Killing Floor 2
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Tips for new and advanced players
โดย {ST}Immortal Nub
So there are many new players getting this game that can definitely get better with some pointers. Unfortunately, this also applies to many lv 25's that I find dying on hard mode.
When in doubt, get a medic pistol
It only weights 1kg and costs 200 dosh to double your team healing capabilities. You cannot really go wrong in getting one.

Spawning as medic on wave 1
If you spawn as a medic, use your knife rather than your medic pistol. If you find a bloat, use the 9mm since bloats take less damage from the medic pistol because reasons.

Weapon bash is useful for running away
A weapon bash will cause trash zeds to stumble, and larger zeds to cancel their attack. It's $hit damage though...

Dealing with @$$pounders
A fleshpound can rage from one of two things: not being pi$$ed off for a little over 10 seconds, or taking too much damage in its unraged state. When it attacks you, block it, heal, and shoot it when your syringe is half-way charged (it takes a syringe 15 seconds to charge completely). Make d@mn sure that you don't waste opportunities to deal damage to this thing by letting it rage on its own.

Use syringe on teamates too
The syringe recharges twice as fast when used on another teamate.

Throw drugs at things that are on fire
If you or someone else is on fire, throw heals on it. A player's fire dot will have its damage and duration cut in half for receiving heals. Think of it this way: you are saving armor, and therefore money for your team.

Stop holding left-click with firebug weapons
Holding left-click will waste about twice as much ammo. The firebug weapons have a post-firing time of 0.35 seconds when you release the fire button. During this time, you shoot your firebug weapon for free; however, if you click again too soon, the post-fire time will be interrupted, and you will have wasted ammo. Doing the math, 0.35 seconds equates to 5 ammo.

Burning $hit
There are 3 types of damage when you deal fire damage
  1. Impact
    This is where your flames make contact with the zed.
  2. Afterburn
    This is the dot that occurs from impact damage or groundfire.
  3. Groundfire
    When you shoot the ground, you create an area that damages any zeds that walk on it like medic grenades, only crappier.
Most of your damage will come from ground fire. Consider the previous tip when you deal damage; tap-fire on their feet. You will create ground fire and deal impact damage. One or two pulses of a caulk n burn should be enough to deal with common trash.

Scrakes r 4 plebs
It doesn't matter what perk you are playing as; you can outrun a raging scrake if you have enough health. The reason why this happens is because scrakes slow down significantly when they attack.

Don't hug the trader pod
If you use support or demolitionist, you won't be able to supply ammo if you hug the trader pod; players are forced to open the trader menu if you are too close to it.

Dropped weapons
Weapons on the ground dropped by players linger for 5 minutes. If you get a moment, drop your stuff so you can pick up your deceased teamate's weapon to reset the timer (just be careful not to throw it down the crawler hole). Also useful on boss waves; buy your teir 4 weapon, fill it with ammo, drop it, and repeat. 5 minutes is a surprisingly long time.

Bind dosh to the mousewheel
Not even kidding. There will be those moments where you need to drop all of your dosh at once (like the end of the boss wave).

If you leave...
...please don't be the @$$hole with a $hitload of dosh and disconnects with it. This kind of ties with my previous point: bind dosh to the mouse wheel to save time. Dropped dosh remains on the ground for 2 minutes; so if you really have to leave ASAP, just drop your dosh; it's pretty hard to not find a big pile of glowing, green $hit within 2 minutes.

Scrakes v rocks
Scrakes take 4 times as much damage from rockets: not the explosive, but from the impact damage from the rocket itself. If you use concussive rounds, land a headshot, and with a little luck, you can sent a scrake flying and kill it with fall damage using an RPG.

Stop using scar on everything
Don't get me wrong: scar is a great weapon, and is essential to any mando build, but the ammo is expensive. Get a rifle dedicated to killing trash zeds that die in one hit to save dosh, and save the scar for larger trash zeds.

Reducing recoil
Aiming down the sights and crouching will reduce recoil.

Keep sprinting if you switch weapons
Switching weapons will not reduce sprint speed.

Spend all of your dosh on the boss wave
You cannot take it with you to the next game, so spend it! Can't carry anymore? Just drop the weapon, and get another; it won't disappear for 5 min.
Tips (part 2)
You don't need a commando to SEE the patriarch... just need to stick c4 on him. He will have a flashing red light and, if he is too close, a beeping sound.

