Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II - Chaos Rising

Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II - Chaos Rising

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Chaos Rising: Morality, Corruption & Redemption
Door Last of the Thunderlords
A guide to the Morality gauge in Chaos Rising, along with the Purity and Corruption abilities of each squad and strategies for managing Corruption.
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Note: Unmarked spoilers for the plot. There's no other way to make a comprehensive guide to this subject.

Welcome to this guide to the Morality Gauge in Dawn of War II: Chaos Rising. This will give you a comprehensive guide not just to the Corruption & Redemption mechanics other guides give, but also to each squad's abilities at either end of the scale.
Morality: Purity & Corruption
Everyone except Davian Thule has a Morality gauge that indicates what kind of guy they are. Every time you do something heinous, use tainted wargear or suchlike, you and any squads who deployed with you gain Corruption points and become burdened with the weight of their actions. By contrast, behaving honourably and using sanctified wargear allows you to gain Redemption points, easing your conscience and your troubled mind.

There are seven levels on the Morality scale that indicate what level of Corruption (if any) you have or if you are pure after all. Those levels are as follows:

Pure in the Eyes of the Emperor
Tested by the Vicissitudes of Fate
Tarnished by the Grim Future
Stained by the Touch of Evil
Tainted by Whispers from the Warp
Befouled by Chaos
Lost to the Dark Gods

While Pure, you get a single trait or ability which you immediately lose if you gain 4 or more Corruption points, be that over time or in one sitting. Likewise you gain 6 Corruption traits at 4, 8, 12, 16, 20 and 24 points, and also likewise you'll lose them if you redeem yourself past the point of qualification. No two Space Marines have the same abilities, whether Purity OR Corruption, so you have lots of options open to you about how you want to play. Like I said before, Davian Thule is the exception.

By the way, once you hit the bottom of that gauge, you're stuck there. The gauge will simply be frozen at 24 with no way to redeem yourself. So you'd better be sure you want to end up there if you intend to tamper with the tools of Chaos often.
Purity & Corruption Ability Trees
Here I will explain each corruptible Marine's ability tree and what each means. Note that despite what I said before there is some overlap - just not very much, or in a cookie-cutter manner.

Force Commander
Corruption Threshold
Piercing Cry
Battle Cry stuns and damages Daemons. Useful for dealing with Bloodcrushers and/or Bloodletter swarms but not much good against literally anything else.
Blood Lust
You gain Health & Energy with each kill, but Energy regeneration becomes minimal.
Fearful Victory
When you use To Victory!, enemy squads nearby are demoralised, dealing less damage. Good for melee builds or if you need the disruption in ranged ones.
Unholy Revival
Unlocks a global ability. When used, all your squads are healed to full and reinforced entirely. If incapacitated then they are revived automatically. By far the most useful global ability.
Will to Power
Reduces ability costs. Corruption abilities have their cooldowns lowered while normal ability cooldowns are lengthened.
Sweeping Doom
The Force Commander lashes out at anything in a wide arc around him. Can be lulzy in a ranged build to keep melee attackers off you, but works just fine for melee builds as well.
Call for Blood
Now that your FC is little better than a Chaos Lord, Battle Cry is replaced with Call for Blood. This ability drives your men into a frenzy, during which their damage increases over time and they are immune to enemy damage, but lose some health over the duration.

Tactical Sergeant Tarkus
Corruption Threshold
Tarkus has increased attack and defence when facing Daemons. Like Piercing Cry, pretty situational.
Blood Lust
As before, Energy regen drops off and you gain Health and Energy for each kill.
Shield of Hate
Unlocks a global ability. Targets a single squad - that squad reflects all damage back at their attackers. Good in-case-of-emergency-push button.
Drives an enemy berserk and makes him attack his allies. If you have Taunt (and you should) becomes the AoE Aura of Rage with the same effect.
Will to Power
Again, lower Energy costs, lower Corruption ability cooldowns and slighly longer regular ability cooldowns.
Unholy Zeal
A single-target invulnerable button for Tarkus and his squad; damage that should hurt them heals them instead. Use if Shield of Hate is on a cooldown.
Mark of Nurgle
Tarkus surrenders to despair and makes a dark pact with the Plaguefather. He becomes passively immune to suppression and the now-redundant Tactical Advance is replaced by Aura of Decay, which lowers Tarkus' movement speed but heals him and damages enemies around him. Allows Tarkus to be the ultimate tank.

