Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

56 人が評価
Mercedes-Benz E-Class w210
Assets: Vehicle
1.509 MB
2016年3月18日 19時47分
1 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Mercedes-Benz E-Class w210

17 件のコメント
TobbySkylines 2022年2月2日 15時40分 
Tris Main 8259 LOD 76
Froggy_NL 2016年3月22日 6時38分 
With compliments added to the Steam Workshop Mercedes Benz Collection
SonOfNitrous 2016年3月21日 5時40分 
@FourteenChief yup. A was also amazed. Hopefully I'm owner of graphic render station =) Community contribute not only in mods and assets, but also in general game development, that's something I've never seen at a such high communication level.
FourteenChief 2016年3月20日 14時18分 
@SonOfNitrus Thx. Hopefully I learn the basics some day. I prefer plug n play, but this game looked so awesome that I had to get a gaming pc. And all the damn modder´s makes a good game top notch. The community is extraordinary.
SL33PW4LK 2016年3月19日 20時20分 
Hi @V.V.Ping, nice car but LOD is Bad. Thanks for your contribution to the community anyway.
SonOfNitrous 2016年3月19日 7時10分 
@FourteenChief the thing about game engine - that it operates rlly good with high tris models - vanilla ones are highly detailed. Important to have reasonable texture resolution and optimized filesize. Though high tris count on small objects will shurely affect on perfomance, so for example vending machines with 1k tris and 1024x1024 are not a good idea. Also to avoid perfomance issues the game provides LOD models to help rendering, so LODs have to have rlly adequate parameters.
FourteenChief 2016年3月19日 6時42分 
Thx a lot V.V.Ping for the infomation. I take it with me and ask my friend who has a 3D mod company.I´m happy if I understand and know what to looking for in the workshop. Thx again.
The_Ping  [作成者] 2016年3月19日 6時22分 
@ FourteenChief

the game allows up to 65 000
The_Ping  [作成者] 2016年3月19日 6時21分 
@ FourteenChief

for passenger cars in the area of 10 000 triangles . reasonable norm
The_Ping  [作成者] 2016年3月19日 6時17分 
@ FourteenChief

There's nothing wrong with that you ask )