Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

Orion VII (Next Generation)
Assets: Vehicle
1.072 MB
2016年2月20日 12時24分
2016年2月24日 14時26分
2 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Orion VII (Next Generation)

JSF-1 作成の 1 件のコレクション
Toronto Collection
176 アイテム
Based off the design used in Toronto by the TTC.

With the huge success of the Orion VII, Orion International created a "next-gen" version of its product. The Orion VII NG featured new seating layout and a sloped front end. As well it came in many forms such as Diesel, Hybrid, and EPA10. The TTC purchased 444 of the Orion VII Next-gens with a mix of Diesel and Hybrids. However the Hybrids were known to break down often and the cost saving promised never materialized. The TTC would convert the Hybrids to Diesel use. The TTC would purchase many more of these including 60 of the EPA10 mod

UPDATE: Added Colour Variation.

Capacity: 60
Top Speed: 100Km/h
5 件のコメント
pingucanada 2019年9月30日 16時40分 
Hey I found something,Thomas!!!!!!!
[Delta ²k5] 2016年3月10日 12時06分 
I spotted two problems:

1. the wheel on the back left does not rotate. Maybe it's set too high above the models origin ;)
2. the model has a strange shadowing - it seems like you have put two parts together (front and back). The model creates a shadow on half of the bus as seen from one side if driving through a streetlight. The reasons for this are the following:

1. if you have put two objects together you probably didn't merge the vertices (select two who are in the same spot and press alt + m in blender).
2. if you did so you have to fix the normals. As the sides are flat select them in faces mode, then go to the Shadings/UVs tab on the left hand where you also got the create tab and select for faces "flat" and for edges "smooth". select then all edges which have to be sharp and set them to sharp the same way.

Also, why are the rims red and not in line color?

Best regards
-SuperLuigi- 2016年2月20日 19時31分 
this and first generation! DUDE! I LOVE YOU <3
greenz18 2016年2月20日 19時00分 
Way to go!
Captain-No 2016年2月20日 13時33分 
fit well in the -Canada- all in one Collection:
thank you, Thumbs up