Devastator Sergeant Avitus
Corruption Threshold
Every time a Marine dies (squad members and squad leaders both count), Avitus is healed to full and gains a temporary damage boost.
Blood Lust
Energy regen is shafted, but you gain Health and Energy with every kill.
Unlocks a global ability. Makes all your squads immune to ranged damage for a time. I love this ability because of how often you can find yourself facing down a hail of gunfire.
Inhuman Might
Avitus gains reactionary countermeasures to being damaged (activates sprint when hit at range, uses Clear Out when hit in melee) but is less affected by all healing methods except standard post-battle regen. Keeps you on your toes, I guess, and more incentive to keep him out of the firing line. Thank God for Unholy Revival.
Will to Power
Lower Energy costs, Corruption abilities cooldown more quickly and regular abilities cooldown more slowly.
Aura of Blood
Expend Health to cause damage over time to opponents in proximity. If you need to use this ability, Avitus is really in trouble.
Fire Frenzy
So by now Avitus is more or less a Chaos Havoc. He replaces Focus Fire with Fire Frenzy, a variation that gradually increases his ranged damage forever, but starts draining his Health if it's still on and he runs out of Energy, so watch that gauge.

Scout Sergeant Cyrus
Corruption Threshold
Cyrus revives leaders at full health and uses Stimulant Kits as an energy-based ability. One of the more useful Purity traits.
Blood Lust
Energy regen is minimised but you gain Heath and Energy with every kill.
Aggravated Wounds
Weapon-based abilities like High-powered Shot do extra DoT and lower the targets' movement and damage for the duration.
Cloud Minds
Unlocks global ability. Temporarily blinds all enemies on the map. Useful if you want to be sneaky but otherwise kind of meh.
Will to Power
Energy costs for abilities reduced and Corruption abilities have cooldowns reduced, but a slight delay for regular ability cooldowns.
Cyrus is immune to damage while cloaked, but takes additional damage for a time after he comes out of stealth.
Deadly Package
Cyrus surrenders to the destructive ways of the Chaos cultist, but it will be someone else who blows up if he can help it. Turn one of your other squads into a suicide bomber, send them into a blob of enemies and blow them up, incapacitating them but dealing huge damage. Be careful how you use it, is all I'm saying.
Purity & Corruption Ability Trees (cont.)
Assault Sergeant Thaddeus
Corruption Threshold
Thaddeus regains Health via Assault Jumping or Teleporting.
Blood Lust
Energy regen is stunted, but you gain Health and Energy with every kill.
Skin of Steel
Unlocks Global ability. Makes all your squads immune to melee damage for a short time. Situational, but good for ranged units who get suddenly swamped by Bloodletters or other melee troopers.
Unholy Fury
Chapter's Fury becomes Unholy Fury. Functions the same, but drains energy from nearby enemies. Woohoo, I guess.
Will to Power
Energy costs of all abilities are reduced, Corruption abilities get reduced cooldowns and normal abilities take slightly longer to cooldown.
Raptor Assault
Raptor Assault replaces Assault Jump and Warp Assault replaces Teleport. When Thaddeus lands at his destination, anyone who gets in his way takes massive damage.
Daemonic Possession
Having made a few dark pacts of his own with certain daemons, Thaddeus sends one of his squadmates ahead of him and allows him to be possessed by a frenzied Bloodletter who attacks anyone in sight, friend or foe. This ultimate ability is surprisingly derpy.

