363 avaliações
Completion Checklist (minimal spoilers)
Por Drake Ravenwolf
A checklist for you to mark off each item as you encounter it in your playthrough to make sure you don't miss anything.
+ favoritos
Nos favoritos
- favoritos
This guide covers all items on bodies or in chests, all drops apart from boss souls, all NPC invasions, all bonfires, and all items given by NPCs and covenants. If you find something I missed just let me know.

This guide does not; however, include gestures. For those I suggest this guy's guide:

INTENDED USAGE! If you highlight my list and copy/paste it; the spoilers do not get copied and so you can just mark off each item as you pick it up and then go back and check the spoilers if you are missing something. If you are looking for where a specific item may be found use ctrl-F

PS. If the spoiler says "leave," that means use a bonfire and travel to Firelink Shrine to trigger the change listed.
Vendor ONLY Items
Not counting starting equipment, these items are only available from a vendor.
So if you want every item in the game, make sure to buy these when you see them available.

Wolf Knight set – Untended Graves
White Sign Soapstone - Shrine Handmaid
Dried Finger - Shrine Handmaid
Grave Key - Mortician Ashes
Londor Braille Divine Tome - Yuria
All Sorceries/Pyromancies/Miracles except the sorceries sold by Yoel, Yuria, and the Shrinemaiden
Parrying Dagger - Patches
Bandit's Knife - Greirat
Shortsword - Shrine Handmaid
B astard Sword - Greirat
Zweilhander - Greirat, after pillaging Undead Settlement
Shotel - Patches
Estoc - Greirat, after pillaging Undead Settlement
Washing Pole - Easterners Ashes
Mace - Greirat
Morningstar - Paladin Ashes
Warpick - Greirat, after pillaging Undead Settlement
Glaive - Greirat, after pillaging Undead Settlement
Crescent Axe - Paladin Ashes
Dark Hand - Yuria
Short Bow - Greirat, after pillaging Undead Settlement
Composite Bow - Dreamchaser Ashes
Talisman - Shrine Handmaid
Canvas Talisman - Paladin Ashes
Priest's Chime - Greirat, after pillaging Undead Settlement
Torch - Shrine Handmaid
Buckler - Greirat
Target Shield - Greirat, after pillaging Undead Settlement
Leather Shield - Shrine Handmaid
Crimson Parma - Shrine Handmaid
Elkhorn Round Shield - Greirat
Warrior's Round Shield - Shrine Handmaid
Eastern Iron Shield - Easterners Ashes
Large Leather Shield - Shrine Handmaid
Round Shield - Greirat
Kite Shield - Greirat
Knight Shield - Greirat, after pillaging Undead Settlement
Leather set - Greirat
Hard Leather set - Greirat
Chain set - Shrine Handmaid
Undead Legion set - Shrine Handmaid after defeating Abyss Watchers
Knight set - Greirat, after pillaging Undead Settlement
Elite Knight set - Shrine Handmaid after completing Anri's questline
Faraam set - Shrine Handmaid after defeating Lion Knight Albert in Grand Archives
Sunless set - Shrine Handmaid after killing Sirris or defeating Lothric, Younger Prince
Favor set - Shrine Handmaid after looting the Ring of Favor
Eastern set - Easterners Ashes
Morne's set - Shrine Handmaid after killing Eygol or summoning him against the Dragonslayer Armour
Dancer's set - Shrine Handmaid after defeating the Dancer of the Boreal Valley
Smough's set - Shrine Handmaid after defeating Aldrich
Lorian's set - Shrine Handmaid after defeating Lothric, Younger Prince
Golden Dragonscale set - Shrine Handmaid after killing The Nameless King
Firelink set - Shrine Handmaid after defeating the Soul of Cinder
Black Iron set - Shrine Handmaid after defeating Knight Slayer Tsorig in Smouldering Lake
Executioner set - Shrine Handmaid after killing Horace the Hush as part of the Anri questline
Exile set - Shrine Handmaid after defeating the Hostile NPCs just outside Farron Keep in Road of Sacrifices
Gundyr's set - Shrine Handmaid after defeating Champion Gundyr in the Untended Graves
Assassin set - Greirat, after pillaging Undead Settlement
Black Hand set - Shrine Handmaid after killing Blackhand Kamui at the Grand Archives
Thief Black Leather set - Patches/Greirat
Leonhard's set - Shrine Handmaid after you kill Leonhard
Clandestine Coat - Shrine Handmaid after Orbeck dies
Xanthous set - Xanthous Ashes
Pyromancer set - Cornyx
Sage's Big Hat - Shrine Handmaid after defeating the Crystal Sage
Wolnir's Crown - Shrine Handmaid after defeating High Lord Wolnir
Life Ring - Dreamchaser Ashes
Saint's Ring - Irina
Wood Grain Ring - Excrement Covered Ashes
Lloyd's Shield Ring - Paladin Ashes
Untrue Dark Ring - Yuria
Untrue White Ring - Yuria
DLC: Millwood Set - Captain's Ashes
DLC: Ordained Set - Shrine Handmaid after defeating Sister Friede
DLC: Splitleaf Greatsword - Old Woman's Ashes
Cemetery of Ash
Soul of a Deserted Corpse / Soul of a Proud Paladin
Ashen Estus Flask (New Game)
Speckled Stoneplate Ring+1 (New Game +1)
Soul of an Unknown Traveler / Soul of an Intrepid Hero
*If you lure the lizard back towards the bonfire, you can get him to roll right off the cliff and you still get his scale*
-Giant Crystal Lizard – Titanite Scale
-Cemetery of Ash Bonfire
5x Firebomb
Titanite Shard
-BOSS - Iudex Gundyr Bonfire
Wolf Ring+2 (New Game +2)
Broken Straight Sword
Homeward Bone
Sunset Shield + Sunless Talisman = Spawn here at completion of Sirris' quest
Hawkwood’s Shield = Spawns here after you have exhausted Hawkwood’s dialogue and defeated all three of: Greatwood, Crystal Sage, and Abyss Watcher
East-West Shield
Homeward Bone
-Mob - Uchigatana + Master's Attire + Master's Gloves
-Firelink Shrine Bonfire
Pale Shade Set = Spawns where Yoel and Yuria were if you anger Yuria and then kill the Pale Shade of Londor when he invades in Farron Keep and Irithyll, can do this by healing the dark sigils and/or killing Yuria
Yuria's Set + Darkdrift = Spawn in the same place if you complete Yuria's questline and summon her for the final boss
Seed of a Giant Tree = Sometimes spawns here after being invaded !IMPORTANT NOTE! Unlike in DS2, the tree's appearance does NOT change to indicate "a seed has fallen," you have to activate the "examine" each time to see if one is available or not
Soul of a Deserted Corpse / Soul of an Intrepid Hero
*after buying the Tower Key or killing Irina for a free one*
-Crystal Lizard - Twinkling Titanite
3x Homeward Bone
Estus Shard
-Illusory Wall - Covetous Silver Serpent Ring = in rafters
Firekeeper Soul
Firekeeper Robe + Firekeeper Gloves + Firekeeper Skirt
Estus Ring
-NPC - Rusted Gold Coin = only if you do NOT forgive Patches

Random drops you may have to farm for:
Cleric’s Sacred Chime - Grave Warden

Rewards for NPC quest progression:
-Leonhard - 5x Cracked Red-Eye Orbs = after you light the Tower on the Wall bonfire in the High Wall, or after defeating Vordt
-Leonhard - Lift-Chamber Key = Once you light the Cliff Underside bonfire in the Undead Settlement, or defeat the Curse Rotted Greatwood and you have a Pale Tongue in your inventory
-Cornyx - Pyromancer's Flame = if you did not start the game as a pyromancer
-Hawkwood - Heavy Gem = Speak with him after defeating the Greatwood or Crystal Sage
-Hawkwood - Farron Ring = Defeat the Abyss Watchers and speak with him again
-Sirris - Blessed Mail Breaker + Silvercat Ring = After saving her from Creighton
-Ludleth - Anri's Straight Sword = reward for her quest
-Orbeck - Young Dragoncrest Ring = buy three of his sorceries and give him a sorcery scroll then talk to him for this item if you did not start the game as a sorcerer
-Orbeck - Slumbering Dragon Ring = purchase Aural Decoy, Farron Flashsword, and Pestilent Mercury from him
-Yuria - Morion Blade = reward for killing Orbeck for Yuria

