Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

71 arvostelua
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2.437 MB
10.4.2016 klo 9.40
1 muutos ( näytä )

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2 kokoelmassa, tekijä Yamashta
My files
38 luomusta
Four Valleys.
544 luomusta
This windmill was built in 1665 at Outwood, Surrey, UK and exists to this present day. It's just up the road from where I live. It is said that one could see the great fire of London from here. I can believe that.
The model is 2787 tris and 1024 square d texture.
The lod is 174 tris and 512 sqare d texture.
It occupies one square and can be found in unique buildings level 4.
Please rate up if you like it.
Regards Snarky.
13 kommenttia
Yamashta  [tekijä] 5.3.2023 klo 23.32 
@PandoraDark, one day maybe.
PandoraDark 5.3.2023 klo 23.20 
It is unfortunate that this asset is not usable and is not functional in farming industries,
Yamashta  [tekijä] 6.5.2022 klo 8.56 
No but it used to make flour!
Chinese_Cool_Boy 6.5.2022 klo 1.28 
Hey sir,i want to ask some questions.Can this windmill generate electricity?
Yamashta  [tekijä] 4.4.2022 klo 2.58 
@Webchanter, thank you, you're welcome. Please rate up:steamthumbsup:
Webchanter 4.4.2022 klo 0.37 
Oh my word, this is almost exactly identical to the one in my village where I live in Bucks and will fit nicely into my cities village. Thank you.
Maylow 21.10.2021 klo 13.57 
Forgot to mention: 1000 abandoned buildings AND maintain this for 5 weeks unlocks Observatory again (not just 1000 abandoned buildings at any moment).
Maylow 21.10.2021 klo 13.52 
Reporting minor bug: this assets resets Observatory monument and makes it locked again.

Tested in vanilla with only this mod and Unlock All enabled. All monuments are unlocked, except Observatory. Unsubscribe this asset and Observatory is unlocked again. It is reproducable.
Fortunately, it can be unlocked again through its quest (1000 abandoned building in the city).

It isn't a major bug imo since the unlock is fairly easy and no other assets or mods depend on this asset particularly afaik. Just thought I'd mention it so the author could take a look into this or make a note of it in the description.
Yamashta  [tekijä] 3.12.2016 klo 10.51 
@jedimaster239, unfortunately no but nor does the real one anymore, perhaps rarely. So I can redeem myself, sort of ;)
76561198165715092 29.8.2016 klo 13.41 
but the real question is: does it spin?