Librarian Jonah Orion
Corruption Threshold
Jonah heals the targeted squad by an amount. Can be self-cast, but only affects a single squad, unlike Combat Stimulants. He's only a medic if you spec Fortitude, man.
Unholy Vigour
Unlocks global ability. Refills all your squads' Energy gauges. Probably the most situational global ability, against some stiff competition.
Will to Power
Ability costs reduced along with Corruption ability cooldowns in return for regular abilities taking slightly longer to cooldown.
Burning Hatred
Jonah is wreathed in psychic flames which reduce his energy but damage nearby enemies. He also gains access to the ability Coruscating Flames, which has much the same effect without the energy drain.
Dark Whispers
Now slightly more vulnerable to damage, Jonah regains Health and Energy every time he kills an enemy. He also gains the ability Subjugation, which allows him to mind control an enemy unit temporarily.
Jonah regains Energy every time one of your marines dies. He also gains access to the ability Chains of Torment, which traps enemy units in a snare that renders them unable to move but still vulnerable to damage.
Mark of Tzeentch
Jonah completes his journey to become a Sorcerer by bargaining away his soul to the Raven God for power. He gains a substantial damage bonus at the expense of health and gains access to the ability Summon Bloodletters, which summons frenzied Bloodletters who attack everything they come across onto the field.
Connection to the Story: The Traitor
A major part of the story is that one of your squads has betrayed his fellow Blood Ravens to the Black Legion invaders before even the events of the game. Who the traitor is is not decided by random chance; his identity is tied to your squads' Morality gauges. If one of your squads has at least 4 Corruption points, he's a viable candidate to be revealed as the traitor towards the end of the game. If there's more than one, the squad with the most Corruption points is the traitor. If multiple squads have the same Corruption rating, the one with the lowest Will is the traitor. If you manage to make it to the end with no corrupted squads, Techmarine Martellus becomes the traitor instead.

When the traitor is revealed, he abandons you and retreats to a Black Legion base on planet Aurelia. Your second-to-last mission is to track him down and execute him for his treachery. Each fight plays out differently, and the keen-eyed among you will recognise some of the abilities your former comrade-in-arms can unlock through his non-corruption skill trees. After you beat him, the traitor drops a legendary item that your squads can then use or donate to the librarium to receive another legendary item from. I'll go over these items in the next section.
Traitor-specific Item Drops
Bear in mind that these are always dropped, irregardless of whatever other wargear you have, so don't expect randomised loot tables or anything.

  • One of the perks for Tarkus of total Corruption is that he gets a bolter and set of armour that only he can use to their full potential. As you donate the Blighted Bolter and the Blighted Power Armour to the Librarium, they come back more powerful and more demanding in Corruption each time until they become legendary items. As the traitor, he drops an alternate version of the Blighted Bolter that anyone with bolter privileges can use. If you donate it, you get the Holy Bolter of Purification, a Purity bolter that has 100% accuracy and boosts ranged damage by 75%.
  • Avitus drops a suit of corrupt Terminator armour given to him by Chapter Master Kyras, called Lost Honour of the Blood Ravens. No one can use it because it's Avitus-exclusive. Simply donate it to receive the Honour of the Blood Ravens, which is identical except the FC, Tarkus and Thaddeus can now use it. It provides a few neat bonuses.
  • Cyrus drops a sniper rife that no one can use because no one else can use Cyrus weapons. Donating it earns you Lessons of the Veteran, an awesome accessory that grants +5 to all attributes.
  • Thaddeus drops The Pact of Thaddeus, an accessory which represents a copy of his bargain with Ulkair. It's a corruption item with no other bonuses than +4 Corruption, which means nothing this late in the game, and can be redeemed for The Caution of Thaddeus, a Redemption item that improves your armour rating and energy, although if you're badly corrupted by the final battle, you're in too deep to turn back now.
  • Jonah drops the Snare of Jonah Orion, a force staff which allowed a Daemon of Chaos to erode his psychic defenses and ultimately possess him. Since you have no Librarian and can't use it any more, go right ahead and donate it. It'll give you the Deathmask of Jonah Orion, which projects an anti-daemon aura around the user. Not a bad item given that the final boss is a daemon and the penultimate boss spams Bloodletter spawns.
  • Martellus drops his Chaos-made Iron Warriors servo-arm, Gift of the Iron Traitor. No one can use it so just donate it to receive the Blade of Steel, a neat power sword that has a 10% chance to instantly destroy enemy vehicles.
Strategies for Morality Paths
The way I see it, there are basically three paths you can take with regards to Morality: the Path of Full Purity, the Path of the Designated Traitor and the Path of Full Corruption. Allow me to outline them and what they mean here:

The Path of Full Purity
Simple enough. You play to preserve the purity of every single squad under your command. That means you avoid all Corruption opportunities, bring the relevant squads on personal missions (Thaddeus to Spire Legis, Cyrus to rescue his initiates, Tarkus vs. the Eldar, Jonah on the second Judgment of Carrion mission and Avitus vs. Araghast the Pillager) and so on. The best part of this is that you don't lose anyone, but it also means having to fight Martellus. And no offense to Martellus, but his boss fight is one of the hardest in the entire campaign, only the last two being any harder. Holy crap. This will earn you Martellus' anti-vehicle sword of doom, and allow you to have all your squads to choose from for the final battle.