Kill NPCs for:
-Anri - Anri's Straight Sword
-Cornyx - Cornyx's Set
-Eygon - Morne’s Great Hammer + Moaning Shield
-Greirat - Bandit's Knife
-Horace - Llewellyn Shield
-Irina - Tower Key
-Karla - Karla's Set
-Leonhard - Silver Mask
-Ludleth - Skull Ring = he respawns and doesn't care
-Patches - Horsehoof Ring + Winged Spear + Catarina Set (if not bought)
-Sirris - Sunless Talisman
-Yuria - Darkdrift
-Shrine Handmaid - Priestess Ring (only the one in Untended Graves)
-Yorshka - Yorshka's Chime
*It is recommended to NOT kill anyone unless you have a specific reason to or just before transitioning to your next NG+; examples would be Ludleth - since there are no down sides to doing so once, Patches - to save money on the Catarina Set which is needed to complete Onion bro's quest, and Yuria - if following Anri's path in your current playthrough. Killing Irina will also save you 20k souls with a free Tower Key, but you might want to wait till you've bought out all her miracles.*
High Wall of Lothric
-Travel to - Highwall of Lothric Bonfire
*take the right hand path first, you should see two Starved Hounds*
Soul of a Deserted Corpse / Soul of a Proud Paladin
Longbow + 12x Standard Arrows = requires 9 STR and 14 DEX
*go back to the Firelink Shrine and stock up on arrows*
Soul of a Deserted Corpse / Soul of a Proud Paladin
*drop down under the dragon's wing*
2x Gold Pine Resin
2x Firebomb
Soul of a Deserted Corpse / Soul of a Proud Paladin
*use the longbow to make the dragon fly away, will take about 60 arrows*
-Mob - Large Titanite Shard
Large Soul of a Deserted Corpse / Large Soul of a Proud Paladin
-Mimic - Deep Battle Axe = requires 12 STR
Soul of a Deserted Corpse / Soul of a Proud Paladin
3x Firebomb
*do not go down yet, go out and up first*
Titanite Shard
-Tower on the Wall Bonfire
*down the ladder inside the tower*
-Mob - Red Eye Orb (New Game) = requires Lift-Chamber Key
8x Throwing Knife
Mail Breaker
-NPC - Blue Tearstone Ring = Cell Key required
*backtrack to the tower's 2nd floor*
Soul of a Deserted Corpse / Soul of a Proud Paladin
3x Firebomb
-Crystal Lizard - Raw Gem
Large Soul of a Deserted Corpse / Large Soul of a Proud Paladin
Fleshbite Ring+1 (New Game +1)
3x Black Firebomb
3x Firebomb
*do not go down yet*
2x Undead Hunter Charm
Titanite Shard
Soul of a Deserted Corpse / Soul of a Proud Paladin
2x Green Blossom
Silver Eagle Kite Shield = requires 11 STR
*dropping down from where we picked up the Green Blossoms, this is also a good spot to snipe from*
Astora Straight Sword
Cell Key
Ring of the Evil Eye+2 (New Game +2)
Estus Shard
Titanite Shard
*you can snipe the big guy outside and below, or just drop down*
Soul of a Deserted Corpse / Soul of a Proud Paladin
*turn away from the knights for now and go up the stairs*
Large Soul of a Deserted Corpse / Large Soul of a Proud Paladin
Ring of Sacrifice
3x Green Blossom
6x Throwing Knife
*go back to the knights*
-Mob - Refined Gem
-NPC – Way of the Blue Covenant = Equip this immediately
-BOSS - Vordt of the Boreal Valley Bonfire = 2 NPC White Phantoms available - before killing the boss, you may wish to use the available NPC Phantoms to help you farm for a full set of Lothric Knight equipment and maybe even a Winged Knight Halberd

Random drops you may have to farm for:
Long Sword
Iron Round Shield
Steel Soldier Helm
Deserter Armor
Deserter Trousers - Hollow Soldier
Dagger - Hollow Assassin
Halberd - Large Hollow Soldier
Lothric Knight Sword
Lothric Knight Long Spear
Knight’s Crossbow
Lothric Knight Shield
Lothric Knight Greatshield
Lothric Knight Helm
Lothric Knight Armor
Lothric Knight Gauntlets
Lothric Knight Leggings - Lothric Knight
Winged Knight Halberd - Winged Knight
Symbol of Avarice - Mimic
Dark Sword
Dark Mask
Dark Armor
Dark Gauntlets
Dark Leggings
Pale Tongue - Darkwraith
Undead Settlement
-Foot of the High Wall Bonfire
Large Soul of a Deserted Corpse / Large Soul of a Proud Paladin
2x Alluring Skull
2x Homeward Bone
*it is best to NOT use Yoel's free level ups until the very last moment possible so as to save the maximum number of souls, that moment is just before killing the Abyss Watcher in Farron Keep and will be mentioned again at that time*
-Undead Settlement Bonfire
Small Leather Shield
2x Charcoal Pine Bundle
2x Repair Powder
2x Charcoal Pine Bundle
Loreta's Bone
*head across the bridge first and go inside the left hand path*
Large Soul of a Deserted Corpse / Large Soul of a Proud Paladin
Caduceus Round Shield
*turn around for now and take the right hand path*
Fading Soul
6x Firebomb
Plank Shield
2x Homeward Bone
Flame Stoneplate Ring = Careful with this one, make sure you are standing so that when you hit the hanging corpse he tumbles onto the ground not off the cliff
*sneak up behind the mob and use the cage to be transported to a new area*
Wargod Wooden Shield
-NPC – Mound Maker Covenant + Homeward Bone
Bloodlust = turn in 10x Vertebra Shackle
Warmth = turn in 30x Vertebra Shackle
Use the homeward bone and return to the bridge but instead of crossing, this time we are clearing the area
Soul of an Unknown Traveler / Soul of an Intrepid Hero
Estus Shard
9x Kukri = hanging in the tree
Titanite Shard
2x Charcoal Pine Resin
Large Soul of a Deserted Corpse / Large Soul of a Proud Paladin
*now fall down the hole*
Warrior of Sunlight Covenant (New Game)
Soul of an Unknown Traveler / Soul of an Intrepid Hero
Titanite Shard
Titanite Shard
2x Rusted Coins
-Crystal Lizard – Sharp Gem
-Invaded by Holy Knight Hodrick – Vertebra Shackle
-Dilapidated Bridge Bonfire = This is a good farm point, you can just toss magic at the Manservant then reset repeatedly for 500ish souls each kill
Fading Soul
Young White Branch
Young White Branch
Young White Branch
Large Soul of a Deserted Corpse / Large Soul of a Proud Paladin
Reinforced Club
Mortician's Ashes = make sure to turn this in at the Firelink Shrine and buy the new key it unlocks as soon as you get to the next bonfire
Poisonbite Ring+1 (New Game +1)
Blue Wooden Shield + Cleric Set
Undead Bone Shard
Great Scyth
*You do not need to fight this boss at the moment, but come this way anyway to open the door, we are headed up and to the right after exiting the doors*
Large Soul of a Deserted Corpse / Large Soul of a Proud Paladin
*jump down beside the bridge*
Titanite Shard
-Cliff Underside Bonfire
Hand Axe
Spotted Whip + Cornyx's Set = Appears if you summon the white phantom Great Swamp Cuculus in Smouldering Lake and defeat the Old Demon King
Soul of an Unknown Traveler / Soul of an Intrepid Hero
Fire Clutch Ring
*head back down now*
Large Soul of a Deserted Corpse / Large Soul of a Proud Paladin
3x Alluring Skull
*turn around and take the ladder under the cliff face*
-Mob - Bloodbite Ring
*Grave Key required*
Red Hilted Halberd
Soul of an Unknown Traveler / Soul of an Intrepid Hero
-Crystal Lizard – Heavy Gem
Titanite Shard
Titanite Shard
Blessed Red and White Shield+1 = Look up before going back inside
Saint's Talisman
Morne’s Great Hammer + Moaning Shield = Appears here if you do not anger Eygon and summon him as a White Phantom for the Dragonslayer Armour battle, or you could just murder him
*trigger the lift but get off right away, then take the new one up*
Soul of a Nameless Soldier / Soul of a Seasoned Warrior
-NPC - Young White Branch + Hawk Ring = Accept peace then kill him for the ring
*now take the lift all the way down*
-Mob - Irithyll Straight Sword = requires 12 STR and 14 DEX, if you are having trouble defeating the Boreal Outrider you can lure him back to the lift and he will fall down the shaft while you ride it up, you will still get his sword
-Road of Sacrifices Bonfire
*Turn around and take the lift up again, but this time jump off onto the platform mid-way up*
Life Ring+1 (New Game +1)
-Mob – Fire Gem
-NPC – Siegbrau = do not drink this if you want the Sunbro Armor
Homeward Bone
Large Club
Pale Tongue = with this item Leonhard will now give you the key to the locked door under the Tower on the Wall Bonfire
Northern Set
2x Red Bug Pellet
2x Alluring Skull
4x Human Pine Resin
Flynn's Ring
Covetous Silver Serpent Ring+2 (New Game +2) = visible from the previous ring's location
*jump carefully*
2x Homeward Bone
Mirrah Set
Chloranthy Ring
-BOSS - Pit of Hollows Bonfire
Sunset Set = Spawns in the Pit of Hollows after you complete Sirris' quest