Free support xp
During the trader round, weld and unweld a door until the zeds start to spawn. You might as well do something.

Inertia is a property of matter
If you are running, and you decide to do something that would stop your sprint (shooting, healing, blocking), jump right before you do it. Your movement speed in the air would be at the speed you last had when you left the ground. Additionally, some things can knock you back when you are in the air such as a fleshpound's attack.

Seeing through bloat bile
Turn on your flashlight when you are hit with bile. Surprisingly effective.

For the love of God, don't use perk leveling exploits
There are two types of experience in this game: perk and player
  1. Perk experience
    You are probably most familiar with this one: you kill $hit and level up your perk to gain stat boosts. You gain a ton of this by using perk leveling maps (don't do that plz).
  2. Player experience
    This experience is not programmed in the game. This is what separates the noobs from the MLG. You gain player experience by playing the game, doing research, killing scrakes and fleshpounds repeatedly in controlled environments, and by reading this list.
You NEED both types of experience to play HOE. By using a perk leveling map, you trade off the player experience you would normally gain with perk experience. Additionally, perk experience has a cap, player experience does not.

Pocket medic
If you need more healing, but you don't want to be a medic, get a medic smg. Keep in mind that this by no means replaces a medic, rather it is a supplement.

Organising weapons
Certain weapons have equal priority in the weapon selection such as the deagle and medic pistol, or the hunting shotgun and medic smg. Just drop the weapon you want at the top of the list, and pick it back up.

Don't want to share your do$h?
No problem! At least give a medic pistol. You cannot go wrong with that.

Disable large zeds with molotovs
You might want to use heat wave for this trick btw. Throw a molotov at a scrake's or fleshpound's feet. Then use your microwave gun to stumble it back into the flames when the zed tries to leave. If you do this correctly, you should be able to get the zed to panic, giving you time to deal tons of damage with your microwave gun. Don't do this in multiplayer since MWG is $hit right now.

Dealing more damage with Microwave Gun
Remember the tap fire I mentioned in a previous tip? Still applies to MWG, even if you press alt fire immediately after. *wink wink*

Kill sirens first
  • They deal a ton of damage
  • They ignore armor
  • They destroy grenades
  • They render pre level 15 demos useless
  • They are relatively easy to kill for the trouble that they give
Siren killing is not a class-specific job. No matter what you are, kill the sirens first before moving on to a tank.

Saving money on boss
This trick is only viable on solo since it is very easy for your teamates to screw it up.
  1. Switch to gunslinger
  2. Buy a single-wield magnum at full ammo
  3. Drop it and repeat steps 2 and 3 until you have 1,500 dosh left
  4. Purchase the magnums dual-wielded
Now when you run out of ammo during the fight, you can drop one magnum, then pick up another to go back to full ammo. You basically get twice as much damage for the same amount of dosh when compared to spamming AA12 on support.

Shoot n Scoot without the skill
Hold down right-click while you are reloading and moving (but not sprinting). Most of the time, you will aim down your sights and move at normal speed as though you are using shoot n scoot. This will only work when you are on a server, and I am only able to confirm this works if you have to hold to aim (rather than toggle aim, if someone can confirm it works on toggle aim, I would appreciate it).

Do not shoot Hans's shield during his third drain
  • First Drain: restores 32.5% of maximum health
  • Second Drain: restores 27.5% of maximum health
  • Third Drain: restores 12.5% of maximum health
During the third drain, Hans Volter's shield will actually be stronger than the amount of health he restores during the third drain, so don't waste your ammo!

Do not spam c4
C4 gets 50% weaker for each subsequent blast within a 3 second window.

Don't set scrakes on fire
You are not doing anyone any favors by doing this...

Invincibility on boss
You need a berserker with eviscerator and a medic. Block boss with eviscerator while medic heals. Zerk will never die. Don't let teamates get too close to the boss, or they will pull aggro.

Weapons that fire bullets hit their targets instantly, even in severe lag. However, this changes during zed time in that you will have to lead your shots.

Here is a video demonstrating this that is not mine:
Tips From the Comments
โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย COLONEL FEUERBUSCH:
dont ever refill the sg500 if its out of ammo (even if you are support), sell it->buy a new one-> refill that one instead, you will save up dosh.
Emphasis on "...if its out of ammo..."

