The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

1,381 次評價
+ BIG: More Kill Moves! (a Better Improvements for Gameplay mod)
126.354 KB
2016 年 2 月 23 日 上午 6:26
2016 年 6 月 7 日 上午 3:37
3 項更新註記 (檢視)

+ BIG: More Kill Moves! (a Better Improvements for Gameplay mod)

在 sp0ckrates 的 1 個收藏中
Better Improvements for Gameplay Collection
8 個項目
Makes those epic kill moves more frequent!
Yeah, I Iove Skyrim's kill moves. I just can't get enough of them! So I made the Better Improvements for Gameplay (BIG): More Kill Moves! mod to make them happen more. It's great for making videos, broadcasts, screenshots or just for fun! In fact, I liked it so much, I thought I'd pass it on. Hope you enjoy the killing show!

PLEASE NOTE: This mod no longer lets you decapitate without the Devastating Blow or Savage Strike skill perks. If you don't have the perks and want to decapitate anyway, subscribe to this mod: BIG: Earlier Decapitations! Also check out the other mods in this series: Better Improvements for Gameplay Collection. Follow me on Steam to get notified when I release new BIG mods. Like the mod? Please consider rating it.


The game sets a condition for every kill move animation, which allows the animation to run only if the one killed is the last foe standing. The thing is, it doesn't happen every time. Either your follower steals the show by getting in a lucky last hit, or the game doesn't play the animation when it should. So after a long battle with a dozen or so draugr, witches or bandits, you might not even get the satisfaction of a good kill move!


The mod removes the last-foe-standing restriction, so kill moves can happen more than once during a battle. The mod also removes the non-detection requirement for the throat-slitting kill move. So if you kill a victim from behind with a dagger, the kill move is more likely to play, instead of the lame one-hit and drop with no kill move.


Q. Will I get a kill move every time I drop a foe with BIG: More Kill Moves?
A. No. But you might get a kill move or three each time you fight a group of foes.

Q. Will BIG: More Kill Moves make it easier to kill?
A. No. The killing is still up to you. The mod just increases the chance of seeing a better show when it happens.

Q. Will the mod give me more kill moves with every weapon type, even bows?
A. Yes!

Q. Will it also give me more back-stab kill moves?
A. Absolutely!

Q. What about destruction magic kill moves with staves and spells?
A. Oh yeah, you'll enjoy more of those, too!

Q. OK, but tell me about decapitations. Will I have more fun with my headman's axe?
A. You'll certainly see more of those captivating, decapitating kill moves! But if you don't have the skill perks to unlock decapitations, subscribe to this mod: BIG: Earlier Decapitations!

Q. Will it make the kill moves more bloody?
A. No, but this mod will: BIG: More Blood and Gore!

Q. Will I get hit during a kill move?
A. You might take a blow to the head or an arrow to the knee while a kill move is playing, but the same would happen if the kill move didn't play. So you won't take any more hits with this mod than you would without it.

Q. Is this mod compatible with all of your other mods?
A. Yes, of course.

Q. Is it compatible with all other mods on the workshop?
A. You're kidding! Right?

Q. Will the mod let me make choose how often kill moves happen.
A. No, that would require installing a script extender. Who wants to mess with that?

Q. What's the percent chance to get a kill move?
A. 50% with every foe you kill (same as in the vanilla game, but you see more because it doesn't apply to only the last enemy standing).

Q. What's the chance of getting a decapitation?
A. 40% with every kill (same as in the vanilla game, but you see more, because it doesn't apply to only the last enemy standing).

Q. Will the mod let me choose what kill moves will play?
A. No, for the same reason.

Q. Does the mod add new animations to the game that might mess something up?
A. No worries: There aren't any new ones, just more of the epic ones you love to see!

Q. What will happen if I unsubscribe?
A. Kill moves will go back to the same, boring frequency. They'll only have a chance of happening when you kill the last enemy standing.


This mod is completely free. But it takes a lot of time, effort and expense to make it and mods like it. If you appreciate the fun they provide and want to give a little back, log into PayPal[] and make a donation to No amount is too small to help!


The Sp0ckrates Steam Skyrim Workshop currently has more than 1,000,000 subscribers and more than 4,000 followers. Many thanks to all who've tried out our mods over the last two years. Dudes! You're the best!


✓ Remember to Restart Skyrim
To make sure this mod loads, after subscribing, launch Skyrim, wait for the launch screen to display a message that all mods finished synchronizing, then exit Skyrim to the desktop. Relaunch Skyrim. The mod should now be loaded.


There are no known bugs. Please report any you think you find. Mods changing the conditions for kill moves might be incompatible.


There's no need to unsubscribe. After subscribing, you may easily disable the mod at anytime:
  1. Start the Skyrim launcher
  2. Wait for it to display a message that mods finished synchronizing
  3. Select Data Files
  4. Remove the checkmark next to this mod
  5. Select OK and Play


See the Change Notes.
310 則留言
Calamari 2024 年 8 月 6 日 下午 4:16 
Does this increase the amount of werewolf killmoves?
Kotołak 2021 年 8 月 1 日 上午 10:05 
It is compatible with ordinator btw.
Kotołak 2021 年 8 月 1 日 上午 10:04 
Great mod! Just active and play
Arcaan_V 2021 年 6 月 7 日 下午 7:44 
is it compatible with ordinator?
Brazilian_Soldier 2021 年 1 月 28 日 下午 7:07 
Is this mod available for Skyrim SE?
MisterFuzzyPants 2021 年 1 月 25 日 下午 9:35 
ooh boxing
sidney.green86 2019 年 8 月 17 日 下午 3:46 
I've tried it, yes it will unlock unarmed kills. I fight unarmed on Skyrim
Chaosvolt 2019 年 7 月 4 日 下午 8:03 
Hmm. Will this affect unarmed killcams too?
✠ DFSpecter 2018 年 7 月 5 日 下午 5:00 
Q. Does the mod add new animations to the game that might mess something up?
A. No worries: There aren't any new ones, just more of the epic ones you love to see.

Well then, do you know where I can find those then? I just need general pointers.
Nice mod btw.
Rayzuke 2018 年 7 月 2 日 上午 9:35 
I hae another question: Have you ever seen a elf getting stabbed in the chest with a Mace? With the entire MACE