Random drops you may have to farm for:
Falchion - Skeletons
Thrall Axe
Thrall Hood - Hollow Slave
Spiked Mace
Evangelist Hat
Evangelist Robe
Evangelist Gloves
Evangelist Trousers - Cathedral Evangelist
Great Wooden Hammer
Four-Pronged Plow
Worker Hat
Worker Garb
Worker Gloves
Worker Trousers - Peasant Hollow
Great Machete - Hollow Manservant
Road of Sacrifices
-Travel to - Road of Sacrifices Bonfire
Shivering Stone
Soul of an Unknown Traveler / Soul of an Intrepid Hero
Chloranthy Ring+2 (New Game +2)
-Mob – Butcher's Knife
Brigand Axe
Brigand Set
Brigand Twindaggers
Titanite Shard
*jump off the bridge*
Morne's Ring
Braille Divine Tome of Carim
-NPC – Blue Sentinels Covenant
-Halfway Fortress Bonfire
*hug the right hand wall and drop down*
Soul of an Unknown Traveler / Soul of an Intrepid Hero
Titanite Shard
*going to clear the right hand side area first*
Sellsword Set
Sellsword Twinblades
Farron Coal
*now clearing out the waterways, from here you can trap the giant crabs between a tree and the wall then snipe him to death*
-Mob – Great Swamp Ring
Great Swamp Pyromancy Tome
Conjurer's Set
-Invaded by Yellow Finger Heysel – Heysel's Pick + Xanthous Crown
4x Green Blossom
Lingering Dragoncrest Ring+1 (New Game +1)
Grass Crest Shield = increases stamina regen
Fallen Knight Set
2x Green Blossom
Sorcerer's Set
Sage Ring
*and finally clearing the dry ground portion back at the beginning*
Titanite Shard
Twin Dragon Greatshield
Fading Soul
Titanite Shard
-Crucifixion Woods Bonfire
Soul of an Unknown Traveler / Soul of an Intrepid Hero
Estus Shard
*now head inside the stone wall*
Heretic's Staff
*once across the bridge go left to find a hidden staircase*
2x Blue Bug Pellet
-Crystal Lizard – Crystal Gem
Ring of Sacrifice
*go through the hole in the wall halfway up the stairs*
Golden Falcon Shield
Large Soul of an Unknown Traveler / Large Soul of an Intrepid Hero
-Mobs – Great Club + Exile Greatsword
2x Homeward Bone
-Farron Keep Bonfire
*saving Farron Keep for later, for now go back and kill the Crystal Sage if you can*

Random drops you may have to farm for:
Black Knight Greatsword
Black Knight Shield
Black Knight Helm
Black Knight Armor
Black Knight Gauntlets
Black Knight Leggings - Black Knight
Pike - Lycanthrope Hunter
Long Sword
Light Crossbow
Wooden Shield - Sage’s Prentice
Sorcerer’s Staff - Sage’s Devout
Corvian Greatknife
Great Corvian Scythe - Corvian
Storyteller’s Staff - Corvian Storyteller
Cathedral of the Deep
-BOSS - Crystal Sage Bonfire = 1 NPC White Phantom available
- 2x Crystal Lizard – Twinkling Titanite
Herald Set
-Cathedral of the Deep Bonfire
Paladin's Ashes
Titanite Shard
Crest Shield
-Mob – Spider Shield
Large Soul of an Unknown Traveler / Large Soul of an Intrepid Hero
Notched Whip
-Cleansing Chapel Bonfire
Estus Shard
*do not drop down into the slime area yet*
Astora Greatsword
Fading Soul
Executioner's Greatsword
Large Soul of an Unknown Traveler / Large Soul of an Intrepid Hero
Large Soul of an Unknown Traveler / Large Soul of an Intrepid Hero
Young White Branch
Young White Branch
3x Repair Powder
Undead Bone Shard
Titanite Shard
Curse Ward Greatshield
*kick the ladder and NOW we head down*
Saint-tree Bellvine
-Crystal Lizard – Twinkling Titanite
Titanite Shard
-Crystal Lizard – Twinkling Titanite
Titanite Shard
Titanite Shard
-Giant Crystal Lizard – Titanite Scale
Poisonbite Ring = Use this when you go back to Farron Keep
*going back up*
2x Rusted Coin
Red Bug Pellet
Large Soul of an Unknown Traveler / Large Soul of an Intrepid Hero
3x Red Bug Pellet
3x Undead Hunter Charm
Soul of a Nameless Soldier / Soul of a Seasoned Warrior
Duel Charm
-Cleansing Chapel Bonfire
Deep Gem
Soul of a Nameless Soldier / Soul of a Seasoned Warrior
Loyd's Sword Ring
6x Exploding Bolt
Seek Guidance
*this is a good spot to snipe the knight below once he starts patrolling*
-Mimic – Deep Divine Braille Tome = do NOT give this to Irina, save it for Karla
-Mob - Aldrich's Sapphire
-Invaded by Longfinger Kirk – Barbed Straight Sword + Barbed Shield = defeat him and his armor spawns later on next to Rosaria
-Mob – Large Titanite Shard + 4xDung Pie
Soul of a Nameless Soldier / Soul of a Seasoned Warrior
Maiden Set
Saint Bident
2x Homeward Bone
Large Soul of an Unknown Traveler / Large Soul of an Intrepid Hero
-Cleansing Chapel Bonfire
-Mob – Large Titanite Shard + 4xDung Pie
Drang Shoes
Large Soul of an Unknown Traveler / Large Soul of an Intrepid Hero
Drang Hammers
Pale Tongue
Drang Armor
Drang Gauntlets
Ring of the Evil Eye+1 (New Game +1)
-BOSS - Deacons of the Deep Bonfire = 3 NPC White Phantoms available - before killing the boss, you may wish to use the available NPC Phantoms to help you farm for a full set of Cathedral Knight, Evangelist, and even Grave Warden equipment
Archdeacon Set = leave for this to spawn
*take the lift up and open the front door, then leave and when you return a new NPC will be standing by the next loot item UPDATE! In the current patch leaving appears to no longer be required*
3x Duel Charm
*trigger the cutscene by walking across the bridge then backtrack to the tower lift just outside the bonfire room*
-Mob – Deep Ring
Ring of Favor+2 (New Game +2)
Pale Tongue
Blessed Gem
-NPC – Rusted Coin
-Mob – Red Sign Soapstone (New Game)
-Rosaria's Bed Chamber Bonfire
Thorn Set
-NPC - Rosaria's Fingers Covenant = do NOT join this covenant till after you have completed Siris' questline or you will fail it
Black Eye Orb = spwans here as part of Leonhard's quest
Obscuring Ring = turn in 10x Pale Tongues
Man-Grub's Staff = turn in 30x Pale Tongues

Random drops you may have to farm for:
Spiked Mace
Evangelist Hat
Evangelist Robe
Evangelist Gloves
Evangelist Trousers - Cathedral Evangelist
Great Machete - Hollow Manservant
Great Mace
Cathedral Knight Greatsword
Cathedral Knight Greatshield
Heavy Crossbow
Cathedral Knight Helm
Cathedral Knight Armor
Cathedral Knight Gauntlets
Cathedral Knight Leggings - Knight of the Deep
Thrall Axe
Thrall Hood - Hollow Slave
Warden Twinblades
Grave Warden Hood
Grave Warden Robe
Grave Warden Wrap
Grave Warden Skirt - Cathedral Grave Warden
Long Sword
Light Crossbow
Dagger - Devout of the Deep
Halberd - Large Devout of the Deep
Symbol of Avarice - Mimic
Deacon Robe
Deacon Skirt - Deacon of the Deep
Farron Keep
-Travel to - Farron Keep Bonfire
*going left first*
Ragged Mask
Titanite Shard
Estus Shard
Titanite Shard
*do not go up the stairs just yet, clear out the swamp to the left first*
10x Prism Stone
Stone Parma
4x Rotten Pine Resin
Sage's Coal
*now go back to the stairs*
2x Rotten Pine Resin
*small detour into the swamp, just follow the item glows*
Titanite Shard
4x Purple Moss Clump
*backtrack to the tower path now*
Titanite Shard
2x Purple Moss Clump
Dark Stoneplate Ring+2 (New Game +2)
Wolf Ring+1 (New Game +1)
-Keep Ruins Bonfire
*look out over the swamp and you can snipe several mobs from here*
-Mob – Pharros' Hat
-Mob – Black Bow of Pharros
Poison Gem
Sage's Scroll
Titanite Shard
-Mob - Lingering Dragon Crest Ring
Young White Branch
Young White Branch
Dusk Crown
Soul of a Nameless Soldier / Soul of a Seasoned Warrior
6x Gold Pine Bundle
Large Soul of an Unknown Traveler / Large Soul of an Intrepid Hero
Undead Bone Shard
*go up the ladder*
-Old Wolf of Farron Bonfire
Old Wolf Curved Sword = turn in 10x Wolf's Blood Swordgrass
Wolf Knight's Greatshield + Wolf Ring = turn in 30x Wolf's Blood Swordgrass
-Crystal Lizard – Twinkling Titanite
-Illusory Wall – Dreamchaser's Ashes = after turning these in make sure to talk to Sirris to enable her summon signs
-Crystal Lizard – Large Titanite Shard
-Crystal Lizard – Large Titanite Shard
Lightning Spear
Dragon Crest Shield
-Crystal Lizard – Heavy Gem
-BOSS – Stray Demon
Havel’s Set = only spawns after defeating Havel in Archdragon Peak
*return to - Farron Keep Bonfire and go right this time*
3x Purple Moss Clump
Iron Flesh
-Invaded by the Pale Shade of Londor - Manikin Claws = Only invades if you angered Yuria by healing your dark sigils and/or killing her
Magic Stoneplate Ring+1 (New Game +1)
Rusted Gold Coin
2x Homeward Bone
*another spot you can snipe some giants from*
-Invaded by Yellowfinger Heyse - drops nothing if you already defeated him
*clearing the last items from the swamp now*
Large Soul of a Nameless Soldier / Large Soul of a Seasoned Warrior
Large Soul of a Nameless Soldier / Large Soul of a Seasoned Warrior
4x Repair Powder
Golden Scroll
Antiquated Set
Titanite Shard
Nameless Knight Set
2x Titanite Shards
Sunlight Talisman
Wolfs Blood Sungrass
*continue past the three torch door*
Shivering Stone
3x Black Bug Pellet
-Farron Keep Perimeter Bonfire = You can farm some good souls and items just by letting the Darkwraiths fight over and over again then killing off the survivors, this will also help you level up the Watchdogs of Farron and Rosaria's Fingers Covenants since the mobs drop Wolfs Blood Sungrass and Pale Tongues
*do not drop down just yet, come back after the lizard*
-Giant Crystal Lizard – 2x Titanite Scale
Great Magic Weapon
Hollow Gem
*Get your free levels from Yoel now, because he is about to die as soon as you enter the Catacombs behind the next boss, you can get 5x free levels by dying repeatedly between level ups. Also if you want to follow Anri's path instead of Yuria's path for this playthrough make sure to anger Yuria and kill the Pale Shade of Londor invader BEFORE killing this boss*
-BOSS - Abyss Watcher Bonfire = 4 NPC White Phantoms available - before killing the boss, you may wish to use the available NPC Phantoms to help you farm for a full set of Black Knight equipment or even 30x Pale Tongues & Wolf’s Blood Swordgrass
*Remember to talk to Hawkwood for the Farron Ring after defeating this boss, and if you also defeated the Greatwood and Crystal Sage bosses he will leave his shield outside the Firelink Shrine after all his dialogue is exhausted*
-Mob - Twinkling Dragon Head Stone = At the conclusion of Hawkwood’s questline, after you receive Hawkwood’s Swordgrass from the blacksmith