When taking on large zeds... // Saving dosh on dual pistols
โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย S3NT1N8L:
Keep an eye on lower level zeds nearby when taking on a large Zed, they might corner you with the big baddie and end you in the process.

Also, when buying Dual Pistols buy one, drop it on the ground then buy the other and pick the other one up. now you have full ammo without paying for it.
It really helps to have a teamate dedicated to killing off trash while someone else takes the large zed.

Healing mechanics
โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย TechnoOwl:
Medic's healing darts only heal at a certain speed and amount so spamming all your darts at once as Medic does not make your healing more effective unless you have armament or/and vaccination which gives armour for EVERY dart even how fast you shoot them, giving that teammate the slight chance to slip away with their life intact if they are close to death thanks to the armour given. So shooting in a little slower pace continuously gives teammates a constant and longer heal, and shooting as fast as possible a lesser heal but more armour!

NOTE: If you heal a player that have a total of 100hp but currently at 60hp, and say a Scrake is aiming his direction and you heal him for a total of 180hp worth of darts before the Scrake hits him, it will still only heal what hp that's missing BEFORE the Scrake hits him which would be 40hp from his max hp.
So hitting a dart when the Scrake HAVE hit him will make the heal last longer as it heals what IS missing when it do hit the player.
TL;DR version of this tip: R = H - h
H ≥ h, R ≥ r
R = Maximum health that can be regenerated (i.e. Your missing health)
H = Your maximum health
h = Your current health
r = Missing health that is currently regenerating
Additionally, you regenerate 10 health every second so long as you are under the effects of a medic dart. A more technical way of putting it is that 1 point of r becomes 1 point of h every 100ms, and medic darts increase r by 20 points by default.

โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย Dr.KennethNoisewater:
If you're empty or low (below 60) and need more 9mm ammo buy a second gun and then sell it, or sell your second one and buy another. Buying cost 150 and selling nets you 112, so you'll get put back up at 120 rounds for only 38 dosh. Best for Gunslingers and Commandos that are using 9mm while saving dosh early game.
Brb gonna run tests. Edit: Since the PvP update, buying dual 9mm does not reset your ammo, but selling it does. Thank you for bringing this to my attention, Dr.KennethNoisewater.

Unparryable attacks
โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย Sister Valance:
Parrying an unparryable attack doesn't stumble, but still mitigates damage. As Berserker, Pulverizer's bash to the head with Smash knocks down big zeds.
Unparryable attacks glow orange btw.

More burning $hit // Proper grenade usage
โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย Aiwaz:
As a firebug, use the Chaulk n' Burn and skill for Heat Wave and Zed Shrapnel.
Only tap fire and swipe across the screen hitting multiple enemies.
Let them burn, only fire again if something is about to damage you.
Doesn't work for scrakes, fleshpounds and sirens, but it's great for crowd control.

Even on HoE you can use nades behind scrakes to clear trash without raging them, probably.
And if you see nades flying to the front, don't run forward and trigger the siren that's probably there...
Don't forget to aim for the feet. Additionally, all trash zeds can be perma stumbled with heat wave, so it does work out with sirens.

Grenade pistol can save your life
โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย AsssassinGodz:
Buy a Grenade pistol for if your surrounded by trash zeds, the AoE blast damage will kill them all and you can run, sure you take damage, but your alive
Grenade pistol doesn't damage you...

โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย Pharrahnox:
Although I don't use the evis much, I might start using it. 3 blades to decap a 6man HoE scrake, 4 for a fleshpound. You can always take a crovel for trash clearing and a med pistol for healing. Also, it can flinchlock the big zeds. I don't think that the pulv lock on fleshpounds works anymore :(.

Just in case people still do this without thinking about it: knife blocking the big zeds probably isn't the way to go now. Block and parry both only mitigate 30% of the damage. So first of all, block, don't parry, because it's easier and can protect you from other attacks that might be coming in. Secondly, you might be better off just taking the hit so that you can be shooting other zeds while backpedalling. This can prevent you from getting mobbed and taking enough damage before a fleshpound strikes to finish you off.

