Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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sportscar prop vanilla version
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Assets: Prop
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4/mar./2016 às 3:24
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sportscar prop vanilla version

Em 1 coleção de SvenBerlin
Vanilla Prop Collcetion
35 itens
sportscar prop in-game

This is the sportscar from the original game. I extracted it with mod tools to make a prop version to put in assets or with the mods from bloody penguin directly in the game

colour variations like in the picture

tris: 732 LOD 43
4 comentário(s)
SvenBerlin  [autor(a)] 4/mar./2016 às 22:19 
Yes thats why i did these props. I am working on a Toyota car dealership
MrMiyagi 4/mar./2016 às 17:25 
Yup! It's exactly what I always wanted! I already made a car dealership :D Will you be able to make some car dealerships? I can only alter vanilla buildings, so I think a custom dealership building would be great. Anyway, thank you again!
SvenBerlin  [autor(a)] 4/mar./2016 às 14:54 
It is the sportscar from the game. This is the prop version to use it for new assets or to build it in the city everywhere in game with mods
MrMiyagi 4/mar./2016 às 14:52 
Nice! A sportscar that doesn't have 50billion tris! :D Thanks!