Random drops you may have to farm for:
Long Sword
Light Crossbow
Dagger - Hollow Soldier
Rotten Ghru Spear
Rotten Ghru Curved Sword
Rotten Ghru Dagger
Ghru Rotshield
Wolf’s Blood Swordgrass - Ghru
Corvian Greatknife
Great Corvian Scythe - Corvian
Storyteller’s Staff - Corvian Storyteller
Stone Greatshield - Elder Ghru
Dark Sword
Dark Mask
Dark Armor
Dark Gauntlets
Dark Leggings
Pale Tongue - Darkwraith
Catacombs of Carthus
2x Carthus Rouge
Ring of Steel Protection +2 (New Game +2)
*up the stairs first*
Soul of a Nameless Soldier / Soul of a Seasoned Warrior
*now down the ladder*
Soul of a Nameless Soldier / Soul of a Seasoned Warrior
-Illusory Wall – Carthus Pyromancy Tome
Sharp Gem
2x Titanite Shard
-Crystal Lizard – Twinkling Titanite
3x Bloodred Moss Clump
*back to the grand staircase, watch out for the skele-ball*
-Mob - Undead Bone Shard = kill the skeleton in a hat and the skele-ball dies leaving this behind
Thunder Stoneplate Ring+1 (New Game +1)
Carthus Milk Ring
Large Soul of an Unknown Traveler / Large Soul of an Intrepid Hero
Large Titanite Shard
-Catacombs of Carthus Bonfire
*once down the stairs, we are going right first*
-Invaded by Knight Slayer Tsorig – Knight Slayer's Ring = You can really abuse the AI with the skele-ball here
2x Titanite Shard
Carthus Bloodring
2x Titanite Shard
*up the middle passage or through the Illusory wall next to it, both lead to the same place*
Grave Warden's Ashes
Large Titanite Shard
3x Carthus Rouge
-Mob - Dark Gem = kill the skeleton in a hat and the skele-ball dies leaving this behind
*only one way left to go now*
-Crystal Lizard – Fire Gem
3x Yellow Bug Pellet
Large Soul of a Nameless Soldier / Large Soul of a Seasoned Warrior
2x Black Bug Pellet
-BOSS – High Lord Wolnir Bonfire
Grave Warden Pyromancy Tome
*Backtrack and attack the bridge to drop it into a makeshift ladder*

Random drops you may have to farm for:
Falchion - Skeleton
Carthus Curved Sword
Carthus Curved Greatsword
Carthus Shotel
Carthus Shield
Vertebra Shackle - Skeleton Swordsman
Bonewheel Shield - Skeleton Wheel
Smouldering Lake
-BOSS - Demon - you can run around agroing the mimic and skeletons and they will help fight the demon with you
-Mimic – Black Blade
Large Titanite Shard
Large Soul of a Nameless Soldier / Large Soul of a Seasoned Warrior
Old Sage's Blindfold + Witch's Ring
-Abandoned Tomb Bonfire
*Grab the nearby loot but head around the corner to the right*
Large Titanite Shard
Large Titanite Shard
Large Titanite Shard
Large Titanite Shard
-Crystal Lizard – Twinkling Titanite
-Crystal Lizard – Titanite Chunk
-Mob – Llewellyn Shield = You can tell Anri about this kill or not, if you tell her you get a ring right away, if you do not you get the ring a little later
2x Yellow Bug Pellet
Large Titanite Shard
Large Titanite Shard
*gonna grab a few things in the corners of the big area then move on to the worm*
Chaos Gem
Speckled Stoneplate Ring (must break wall with Ballista shot)
Large Titanite Shard
Shield of Want = increases souls collected
-Mob – Lightning Stake + Undead Bone Shard = You can snipe this creature to death from the safety of a pillar if you equip the Hawk Ring
Large Titanite Shard
-Demon Ruins Bonfire
-BOSS – Old Demon King Bonfire - 2 White Phantoms available - before killing the boss, you may wish to use the available NPC Phantoms to help you clear the ruins first and even farm for a Black Knight Greataxe or a full set of Black Knight equipment if you did not do so at Farron Keep, also remember to go back to the Undead Settlement for the newly spawned items if you use the NPC Phantoms to defeat the boss
*now take the stairs down and clear it out*
Undead Bone Shard
*hopefully you still have your summoned helpers, go straight to the far end of the hall and at the end of the passage there is an...*
-Illusory Wall – Black Knight Sword
Flame Stoneplate Ring +2 (New Game +2)
*continue on in same passage*
-Old King's Antechamber Bonfire = avoid resting at the bonfire if possible since we will need to backtrack, but go on and clear out the side rooms
-Illusory Wall – Estus Shard = inside bonfire room, only wall without roots
Izalith Pyromancy Tome
-Crystal Lizard – Chaos Gem
*now we backtrack all the way back past the room with the Black Knight, take a left then a right and straight ahead there will be an...*
-Illusory Wall – Quelana Pyromancy Tome
*to get the items in the lava - cast flash sweat, use your best fire resist armor, shield, and rings - then keep your shield block up while running out to the items*
Toxic Mist
White Hair Talisman
*next to the giant rat...*
-Illusory Wall – 3x Large Titanite Shard
-Illusory Wall - Izalith Staff
Titanite Scale
*left first*
-Mob – Fume Ultra Greatsword + Black Iron Greatshield
Sacred Flame
Soul of a Crestfallen Knight / Soul of a Champion
Dragonrider Bow
2x Homeward Bone
Bloodbite Ring+1 (New Game +1)