Something I figured out yesterday was that only 1 nuke affects a zed at a time. If 3 players nuke during zed time, or you manage to nuke with more than one weapon during zed time, only 1 will count.

Demo is a fantastic big zed killer, and it can be done with little ammo usage. Using armour piercing rounds, you can decap a 6man HoE scrake with 1 rpg and 1 m79 shot. It can be done with little space requirements too because the weapon switch is pretty fast. I suggest bashing after the weapon switch to get the scrake's head still. And for fleshpounds, 3 rpgs and 1 nade will do the trick. It can probably be done safer and faster with C4 too, but I like using the m79 for trash clearing and medium zed decapping.

A tip for berserkers: parrying is no longer the way to go. Spamming big zeds with light or heavy attacks depending on the weapon flinchlocks them, so you will take ideally no damage for scrakes, and a few hits from fleshpounds when they rage. You can hold a big zed in place for a long time, and it allows your teammates to kill them with little fuss. Bashing is also very effective. Alternating between heavy swings and bashes, you can cleanly kill scrakes with very little space, and rather quickly. No need to backpedal continuously.
Knife block/parry will only mitigate 20% :(. Still better than nothing. Since the zeds do not teleport anymore, you won't really have to worry about zeds flanking you 24/7, making it safer to block a fleshpound. I am not entirely sure you can flinchlock scrakes if their melee hit cooldown (1.35sec) is greater than their melee hit pause (0.85sec). After testing your large zed extermination tactics, it is worth noting that for the scrake kill, you must be using bombardier and high impact rounds in addition to armor piercing rounds. For fleshpound kills, you only need bombardier and armor piercing rounds.

Doubling railgun damage
โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย ADVENTURE! *NO EYES*:
Not sure if it's in this guide somewhere or not, but the alt-fire mode for the railgun does 750 damage, 2x more than the lock-on mode.
Which means auto aim does 375 damage. Best to use automatic on sirens, bloats, or husks; and manual for the large zeds when you really need the extra damage.

Spawn with free armor
โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย Deckard:
Save money on first wave by starting with Swat perk and picking all skills on left, you get full body armor and an extra 9mm, then you can change the perk and sell everything, if you manage to be slippery you will still have full body armor.
Tips From the Comments (part 2)
โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย John Travoltage:
On the first wave of hard, and even suicidal, if you work with your team you can all manage to save dosh by using your knives, and maybe 9mm on bloats. Make sure to swap your skills for first wave since some are really good for first wave only (for example, some class has a perk that gives extra 9mm/knife damage). For hard you can safely manage second wave easily (atleast for the trash zeds) which lets you go nuts with your tier 1 wep, and hopefully get tier 4 weps a wave early because you never have to buy ammo.

Between waves try and heal each other to make sure everyone gets healed up, everyone gets more xp and dosh aswell.

Bashing is really useful (especially on hard) for decapping small trash zeds. On hard you can insta decap some zeds with a well aimed bash.
On the first wave, you could also simply annihilate zeds with a lv 20 fb with skills RRLL and caulk 'n burn by rushing zeds and tap firing their feet, and that works in HoE as well. They get perma stumbled if you are close enough, but you must have heat wave to do it.

Weapon bash is dependent on the weight of the weapon. If it is heavy enough, it will decap trash on a bash. If nothing else, it will cause them to pause for a bit, even if you miss the head.

Pop heal nades when surrounded
โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย HickDead ⚡☠:
When surrounded or cornered as a medic with your weapon empty, drop a granade, take a deep breath while reloading and start firing wildly around you at head level (remember short bursts). Should there be a Scrake or Fleshpound among them, aim point blank at their heads, when it goes down start jumping and get the hell out of there while healing yourself. Has gotten me out of a tight spot more times then I care to admit getting myself in trouble like that. ;)

Perma Parry
โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย iMaxDamage:
Someone told me an easy way to parry, is to hold R for the "reload" animation on melee weapons, and spam parry. Doesn't grab everything, but it'll get you further in the beginning.

This trick will not work for the eviscerator, and there is no point in using it with the knife since the knife prevents 20% damage regardless if you are blocking or parrying. However, for all other melee weapons, it is a VERY powerful trick.
What did I miss?
If you come up with tips, put them in the comments, and I may put them up.

