The Black Death

The Black Death

평점이 부족합니다.
Easy money! [for now]
Loasmo 님이 작성
Easy way of making some cash in the game using a peasent character.
Einfacher Weg etwas Geld zu verdienen mit einem Peasent Charakter.
즐겨찾기 해제
Guide (English)
Create your character as a peasent for this!
First of all you need to gather some berries and/or cotton on your way to the city. (Hit M for the map and try to find your way using the landmarks and named places, but the city is hard to miss :))
Once you've reached the city find the market and the food merchant. Sell him some of your gathered materials so you have some coin to begin with.
Now buy wheat from him (3 gold each). The bought wheat can now be crafted into flour, which sells for double what the wheat cost you. So in essence you double your investment each time you fill your inventory with wheat and in the process of crafting you even level up pretty fast and easy!

EDIT: It might not always work, since the merchant doesn't seem to have wheat for sale every time the server restarts or what ever makes it change.
Guide (Deutsch)
Erstellen den Charakter als "Peasent" hierfür!
Als erstes muss man ein paar Beeren oder Baumwolle sammeln und sich auf den Weg in die Stadt machen. (M drücken und die Stadt ausfindig machen und anhand der Markierungen und benannten Orte hin navigieren, die Stadt ist aber riesig und kaum zu verfehlen :))
Wenn du einmal in der Stadt bist, finde den Marktplatz und den "Food Merchant". Verkauf dem ein bisschen von den gesammelten Sachen um etwas Startkapital zu erhalten.
Jetzt kaufe "wheat" von ihm (3 Gold jeweils). Das gekaufte "wheat" kannst du jetzt zu "flour" craften und dieses für das doppelte verkaufen! Also kannst du quasi jedes Mal deine Invenstition verdoppeln damit. Außerdem levelt man noch sehr einfach und flott dabei, weil man viel Mehl herstellt!

EDIT: Es kann sein, dass der Merchant nicht immer wheat verkauft, also klappt es nicht immer!
댓글 13
nbccamera 2017년 11월 12일 오후 6시 28분 
You can also craft stick forceps and sell them...two sticks = 47-75 gold
zaadmuskaat 2017년 6월 1일 오전 6시 22분 
I make some fat stacks with a fishing rod, bring 2 of them and 2 campfires. U'll make 1k so quick.
PoneG 2017년 4월 9일 오후 10시 46분 
can you find wheat in the wilderness too? never found some of these bags...
Gendor Skraivok 2016년 7월 23일 오전 3시 31분 
Better to level up and focus on Crops, then you can take your chances to turn Wheat into Wheat seeds and have a chance to gain extra wheat.
YueZ 2016년 7월 17일 오후 4시 19분 
there is one problem. NPC Merchants only sells Basic Wheats, so u only have a 50-50chance, that u can successfully creat flour. That means the trick is very luck depended
Libidorius 2016년 6월 28일 오전 12시 28분 
why would you sell the cotton? 1 cotton crafted into 1 bandage sells for 10g
sir-peter 2016년 6월 8일 오전 6시 52분 
glad they all eliminated,also the awfull gold double cheat,now Game makes fun again,tnx Devs
1 problem is left,if u open a crate and find some loot like Orange or apple,and loot each single,the other worthless crap inside turns into apples or whatever is $worth stuff
Kilo 2016년 4월 24일 오후 11시 57분 
dankken for eich tippen
Zvivibel 2016년 4월 21일 오전 8시 22분 
Noch ein Tip ich habe mit geklauten Waffen verkauf 800 Gold verdient in der Stadt . Am übungsstand spawnen immer wieder neuer Waffen die ihr verkaufen könnt .
deepstern 2016년 4월 19일 오후 11시 43분 
Danke für den Tip!