Extensions 2 is disabled or not loaded to the savegame. Think you should activate this mod.