The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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Craftable Gemstones
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23 feb 2016, ore 14:55
1 mar 2016, ore 12:07
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Craftable Gemstones

In 1 collezione di Banri
Monkguru's Skyrim Mods
7 elementi
My Other Mods:
New Craftable Clothes -
New Wearable Outfits -
Craftable Winter Coats -
Craftable Children Accessories -
Craftable Skyrim Books -
Craftable Skyrim Books (No DLC Version) -

Coming Soon by Me:
Craftable Voice Tomes - Teaches you All Dragonborn Shouts
Craftable Alchemy Items - Able to pay gold in a crafting panel instead of buying at a store
Craftable Echantments - Able to learn all the enchantments from a tome

Coming Soon by Haschirgael:
Craftable Magic Staves (Name of Mod may change) - Able to craft staves that can deal more magic damage
Craftable Spell Tomes (Name of Mod may change) - Able to craft the standard spell tomes instead of finding them
Craftable Torches - Able to craft torches by chopping wood
Survival Arena (Name of Mod may change) - Fight in 3 levels of difficulties in a Arena against many foes. Dragons, WIld Beasts, Bandits, Trolls, Ancient Beings, and Much more.


My Thanks:
First, Thanks to all of the 300+ Subscribers! Please share it with your friends!


As the title says, There are New Items in Skyrim with this Mod!

Ever wanted to just simply not have to find ALL those gemstones or have to search for the right merchant to purchase a diamond? or a Ruby? Instead of all this, just have it where you can buy it in a crafting panel?

If so, This mod is for YOU!

I have added the standard Gemstones and the Flawless Gemstones to the crafting panel in the Smelter.
Whenever you need a Gemstone, just go to the smelter and spend your gold that way! No more having to find those Gemstones in corpses, on ground or tracking down a merchant who sells them!

New Items:

12 New Gemstone Recipes
- Amethyst
- Flawless Amethyst
- Diamond
- Flawless Diamond
- Emerald
- Flawless Emerald
- Garnet
- Flawless Garnet
- Ruby
- Flawless Ruby
- Sapphire
- Flawless Sapphire

How It Works:

To craft a gemstone. Go to any smelter and spend your gold buying gems there instead of having to go to a store or find them!


This Mod requires Skyrim!


That's it for the Mod! I hope everyone enjoys this Mod!

Thanks to all whom have viewed, subscribed and favorited it!

Good luck and have fun playing Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim!

Note: If anyone does Subscribe and Likes this Mod, Please give it a Rate Up, and a Favorite! And maybe even a comment on it :D
Note: If there is any other Items that you would like to see in the Forge or Tanning Rack. Do leave me a comment and i will see to adding it into this Mod or my other Mods.
10 commenti
Daddelmatz 19 set 2018, ore 6:45 
Eine gute Mod, danke!

In der Tat möchte ich hier Ideen/Vorschläge ausschütten, zu Themen, auf die ich immer wieder stoße.
Design, schließlich machen Kleider Leute und oft zeigen was sie tun.

Es ist zum Beispiel nicht möglich jede Form von Schmuck herzustellen. Man kann lediglich ein Diamant/Gold-Set erstellen. Es wäre schön, wenn du dies ändern könntest.

Die Anzahl und das Aussehen der Anziehsachen ist stark begrenzt. Kommentar meiner Freundin "Mehr Klamotten gibts nicht? :( Ehrlich, da möchtest du dir doch eine Nähmaschine anschaffen - vielleicht haben die Dwemerjungs eine :)

Tatsächlich würde ich meiner Elfischen Bogenschützin gerne etwas anziehen das auch passt., etwas praktisch und gutaussehend ist, Etwas mehr Tarnfarbe-Effekt wäre cool. im Moment läuft sie mit einem langen Rock durch Wälder/Berge, weiße Ärmel, großer Ausschnitt. Entdeckt werden und Lungenentzündung wären da vorprogrammiert ;)

Vielen Dank!:
Guru Dipshit 21 ott 2016, ore 20:25 
lol, because it's a mod for skyrim XD
ChickenBoy 23 ago 2016, ore 2:18 
ugh, why does it needs to have skyrim to work!
Brisko 1 mar 2016, ore 5:07 
MoonShadow 28 feb 2016, ore 15:07 
not possible? just use the gemstone image file for soul gems for a quick and dirty version, but id like something a bit more flashy
Banri  [autore] 28 feb 2016, ore 14:53 
Not possible :)
MoonShadow 28 feb 2016, ore 14:06 
id like a mod that turns gemstones into soul gems, the better the quality gem the high quality soul gem, and having new skins for the weapons where the gems are imbedded in the weapon
Guru Dipshit 27 feb 2016, ore 8:37 
shaebie 26 feb 2016, ore 15:02 
OoH. Im a hoarder like a dragon so now i can stuff my rooom with gemmy gems! And i would like craftable soul gems, speaking of the vote.
Banri  [autore] 23 feb 2016, ore 15:49 
Put it to a vote, if anyone wants to see Soul Gems in this mod, say Yes, if not say No. =D