Random drops you may have to farm for:
Rotten Ghru Curved Sword
Rotten Ghru Spear
Rotten Ghru Dagger
Ghru Rotshield - Smoldering Ghru
Black Knight Greatsword
Black Knight Greataxe
Black Knight Shield
Black Knight Helm
Black Knight Armor
Black Knight Gauntlets
Black Knight Leggings - Black Knight
Bonewheel Shield - Skeleton Wheel
Symbol of Avarice - Avaricious Being
Irithyll of the Boreal Valley + Anor Londo
-Irithyll of the Boreal Valley Bonfire
*at this point you can tell Greirat to pillage Irithyll, but make sure you have given the Onion knight his armor back in the well outside the Cleansing Chapel Bonfire before doing so or he may die*
-Mob – Pontif's Right Eye = it is much easier to defeat this guy here and now than to let it respawn later on
Creighton’s Armor set = appears in the middle of the bridge after being invaded by, and defeating him
Homeward Bone
Large Soul of a Nameless Soldier / Large Soul of a Seasoned Warrior
Rime-blue Moss Clump
-Central Irithyll Bonfire
Soul of a Weary Warrior / Soul of an Old Hand
*now, if pursuing Sirri's questline; leave, return to the previous bonfire and a new kind of summon sign will appear just before the bridge that is required to progress her story; successfully complete this event and she will give you a Blessed Mail Breaker and the Silvercat Ring back at Firelink Shrine*
Soul of a Weary Warrior / Soul of an Old Hand
Large Titanite Shard
Budding Green Blossom
Large Soul of a Nameless Soldier / Large Soul of a Seasoned Warrior
2x Rime-blue Moss Clump
Large Titanite Shard
-Crystal Lizard – Twinkling Titanite
-Illusory Railing – Large Titanite Shard
-Mob – Dorhys' Gnawing
Witchtree Branch
*back to the main path*
Large Soul of a Nameless Soldier / Large Soul of a Seasoned Warrior
Large Titanite Shard
Large Titanite Shard
Soul of a Weary Warrior / Soul of an Old Hand
Soul of a Weary Warrior / Soul of an Old Hand
Lightning Gem
Chloranthy Ring+1 (New Game +1)
-Illusory Wall – Magic Clutch Ring
-Mob – Chameleon = attack and kill the statues for this if NOT doing Yuria's path
-Church of Yorshka Bonfire
Proof of a Concord Kept
Roster of Knights (New Game)
Fading Soul
*going right first*
Invaded by Creighton the Wanderer – Dragonslayer's Axe
Fading Soul
3x Homeward Bone
Undead Bone Shard
8x Kukri
Rusted Gold Coin
2x Blue Bug Pellet
Shivering Stone
Yorshka's Spear
Covetous Gold Serpent Ring+1 (New Game +1)
Blood Gem
-Illusory Wall – Crystal Lizard – Twinkling Titanite
3x Green Blossom
Ring of Sacrifice
Large Soul of a Nameless Soldier / Large Soul of a Seasoned Warrior
Great Heal
3x Green Blossom
Green Blossom
-Distant Manor Bonfire
*back to the waterways*
3x Dung Pie
3x Dung Pie
Greirat's Ashes = spawn here if you sent him to pillage without anyone to rescue him
Excrement-covered Ashes
-NPC – Emit Force + Siegbrau
-Mob - Divine Blessing
Divine Blessing
Smough's Great Hammer
Leo Ring
Wood Grain Ring+2 (New Game +2)
-Invaded by the Pale Shade of Londor = drops nothing if you already defeated him in Farron Keep, but does cause the Pale Shade armor set to spawn in Firelink Shrine if this is the 2nd time defeating him
Large Soul of a Nameless Soldier / Large Soul of a Seasoned Warrior
Large Titanite Shard
2x Blue Bug Pellet
Large Titanite Shard
Soul of a Weary Warrior / Soul of an Old Hand
*only jump down for this next one after opening the gate by the last item*
Ring of the Sun's First Born
-BOSS - Pontiff Sulyvahn Bonfire – 3 NPC white Phantoms available - before killing the boss, you may wish to use the available NPC Phantoms to help you farm for a full set of Pontiff Knight and Fire Witch equipment
2x Crystal Lizard – Twinkling Titanite = you may have to leave and come back for the 2nd lizard to respawn
Large Titanite Shard
*head underneath in the back left corner*
Dark Stoneplate Ring
Large Titanite Shard
*clearing out the interior next*
-Crystal Lizard – Simple Gem
Ring of Favor+1 (New Game +1)
-Mimic – Golden Ritual Spear
*now heading forward again*
-Mob – Drang Twinspears
*now clear out the center area*
Soul of a Weary Warrior / Soul of an Old Hand
Large Titanite Shard
-Illusory Wall – Mob - Ring of Favor = this is under the stairs leading up to the archers, and I suggest summoning help and/or using a bow + Eagle Ring to pull back and engage only one at a time
Human Dregs
Deep Gem
-Water Reserve Bonfire
Great Deep Soul = turn in 10x Human Dregs
Archdeacon's Great Staff = turn in 30x Human Dregs
*continuing up*
Titanite Scale
Large Titanite Shard
Easterner's Ashes
Large Titanite Shard
Dragonslayer Greatbow + 5xDragonslayer Greatarrow = do NOT drop down for this one until after opening up the shortcut door
-Illusory Wall – Brass Set = the giant statue is an illusion
-NPC - Sword of Avowel + Chameleon = only here if doing Yuria's path
Anri's Straight Sword = only here if doing Yuria's path, you have to leave and return for it to spawn
Reversal Ring
-Anor Londor Bonfire
-Illusory Bridge = with the tower in the “up” position, the lowest bridge actually does connect to that tower in the distance with an invisible walkway
-Prison Tower Bonfire
Darkmoon Ring = turn in 10x Proof of a Concord Kept
Darkmoon Blade = turn in 30x Proof of a Concord Kept
*drop down carefully to get all the loot*
Painting Guardian’s Curved Sword
Painting Guardian Set
Havel’s Ring +2 (New Game +2)
-Travel to – Anor Londo Bonfire
Large Soul of a Weary Warrior / Soul of a Venerable Old Hand
*if following Anri's path, use and successfully complete the summon sign ahead, then you can pick up Anri's Straight Sword from Ludleth back at Firelink Shrine and once you kill her either in Smouldering Lake or Cathedral of the Deep her path is complete and you can buy the Elite Knight Armor set from the Shrinemaiden*
Soul of a Crestfallen Knight / Soul of a Champion
Giant's Coal
Proof of a Concord Kept
6x Moonlight Arrows
Estus Shard
-Mob – Aldrich's Ruby
-BOSS – Aldrich, Devourer of Gods Bonfire
Sun Princess Ring
-Mob - Crescent Moon Sword + Silver Mask = Invade Leonhard's world at the end of his questline
*before continuing on, you can now finish Sirris' questline by going to where the Curse-Rotted Greatwood used to be and successfully completing her summon sign event then talking with her in Firelink Shrine – accept her vow and her armor set spawns in the Pit of Hollows and her shield spawns outside the Firelink Shrine, but do not join Rosaria's Fingers just yet if you still want the Sunset Talisman*

Random drops you may have to farm for:
Immolation Tinder
Fire Witch Helm
Fire Witch Armor
Fire Witch Gauntlets
Fire Witch Leggings - Burning Stake Witch
Spiked Mace
Evangelist Hat
Evangelist Robe
Evangelist Gloves
Evangelist Trousers - Cathedral Evangelist
Silver Knight Shield
Silver Knight Helm
Silver Knight Armor
Silver Knight Gauntlets
Silver Knight Leggings
Proof of a Concord Kept - Silver Knight
Symbol of Avarice – Mimic
Pontiff Knight Curved Sword
Pontiff Knight Great Scythe
Pontiff Knight Shield
Pontiff Knight Crown
Pontiff Knight Armor
Pontiff Knight Gauntlets
Pontiff Knight Leggings - Pontiff Knight
Corvian Greatknife - Corvian
Deacon Robe
Deacon Skirt
Human Dregs - Deacon of the Deep
Irithyll Dungeon
-Travel to - Distant Manor Bonfire
*jump off the side of the stairs down*
Rusted Gold Coin
Large Titanite Shard
-Invaded by Alva, Seeker of the Spurned – Murakumo
-Irithyll Dungeon Bonfire
Rusted Coin
Large Titanite Shard
Rusted Gold Coin = requires Jailer's Key Ring from next zone
Fading Soul
Large Titanite Shard
Bellowing Dragoncrest Ring = requires Jailbreaker's Key
*going down*
Prisoner Chief’s Ashes = requires Jailer's Key Ring from next zone
Large Soul of a Nameless Soldier / Large Soul of a Seasoned Warrior
Old Sorcerer Set
-Mob – Great Magic Shield
*now back up*
Large Titanite Shard
2x Pale Pine Resin
*get the key up here then go down*
Jailbreaker's Key
Simple Gem
-Crystal Lizard – Titanite Scale
2x Homeward Bone
-Mimic – Estus Shard
Soul of a Weary Warrior / Soul of an Old Hand
-Crystal Lizard -Titanite Chunk
Soul of a Crestfallen Knight / Soul of a Champion
*equip the Silvercat Ring if you have it, and jump down - or you can snipe the rats before doing so*
-Mob – Titanite Chunk + 4xDung Pie
Large Titanite Shard
Profaned Flame
Large Titanite Shard
*ride the lift and open up the shortcut then come back*
Covetous Silver Serpent Ring+1 (New Game +1, on ledge off elevator)
-Mimic – 10x Dragonslayer Lightning Arrow
9x Lightning Bolt
*going straight first*
Soul of a Weary Warrior / Soul of an Old Hand
-Mimic – Dark Clutch Ring
Old Cell Key
4x Dung Pie
*going left first*
Large Titanite Shard
Dragon Torso Stone
Large Soul of a Nameless Soldier / Large Soul of a Seasoned Warrior
*open the shortcut then backtrack grabbing the next item on the way down*
Lightning Blade
Profaned Coal
Alva Set
-Mimic – 2x Titanite Scale
Xanthous Ashes
Dusk Crown Ring
*you will need the Jailer's Key Ring from next zone to rescue Karla*
Large Soul of a Weary Warrior / Soul of a Venerable Old Hand
*you can snipe the Gargoyle from the stairs as he will not follow you up them*

Random drops you may have to farm for:
Tailbone Spear
Tailbone Short Sword - Wretch
Symbol of Avarice – Mimic
Soldering Iron
Aristocrat’s Mask
Jailer Robe
Jailer Gloves
Jailer Trousers - Jailer
Profaned Capital
Undead Bone Shard
-Profaned Capital Bonfire
*going down the ladder inside the tower first*
Magic Stoneplate Ring+2 (New Game +2)
2x Rusted Coin
*careful not to fall into the holes in the floor*
2x Crystal Lizard – Twinkling Titanite
Rusted Gold Coin
3x Blooming Purple Moss Clump
*you can snipe from up here or just drop down*
Purging Stone
Cursebite Ring
Poison Gem
Shivering Stone
-Mobs - Eleonora + 6xDung Pie
3x Purging Stone
Flame Stoneplate Ring+1 (New Game +1) = you have to jump down to it
-Mob – 2x Dung Pie
Court Sorcerer Set
-Mimic – Court Sorcerer Staff
-Mob – Logan's Scroll
18x Poison Arrow
Wrath of the Gods
*go back to the roof of the church and run/jump over to the open window, also the Old Cell Key is required*
Covetous Gold Serpent Ring
-NPC – Titanite Slab
Jailer's Key Ring = with this you can go back and get the items that had been locked away, you can also rescue Karla now
8x Onislayer Arrow
Large Soul of a Weary Knight / Soul of a Venerable Old Hand
*after taking care of the handmaidens casting fireballs at you, go back to the bridge and drop down for...*
Onislayer Great Bow
Rusted Coin
Rusted Coin
-Mimic – Greatshield of Glory
-Mimic – 2x Rusted Gold Coin
Storm Ruler
-BOSS - Yhorm the Giant Bonfire
-NPC – Siegbrau
*leave and when you return the following will have spawned if you completed Onion bro's questline*
Storm Ruler + Pierce Shield + Catarina Set

