Rising Storm/Red Orchestra 2 Multiplayer

Rising Storm/Red Orchestra 2 Multiplayer

194 Bewertungen
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Game Type: territory
165.084 MB
6. März 2016 um 16:35
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In 1 Kollektion von BloodMalice
The Bloodbath Collection
21 Inhalte
About this Map

Univermag is a precursor engagement to the fight over Fallen Fighters square. Hostilities begin north of the square as infantry-fighting stretches across eight capture points in fierce building-to-building combat along an avenue until it reaches its culmination point at the iconic Univermag building by the square.


This is the last known functional version of Univermag by BOH-Rekrut (Univermag-B10), as neither the RC1 version nor the B5 hosted on the workshop work. And since Rekrut has gone inactive, don't expect much as far as support goes.

This map will remain on the workshop until Rekrut decides to retake responsibility for it. Should you have any feedback for the map, please feel free to post it on the Tripwire forums in the off chance that Rekrut may check them again.

Tripwire Forums: Univermag[forums.tripwireinteractive.com]


Regional server providers for custom content:

[Aussie/NZ] (Oceania)
[BANZAI] // (Asia)
[Bloodbath] // (North America)
[40-1] // (Western Europe)
[frontCCCP] (Eastern Europe)
20 Kommentare
Crimson/Cro 8. Jan. um 19:53 
I remember there were bunch of custom models for wounded soldiers and corpses in the Univermag's basement. The sight caught me by surprise and terrified the shit out of me. I wonder why it was removed in the later versions.
EL_FLONGO 14. Juli 2024 um 17:04 
Univermag, right next to Fallen Fighters I believe. I LOVE this map. I MISS this map. I WISH Weekend Warriors would add all of the custom maps from Bloodbath. Or any server. Or RO3. THANK YOU!!!!
可愛いまま 6. Juli 2021 um 20:04 
GER among 280+ manpower。。。。
kinetchiwa_ 8. Nov. 2019 um 6:42 
When i start playing the map its polygons only theres no objects and textures only polygons
Porter Rockwell 1. Juli 2018 um 7:31 
Looks insane.
[3D] Morena 19. Mai 2018 um 16:20 
ты в брестскую крепость не играл
я живу ив городе где эта карта есть
Cpl Hicks 18. Mai 2018 um 6:26 
USSRCoH Officer {L}, clearly you do not know what you are talking about, this map is 100% accurate to the historical area in central Stalingrad, if you do not like it, that I understand, but it is far from shitty. Why is it shitty IYHO, is it because it is not gamey? would be interested to know.
Cpl Hicks 18. Mai 2018 um 6:24 
100% Historical map, very nice to see this, shame there are not more maps that are historically accurate, at this moment in time all we have are the commissars house, the Grain Elevator and univermag. all the other maps are made up, good, but made up. and Mamayev Kurgan is sort of accurate, but falls short somewhat.
76561198193586922 17. Mai 2018 um 11:24 
A great map for SNIPERS.
Officer 16. Mai 2018 um 5:48 
the most shittiest map