Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

507 arvostelua
BoldlyBuilding's Simcity 3000 Unlimited Assets for Cities: Skylines
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This is a collection of buildings I'm recreating for Cities: Skylines based on those found in Simcity 3000 Unlimited.

There's no particular pattern to the process. I made a database of buildings from SC3KU and simply go through it now and then and select a building I feel like doing. Due to current zone limitations, many of these buildings will be Uniques. Some will be commercial and residential growables. Some will be city services. Industry and reward buildings may get thrown in at some point as well.

There are many buildings to make, and I also have a far larger project to attend to to the foreseeable future, so this won't be a regular thing. However, be sure to check back here on occasion as I may have a new building up here and there.
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