Random drops you may have to farm for:
Symbol of Avarice – Mimic
Gargoyle Flame Hammer
Gargoyle Flame Spear - Headless Gargoyle
Handmaid’s Dagger – Jailer
Consumed King’s Garden
-Travel to – Vordt of the Boreal Valley Bonfire
-BOSS – Dancer of the Boreal Valley Bonfire
*you can grab the item in front of you then run to the next bonfire without fighting if you like*
Soul of a Crestfallen Knight / Soul of a Champion
-Lothric Castle Bonfire
Soul of a Weary Warrior / Soul of an Old Hand
Estus Shard
*from here you can snipe the knight and once he is in the purple mist he will die from the toxins*
Titanite Chunk
*this is a great spot to snipe from*
Sage Ring+2 (New Game +2)
Wood Grain Ring+1 (New Game +1)
Ring of Sacrifice
2x Black Firebomb
Shadow set
Human Pine Resin
Dark gem
Titanite Chunk
Titanite Chunk
2x Human Pine Resin
*take the lift up*
Titanite Scale
Titanite Chunk
*open the shortcut then take the lift again, but this time jump off onto the midway platform*
Dragonscale Ring
-Mob – Magic Stoneplate Ring
-BOSS – Oceiros, the Consumed King Bonfire – 1 NPC White Phantom available
Path of the Dragon (New Game)
Drakeblood set = appears to spawn after killing the Drakeblood Knight in Archdragon Peak
Titanite Scale
Titanite Scale
-Illusory Wall

Random drops that you may have to farm for:
Great Mace
Cathedral Knight Greatsword
Cathedral Knight Greatshield
Heavy Crossbow
Cathedral Knight Helm
Cathedral Knight Armor
Cathedral Knight Gauntlets
Cathedral Knight Leggings - Consumed King’s Knight
Thrall Axe
Thrall Hood - Hollow Slave
Untended Graves
-Untended Graves Bonfire
Shivering Stone
Ashen Estus Ring
Soul of a Crestfallen Knight / Soul of a Champion
Titanite Chunk
Titanite Chunk
-Invaded by Daughter of Crystal Kriemhild
*the same trick in Cemetery of Ash works here as well; lure them to the cliff and let them roll off the edge to get easy kills*
2x Giant Crystal Lizard – 2xTitanite Scale
Hidden Blessing
Black Knight Glaive
-BOSS – Champion Gundyr Bonfire – 1 NPC White Phantom available
Chaos Blade
Soul of a Crestfallen Knight / Soul of a Champion
Hornet Ring
Coiled Sword Fragment
-Illusory Wall – Eyes of a Firekeeper
Blacksmith Hammer
Hollow's Ashes = only appears if Yoel died but Yuria did NOT take his place
Life Ring+3 (New Game +2)
Seed of a Giant Tree = may or may not be here
Ring of Steel Protection+1 (New Game +1)

Random drops you may have to farm for:
Warden Twinblades
Grave Warden Hood
Grave Warden Robe
Grave Warden Wrap
Grave Warden Skirt - Cathedral Grave Warden
Black Knight Greatsword
Black Knight Greataxe
Black Knight Shield
Black Knight Helm
Black Knight Armor
Black Knight Gauntlets
Black Knight Leggings - Black Knight
Cleric’s Sacred Chime - Grave Warden
Corvian Greatknife
Great Corvian Scythe - Corvian
Storyteller’s Staff - Corvian Storyteller
Lothric Castle
-Travel to - Lothric Castle Bonfire
Prayer set
Titanite Chunk
Titanite Chunk
Twinkling Titanite
-Illusory Wall – Winged Knight Set = up the ladder
Sacred Bloom Shield
Large Soul of a Weary Warrior / Soul of a Venerable Old Hand
2x Titanite Chunk
-Dragon Barracks Bonfire
*drop down under bridge on the near side*
Titanite Chunk
Large Soul of a Nameless Soldier / Large Soul of a Seasoned Warrior
Raw Gem
*this is a good spot to snipe the dragon from*
-Mob – Irithyll Rapier
2x Twinkling Titanite
Twinkling Titanite
Titanite Scale
Spirit Tree Crest Shield
Refined Gem
6x Lightning Urn
3x Black Firebomb
Titanite Scale
Pale Pine Resin
-Mimic – 3x Titanite Scale
Large Soul of a Weary Warrior / Soul of a Venerable Old Hand
Large Soul of a Nameless Soldier / Large Soul of a Seasoned Warrior
-Mob – 2xTitanite Chunk + 2xEmber
Titanite Chunk
-Crystal Lizard – 2x Twinkling Titanite = for some odd reason this lizard despawns if you kill the other one first
Titanite Scale
Life Ring+2 (New Game +1)
-Crystal Lizard – 2x Twinkling Titanite
3x Lightning Urn
Large Soul of a Nameless Soldier / Large Soul of a Seasoned Warrior
Sniper Crossbow + 11xSniper Bolts
*now drop down under bridge on the far side*
Undead Bone Shard
Titanite Chunk
Titanite Chunk
2x Twinkling Titanite
return to the portcullis entrance to the castle proper
Sunlight Medal
*around the corner to the left is a ladder*
Titanite Chunk
Knight's Ring
3x Titanite Scale
Sacred Oath = turn in 10x Sunlight Medal
Great Lightning Spear = turn in 30x Sunlight Medal
*going left, you can snipe the corruption before jumping down, remember to equip the Silvercat Ring if you have it*
-Mob - 2xTitanite Chunk + 2xEmber
Soul of a Crestfallen Knight / Soul of a Champion
-Mimic – Sunlight Straight Sword
Braille Divine Tome of Lothric
Dark Stoneplate Ring+1 (New Game +1)
*now climb back up and go right this time*
2x Rusted Coins
Titanite Scale
Red Tearstone Ring
*equip the Silvercat Ring if you have it and drop down carefully*
Thunder Stoneplate Ring+2 (New Game +2)
Caitha's Chime
*you can snipe the knights at the bottom before jumping all the way down*
-BOSS – Dragonslayer Armour Bonfire – 2 NPC White Phantoms available
*if you never angered Eygon you can now go back to the Undead Settlement to collect his weapon and shield from Irinia's original cell*

Random drops you may have to farm for:
Long Sword
Iron Round Shield
Steel Soldier Helm
Deserter Armor
Deserter Trousers - Hollow Soldier
Dagger - Hollow Assassin
Halberd - Large Hollow Soldier
Lothric Knight Sword
Lothric Knight Long Spear
Lothric Knight Greatsword
Knight’s Crossbow
Lothric Knight Shield
Lothric Knight Greatshield
Lothric Knight Helm
Lothric Knight Armor
Lothric Knight Gauntlets
Lothric Knight Leggings
Sunlight Medal - Lothric Knight
Winged Knight Halberd
Winged Knight Twinaxes - Winged Knight
Symbol of Avarice - Mimic
Grand Archives
Titanite Chunk
Grand Archives Key
Gotthard's Twinswords
-Grand Archives Bonfire
Titanite Chunk
-Crystal Lizard – Crystal Gem + Twinkling Titanite
Soul of a Crestfallen Knight / Soul of a Champion
Titanite Chunk
Titanite Scale
Titanite Chunk
Crystal Chime
-Crystal Lizard – Twinkling Titanite + Chaos Gem
-Crystal Lizard – 2xTwinkling Titanite
Soul of a Nameless Soldier / Soul of a Seasoned Warrior
Power Within = pull the lever to reveal the hidden room
Witch's Locks
Titanite Scale
-Crystal Lizard – 2xTwinkling Titanite
Titanite Chunk
3x Homeward Bone
Titanite Chunk
Titanite Scale = jumping down a very short distance
Avelyn = from the last item you can attempt to jump to this item, just make sure you kicked down the short cut ladder first and have equipped the Silvercat Ring
Titanite Slab = requires that you have pulled the lever on the 2nd floor
Titanite Scale
-Illusory Wall – Mob - Boreal Outrider set
Soul Stream
Titanite Scale = next to the ladder down to the Crystal Sage, hidden around the corner
Shivering Stone
Scholar Ring = pull the lever to reveal the hidden treasure and open a shortcut
-Mob – Crystal Scroll
-Crystal Lizard – 2xTitanite Scale = drop off next to where boss was
*continuing up*
Orbeck's Ashes = spawn here after defeating the twin princes if you completed his questline
3x Titanite Scale
Large Soul of a Crestfallen Knight / Soul of a Great Champion
-Crystal Lizard – Twinkling Titanite + Refined Gem
Fleshbite Ring
Titanite Chunk
*dropping off the edge*
Titanite Chunk
Hollow Gem
*running jump*
Greirat's Ashes = spawn here if you sent him to pillage Lothric Castle
3x Titanite Scale
*back up*
Soul of a Weary Warrior / Soul of an Old Hand
-Crystal Lizard – Twinkling Titanite + Heavy Gem
-Crystal Lizard – Twinkling Titanite + Sharp Gem = if you scare the gargoyle away with a bow shot, then quickly kill one lizard and quit the game the other lizard should reappear allowing you to get both in one run
Titanite Chunk
Undead Bone Shard
2x Titanite Chunk
*after opening up all these shortcuts you may want to return to the Bonfire to refresh yourself*
-Mob – Sage's Crystal Staff
-Mob - Onikiri and Ubadachi
-Mob - Golden Wing Crest Shield
Large Soul of a Crestfallen Knight / Soul of a Great Champion
*going up top*
Soul of a Crestfallen Knight / Soul of a Champion
-Mob – Titanite Slab
Estus Shard
Hunter's Ring
Lingering Dragoncrest Ring+2 (New Game +2)
Divine Pillars of Light
Blessed Gem
Sage Ring+1 (New Game +1)
3x Twinkling Titanite
Divine Blessing
Titanite Slab = You must activate the elevator just next to the boss fight. If you first access the elevator then ride it all the way down. Get off in a room just before the Dragonslayer Armour boss fight. Trigger the elevator but immediately jump out, a different elevator platform will rise in its place
-BOSS – Twin Princes Bonfire – 2 NPC White Phantoms available
*if following Sirris' quest and have summoned her you should now find her talisman at the same spot you found her shield outside Firelink Shrine, also it is now safe to join Rosaria's Fingers covenant*
*if following Orbeck's quest and you summoned him, you should now find his ashes back in the Grand Archives*
-Flameless Shrine Bonfire
-Kiln of the First Flame Bonfire