The format will look something like this:

โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย Immortal Nub:
Hello world!
Not enough for you?
You can find pretty much anything technical you want to know about this game such as incaps, weapon stats, perk benefits, etc, by going to Cat's Google Doc[]

A beginner's guide with gifs and stuff:

I will also expand this list when I learn something new, find that something needs to be mentioned, or someone leaves a tip in the comments section.
53 ความเห็น
Deckard Stark 30 มิ.ย. 2017 @ 9: 52pm 
Save money on first wave by starting with Swat perk and picking all skills on left, you get full body armor and an extra 9mm, then you can change the perk and sell everything, if you manage to be slippery you will still have full body armor.
Ugly Face 21 ม.ค. 2017 @ 11: 11am 
Someone told me an easy way to parry, is to hod R for the "reload" animation on melee weapons, and spam parry. Doesn't grab everything, but it'll get you further in the beginning.
ℍ𝕚𝕔𝕜𝔻𝕖𝕒𝕕 14 ธ.ค. 2016 @ 7: 13pm 
When surrounded or cornered as a medic with your weapon empty, drop a granade, take a deep breath while reloading and start firing wildly around you at head level (remember short bursts). Should there be a Scrake or Fleshpound among them, aim point blank at their heads, when it goes down start jumping and get the hell out of there while healing yourself. Has gotten me out of a tight spot more times then I care to admit getting myself in trouble like that. ;)
{ST}Immortal Nub  [ผู้สร้าง] 29 พ.ย. 2016 @ 2: 15pm 
@John Travoltage I do remember that phet lab... I already mentioned the knockback bit in in the 'inertia is a property of matter' bit. I'll add the rest, thx.
JohnTravoltage 28 พ.ย. 2016 @ 11: 32pm 
On the first wave of hard, and even suicidal, if you work with your team you can all manage to save dosh by using your knives, and maybe 9mm on bloats. Make sure to swap your skills for first wave since some are really good for first wave only (for example, some class has a perk that gives extra 9mm/knife damage). For hard you can safely manage second wave easily (atleast for the trash zeds) which lets you go nuts with your tier 1 wep, and hopefully get tier 4 weps a wave early because you never have to buy ammo.

Between waves try and heal each other to make sure everyone gets healed up, everyone gets more xp and dosh aswell.

Bashing is really useful (especially on hard) for decapping small trash zeds. On hard you can insta decap some zeds with a well aimed bash.

Try and jump before getting hit by big zeds, as you can get knocked back really far, helping you to escape.
{ST}Immortal Nub  [ผู้สร้าง] 12 ส.ค. 2016 @ 10: 25am 
@ADVENTURE! *NO EYES* Real talk though, you should reformat your guide to be a table. It would be much cleaner that way.
ADVENTURE 12 ส.ค. 2016 @ 6: 19am 
Not sure if it's in this guide somewhere or not, but the alt-fire mode for the railgun does 750 damage, 2x more than the lock-on mode.
{ST}Immortal Nub  [ผู้สร้าง] 16 ก.ค. 2016 @ 8: 45pm 
@Pharrahnox Alright, updated the guide before reading your comments. If I added anything in the main that were also in your comments, it's because I added it before reading them ;)
{ST}Immortal Nub  [ผู้สร้าง] 16 ก.ค. 2016 @ 7: 57pm 
@Pharrahnox The vast majortity of this guide is outdated now. I might update it later. Leg stumbles are gone though :(
Pharrahnox 16 ก.ค. 2016 @ 7: 08pm 
A tip for berserkers: parrying is no longer the way to go. Spamming big zeds with light or heavy attacks depending on the weapon flinchlocks them, so you will take ideally no damage for scrakes, and a few hits from fleshpounds when they rage. You can hold a big zed in place for a long time, and it allows your teammates to kill them with little fuss. Bashing is also very effective. Alternating between heavy swings and bashes, you can cleanly kill scrakes with very little space, and rather quickly. No need to backpedal continuously.

@KovahKiin, I see very few berserkers with 150hp on HoE. We all go with 100hp, because the movement speed and regen is great. Sometimes I see people switch to 150hp for tanking the bosses though. But, if your zerk is near death, definitely step in to take a hit or two, and make sure to bash to give a bit more time. The zerk can't save you from big zeds if they're dead, and sometimes they need a short break for the medic to outheal the damage they received.