Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

Ocen: 1,090
Hyatt Hotel
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18 lutego 2016 o 4:56
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Hyatt Hotel


Introducing the Hyatt Regency Hotel located in San Francisco. Let me start off by saying that I did not model this entirely. I found the original base model from the 3D Warehouse and it was created by Google Geo Models. Check out the original here.[] I really liked how it looked but it needed some work to be game ready. I removed over 4000 triangles to start that were totally uneeded and then proceeded to actually add them all back through more detail such as window ledges and stuff. I had to remodel some portions of it as well such as the top lookout tower. I also re-textured the entire thing.

This building would be great for a Ski Resort type setting in Snowfall! The building is free placing and you can rotate it by right clicking holding and then dragging to spin it in any angle you want.

Main Model
Lod Model
Tri Count
Texture Sizes
1024 x 2048
512 x 512
Texture Maps
Color Variations
Komentarzy: 86
Tevret Fikfik 4 listopada 2023 o 1:20 
hyatt there is something on my eyes O_O
al.y 18 kwietnia 2022 o 8:30 
Had to chuck it, crime and garbage a problem as also mentioned earlier. Plus it acted funny with traffic going through it. Seems it wanted to connect the drive but my heavy traffic took it as a short cut and still no police or trash haulers I guess never go there?! Good looking though!
ATR 26 grudnia 2021 o 14:42 
Perma stuck at no road access. smh
DragonFire 21 sierpnia 2020 o 2:28 
Hey I made a video about your Addon I hope this is ok
scottv63 28 kwietnia 2020 o 11:45 
Garbage and crime never satisfied....
Apples 14 listopada 2018 o 14:24 
It works fine, the road access is on the back of the building.
[-NoE-] Mortis Angelus 22 października 2018 o 6:00 
Connected to road from both sides of building. Still complained about "Not connected to road". Unsub!

Otherwise a great looking asset
plotwitch 29 sierpnia 2018 o 20:25 
Very pretty, just doesn't work very well. Had to unsub; it was just wasting space.
Depot_Shredder 12 maja 2018 o 9:25 
@Anomaly I think there is, and if not it's certainly similar. I know exactly what you're talking about - I stayed in Atlanta once and visited that exact hotel for its view of the airport.
AKscene 5 grudnia 2017 o 14:53 
Yep. No garbage pickup and high crime. Unsubscribed!