Titanite Slab = sold by the Shrinemaiden after defeating the Soul of Cinder

Random drops you may have to farm for:
Long Sword
Light Crossbow
Iron Round Shield
Steel Soldier Helm
Deserter Armor
Deserter Trousers - Royal Guard
Thrall Axe
Thrall Hood - Hollow Slave
Lothric Knight Sword
Lothric Knight Long Spear
Lothric Knight Greatsword
Lothric Knight Shield
Lothric Knight Greatshield
Lothric Knight Helm
Lothric Knight Armor
Lothric Knight Gauntlets
Lothric Knight Leggings - Lothric Knight
Winged Knight Halberd
Winged Knight Twinaxes - Gertrude’s Knight
Scholar’s Candlestick
Scholar’s Robe - Grand Archives Scholar
Gargoyle Flame Hammer
Gargoyle Flame Spear - Gargoyle
Corvian Greatknife
Great Corvian Scythe - Corvian
Storyteller’s Staff - Corvian Storyteller
Archdragon Peak
-Travel to - Irithyll Dungeon Bonfire
*to get to Archdragon Peak you need to take the elevator down, run over to the ladder, then drop down onto the path, take the tunnel ahead and on the right, then hug the left hand side till you see daylight, at this point you need to perform the Path of the Dragon gesture on the empty mat and wait, this is the same spot where we got the Dragon Torso Stone*
Soul of a Weary Warrior / Soul of an Old Hand
Lightning Gem
2x Homeward Bone
Titanite Chunk
-Archdragon Peak Bonfire
Soul of a Nameless Soldier / Soul of a Seasoned Warrior
Titanite Chunk
Titanite Chunk
Ancient Dragon Greatshield
Lightning Clutch Ring
-BOSS - Dragon Head Stone
Large Soul of a Weary Warrior / Soul of a Venerable Old Hand
6x Stalk Dung Pie
Ring of Steel Protection = hidden around the corner from the previous three items
Large Soul of a Nameless Soldier / Large Soul of a Seasoned Warrior
4x Lightning Urn
Titanite Chunk
2x Twinkling Titanite
3x Dung Pie
2x Titanite Chunk
12x Lightning Bolt
2x Twinkling Titanite
-Dragon-kin Mausoleum Bonfire
-Mob – Drakeblood Greatsword
Calamity Ring = Use the Path of the Dragon Gesture in front of the dragon statue
Titanite Scale
Titanite Scale
Titanite Scale
Soul of a Crestfallen Knight / Soul of a Champion
Dragonslayer Spear
Thunder Stoneplate Ring
-Crystal Lizard – 3x Twinkling Titanite
3x Titanite Scale
Soul of a Weary Warrior / Soul of an Old Hand
-BOSS - Titanite Chunk x6 + Titanite Scale x3 + Twinkling Titanite x3
-Mob - Ricard’s Rapier
-Great Belfry Bonfire - this is a good spot to farm for Mendicant’s Staves
Large Soul of a Crestfallen Knight / Soul of a Great Champion
3x Twinkling Titanite
-Mob – Dragon Tooth + Havel's Greatshield
Titanite Slab
Great Magic Barrier = have to jump off the side with a Silvercat Ring on
Dragon Chaser's Ashes
Havel’s Ring+1 (New Game +1)
Twinkling Dragon Torso Stone = to get this you need to have summoned Hawkwood and then perform the Path of the Dragon gesture where he disapears
-BOSS - Nameless King Bonfire
Titanite Slab
Covetous Gold Serpent Ring+2 (New Game +2)
Dragonslayer set
*remember to go back to Farron Keep after this, Havel's set will have spawned behind where the Stray Demon used to be and after talking to the Blacksmith, Hawkwood will be waiting for you by the Abyss Watcher Bonfire*

Random drops you may have to farm for:
Mendicant’s Staff - Serpent-man Summoner
Man Serpent Hatchet - Serpent-man
DLC: Ashes of Ariandel
2x Rime-Blue Moss Clump
-Snowfield Bonfire
Large Soul of an Unknown Traveler / Large Soul of an Intrepid Hero
Poison Gem
Rime-Blue Moss Clump
Rusted Coin
*Hug the wall back where you fell around and to the left as you are facing the wall*
Large Soul of an Unknown Traveler / Large Soul of an Intrepid Hero
Follower Javelin
Large Soul of an Unknown Traveler / Large Soul of an Intrepid Hero
-Mob – 3x Large Titanite Shards
Large Soul of an Unknown Traveler / Large Soul of an Intrepid Hero
6x Homeward Bone
Soul of a Weary Warrior / Soul of an Old Hand
Large Soul of a Weary Warrior / Soul of a Venerable Old Hand
Captain's Ashes
Millwood Battleaxe
Ethereal Oak Shield
-Cryztal Lizard – Twinkling Titanite
Blessed Gem
Heavy Gem
Millwood Greatbow & 5 Millwood Great Arrow
-Mob – 3x Large Titanite Shards
Large Soul of an Unknown Traveler / Large Soul of an Intrepid Hero
-Rope Bridge Cave Bonfire
*turn away from the bridge for the time being*
2x Black Fire Bomb
Frozen Weapon
Large Titanite Shard
*now go back and cross the bridge*
Hollow Gem
-Ariandel Chapel Bonfire
-NPC – Chillbite Ring
*attack the bridge until it falls, then CAREFULLY mount it and slide down*
4x Rime-Blue Moss Clump
-Crystal Lizard – Twinkling Titanite
Follower Saber
-Depths of the Painting Bonfire
-BOSS - Champion's Gravetender Bonfire - Valorheart
-Mob – Crystal Gem
2x Homeward Bone
Snap Freeze
*climb the ladder that appeared*
Titanite Slab
Shriving Stone
-Crystal Lizard – Large Titanite Shard
-Rope Bridge Cave Bonfire
Large Soul of an Unknown Traveler / Large Soul of an Intrepid Hero
3x Budding Green Blossom
Large Soul of an Unknown Traveler / Large Soul of an Intrepid Hero
-NPC - Titanite Slab *after completing the Ashes of Ariandel DLC*
-Corvian Settlement Bonfire
Simple Gem
Large Soul of an Unknown Traveler / Large Soul of an Intrepid Hero
-Crystal Lizard – 2x Large Titanite Shard
Crow Quills
Dark Gem
Large Soul of an Unknown Traveler / Large Soul of an Intrepid Hero
Large Soul of an Unknown Traveler / Large Soul of an Intrepid Hero
Crow Talons
Slave Set
3x Rusted Gold Coin
-Crystal Lizard – Twinkling Titanite
Large Soul of a Weary Warrior / Soul of a Venerable Old Hand
Soul of a Crestfallen Knight / Soul of a Champion
Way of White Corona
Young White Branch
2x Rusted Coin
-Mob - Onyx Blade
-Snowy Mountain Pass Bonfire *a good spot to farm for the complete Follower Set*
10x Prism Stone
Titanite Chunk
Titanite Chunk
Follower Shield
Soul of a Crestfallen Knight / Soul of a Champion
Large Soul of a Crestfallen Knight / Soul of a Great Champion
Soul of a Crestfallen Knight / Soul of a Champion
Earth Seeker
2x Large Titanite Shard
Follower Torch
Quakestone Hammer
2x Large Titanite Shard
2x Dung Pie
Blood Gem
Vilhelm's Set
-Illusory Wall – 2x Crystal Lizard – Twinkling Titanite *2nd one requires a zone reload*
Pyromancer's Parting Flame & 2x Homeward Bone
-Invaded by Livid Pyromancer Dunnel – Floating Chaos
-BOSS - Sister Friede Bonfire - 1 NPC White Phantom available - Titanite Slab