The Path of the Designated Traitor
This is where you pick out a squad you want to be the traitor and arrange for his corruption ahead of time. I suggest building a functional party of 4 squads that doesn't include the squad you chose; that way, his absence will go unmissed. This path is useful for purity playthroughs that you don't want to face Martellus during, or for neutral playthroughs. To ensure the squad you chose is the traitor, make sure he has at least 4 Corruption points by the end of the second Calderis mission. I recommend leaving him behind during his personal mission for an easy 5 Corruption points, without the need for juggling corruption and redemption items or doing anything bad during your campaign.

The Path of Total Corruption
The opposite of Full Purty, obviously. Do all Corruption side-missions, indulge your Corruption powers constantly and don't seek Redemption - in fact, don't do any redeeming sidequests unless you get plenty of Corruption points in the same mission to counteract it. One strange move I used last time is to go backwards to go forwards: certain Redemption missions give you powerful and highly corrupting Corruption items like the Aegis of Obliteration (+4 Corruption Terminator armour) and the Book of Lorgar (a +3 Corruption accessory for Jonah). This oxymoron is one you should definitely exploit.

The ending of the campaign is dependent on the Morality of your squads, and I see only the two pure endings and the fully corrupt ending as being worthwhile. That's why I recommended these paths. If you want to aim for other endings I'm sure there are guides for those as well.
24 opmerkingen
Woodenplank 12 jul 2023 om 4:44 
I can't say for sure, but the game might calculate those points differently. Like Purity Seals perhaps offset Corruption gained on missions, and wearing the Corrupted armor only gives corruption points after the mission ends? So the game sees this as "0 corruption earned during battle, -4 for purity seals, still 0 and then +4 corruption gained on battle end?"
Valkyrie 3 mei 2023 om 6:53 
OK, I have a corruption question that might find an answer here. On one pure play through I tried to put Tarkus in the aegis of obliteration terminator armor, at the same time I had 2 purity seals with a redemption value of 4, canceling out the 4 corruption created by the armor. At the end of the mission that I tried this he still gained 4 corruption without me doing anything in game that would have caused corruption. Any input?
Noctua 30 mei 2022 om 12:27 
@Surreal White
>What if Force Commander gets maxed corruption while others go fully pure? Will Martellus still be a traitor?

This outcome is impossible by conventional means because corrupted commander corrupts all squads deployed with him.
bosschusiqi 2 apr 2022 om 8:21 
Last of the Thunderlords  [auteur] 13 mrt 2022 om 5:09 
I find it hard to envision doing that, but can't say as I've never seen it happen.
Surreal White 9 mrt 2022 om 7:39 
What if Force Commander gets maxed corruption while others go fully pure? Will Martellus still be a traitor?
Novash 2 jul 2021 om 14:17 
Okay so apparently there is a bug in one of the items that gives/removes corruption, I got two items, one should give me +5 corruption on "donating" and the other should remove 8 corruption on "donating", so I thought, great, use the +5 corruption to get the unlock (some log entry???) and I will then use the "-8 corruption" to clear it again, but after doing it, all my heros now have +1 corruption, where before they had none, and the -8 corruption should have more than cleared it, have any one else experienced this bug? :steamfacepalm:

Also would anyone happen to know if there is a "cheat" that can manipulate the corruption? so I can undo what this bug has caused :steamsad:
Kelex98 19 jun 2021 om 6:36 
Cool, thanks
Last of the Thunderlords  [auteur] 18 jun 2021 om 21:09 
@lajoskelemen98 You get full purity as long as most of your squad is minimally corrupted and Diomedes is alive. Let Avitus get at least 4 Corruption somehow and you have the canon of Retribution.
Kelex98 17 jun 2021 om 14:39 
Question, say I want full purity ending, but I also want things to align with the canon of Retribution so I want the canonical traitor to be put down
Are the two mutually exclusive?