Random drops you may have to farm for:
Follower Helm
Follower Armor
Follower Gloves
Follower Boots - Farron Followers
DLC: The Ringed City
-The Dreg Heap Bonfire
Old Woman's Ashes *kill the Stone-humped Hag or otherwise let her expire naturally and come back at the end of the DLC*
Titanite Chunk
Aquamarine Dagger
Titanite Scale
Soul of a Weary Warrior / Soul of an Old Hand
Twinkling Titanite
Murky Hand Scyth
Divine Blessing
4x Lightning Urn
Ring of Steel Protection +3
Soul of a Crestfallen Knight / Soul of a Champion
2x Rusted Coin
Titanite Chunk
Murky Longstaff
-Illusory Wall – Ember
Great Soul Dregs
Covetous Silver Serpent Ring +3
-Mob – 2x Twinkling Titanite
*go back to where the two Lothric Knights were and cross the new bridge, talk to the npc, then hug the wall into a drop on the RIGHT side of the parapet*
Projected Heal
Large Soul of a Weary Warrior / Soul of a Venerable Old Hand
Lothric War Banner
*you will have to return up top to get these next two items*
Titanite Chunk
3x Homeward Bone
-Earthen Peak Ruins Bonfire
-NPC - Siegbrau *after you loot the Titanite Slab ahead or appears here after the Demon Prince is defeated*
4x Black Fire Bomb
Twinkling Titanite
Titanite Chunk
Desert Pyromancer Garb
2x Titanite Chunk
Giant Door Shield
Titanite Scale *over top of the safe area between angels*
4x Purple Moss Clump *if you haven't already, you might want to start using Hidden Body to hide from the angels' bolts*
Desert Pyromancer Gloves
Desert Pyromancer Skirt
Ring of Favor +3
Large Soul of a Weary Warrior / Soul of a Venerable Old Hand
Titanite Slab
Titanite Chunk
Large Soul of a Weary Warrior / Soul of a Venerable Old Hand
Titanite Chunk
Herald Curved Greatsword
Homeward Bone
Titanite Chunk
-Mob – 2x Twinkling Titanite
-Mob - Flame Fan
6x Prism Stone
Desert Pyromancer Hood
Divine Blessing
-Mob – 2x Twinkling Titanite
-Within the Earthen Peak Ruins Bonfire
-BOSS - The Demon Prince Bonfire - 2 NPC White Phantoms available
Small Envoy Banner
Titanite Scale
-Mausoleum Lookout Bonfire
Ruin Set
2x Budding Green Blossom
-Mob - Divine Blessing
2x Titanite Chunk
Large Soul of a Weary Warrior / Soul of a Venerable Old Hand
2x Budding Green Blossom
Hidden Blessing
Soul of a Crestfallen Knight / Soul of a Champion
-Crystal Lizard – Twinkling Titanite & Titanite Scale
2x Purging Stone
-Ringed Inner Wall Bonfire
-NPC - Siegbrau
Hollow Gem
Titanite Chunk
Twinkling Titanite
Shriving Stone
-NPC - Sacred Chime of Filianore
-NPC - Titanite Slab *after defeating Midir*
Shira's Set *after defeating her invasion at the end of the game*
Titanite Chunk
2x Mossfruit
-Invaded by Seeker of the Spurned - Wolf Ring +3
Black Witch Set
2x Mossfruit
Ringed Knight Spear
Large Soul of a Crestfallen Knight / Soul of a Great Champion
White Preacher Head
Dark Gem
4x Prism Stone
-Ringed City Streets Bonfire
Titanite Chunk
Soul of a Crestfallen Knight / Soul of a Champion
-Crystal Lizard – 2x Twinkling Titanite
Covetous Gold Serpent Ring +3
-Invaded by Silver Knight Ledo - Ledo's Great Hammer
2x Titanite Chunk
Havel's Ring +3
Twinkling Titanite
Large Soul of a Weary Warrior / Soul of a Venerable Old Hand
-Mob - Hidden Blessing
Titanite Chunk
Ringed Knight Straight Sword
Preacher's Right Arm
Soul of a Weary Warrior / Soul of an Old Hand
Soul of a Weary Warrior / Soul of an Old Hand
White Birch Bow
Titanite Chunk
Young White Branch
Young White Branch
Young White Branch
Church Guardian Shiv (New Game)
Soul of a Crestfallen Knight / Soul of a Champion
Titanite Scale
Titanite Scale
-Mob - Iron Dragonslayer Set
Titanite Chunk
Black Witch Veil
Twinkling Titanite
-Ringed City Streets Bonfire
*Step out into the swamp and cast Chameleon or use Young White Branches until you turn into a black ghost, then WALK back past the bonfire to the wall that reads "Show your humanity" to make a ladder drop down*
-Mob - Divine Blessing
Dragonhead Shield
Large Soul of a Crestfallen Knight / Soul of a Great Champion
Purging Monument *remember to talk to Lapp again after interacting with this*
*Heading back to the dragon guarded path, check under the bridge for...*
Titanite Scale
Dragonhead Greatshield
Soul of a Weary Warrior / Soul of an Old Hand
2x Titanite Scale
2x Titanite Scale
Large Soul of a Weary Warrior / Soul of a Venerable Old Hand
Blessed Gem
-Mimic – Ring of the Evil Eye +3
-Crystal Lizard – Twinkling Titanite & Titanite Scale
-Invaded by Moaning Knight - Blindfold Mask
Lightning Gem
Simple Gem
Lapp's Set
-Shared Grave Bonfire
Titanite Scale
-Illusory Wall – Large Soul of a Weary Warrior / Soul of a Venerable Old Hand
-Illusory Wall – Lightning Arrow
-Crystal Lizard – 2x Titanite Scale
-Illusory Wall – Filianore's Spear Ornament
Antiquated Plain Garb & Violet Wrappings
*turn back at this point, an optional boss is at the bottom of the next drop off*
Chloranthy Ring +3
-Mob - Ringed Knight Paired Greatswords
3x Budding Green Blossom
Ritual Spear Fragment (New Game)
Young Grass Dew = turn in 10x Filianore's Spear Ornament
Divine Spear Fragment = turn in 30x Filianore's Spear Ornament
2x Twinkling Titanite
-BOSS - Church of Filianore Bonfire - 1 NPC White Phantom available - Titanite Slab & Filianore's Spear Ornament
*return to the Illusory Wall above and attempt the option boss...*
-BOSS - Darkeater Midir Bonfire - 1 NPC White Phantom available
*go back and report success to Shira before going on if you so choose*

-Filianore's Rest Bonefire
-Mob - Titanite Slab
-Invaded by Shira - Crucifix of the Mad King
-BOSS – Slave Knight Gael Bonfire
*remember to go back and loot Shira's Set*

Random drops you may have to farm for:
Harald Legion Armor
Harald Legion Gauntlets
Harald Legion Leggings - Harald Legion Knight
Human Dregs - Murkmen
Filianore's Spear Ornament
Ringed Knight Hood
Ringed Knight Armor
Ringed Knight Gauntlet
Ringed Knight Leggings - Ringed Knights
Crow Trades & Soul Transpositions
For crow trades and soul transpositions please check my other guide here:
32 comentário(s)
Drake Ravenwolf  [autor(a)] 17/mai./2023 às 15:25 
Hmmm no... I count 14 here, the only unlisted one is from a Crow trade which is covered by another of my guides
Mynx-In-Match 17/mai./2023 às 15:13 
Missing several Titanite Slabs.
WhisperViz 27/fev./2019 às 0:11 
This is what i need to complete the missing item without having to read a full walkthrough :D
Destin-Furry 1/jul./2018 às 15:29 
Boss items is the boss weapons, so soul transmu is what i'm searching, and well, this guide will help me, A LOT
Drake Ravenwolf  [autor(a)] 1/jul./2018 às 15:19 
My other guides have the boss soul transmutations tho
Drake Ravenwolf  [autor(a)] 1/jul./2018 às 15:19 
new game plus = Yes
+1 etc rings = Yes
boss items = No, just the bosses themselves
do you maybe have the same guide for dark souls 2 = no
Destin-Furry 1/jul./2018 às 15:17 
Does it also include new game plus, +1 etc rings, boss items, etc ? couting the othr guide... do you maybe have the same guide for dark souls 2 ?
Drake Ravenwolf  [autor(a)] 30/jun./2018 às 9:36 
I used my playthroughs as well as many other youtube playthroughs, I wasn't able to find any other items
Destin-Furry 30/jun./2018 às 7:51 
Sooo i guess you used your knowledge and fextralife etc for the guide ? It really help, dark souls 3 having the hardest 'map' to find item, it's helpful as hell, if you're sure that everything is here
Drake Ravenwolf  [autor(a)] 30/abr./2017 às 3:18 
I am currently adding the DLC to this guide. I went back and double checked what I have vs the link again and already noticed the link is missing at least 4 items that I've found:

AoA: 2x Crystal Lizard – Twinkling Titanite *2nd one requires a zone reload*
Divine Blessing
*you will have to return up top to get these next two items*
Titanite Chunk
3x Homeward Bone