Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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1.703 MB
7 févr. 2016 à 16h44
24 févr. 2016 à 14h15
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Dans 1 collection faite par JSF-1
Toronto Collection
175 objets
This asset is outdated and has been replaced by a newer model.

The Nova LFS 60' Bus, based on the TTC design in Toronto Ontario.

Many systems use these articulated buses including cities like Toronto, New York, and Montreal. These 60 foot (18.2 Meters) buses come with a capacity of 125 passengers and a top speed of 100Km/h. The TTC specifically has 27 of these buses in its fleet with more on order.

- Added Colour Variation
- Reduced Trailer Bucking

Passenger Capacity: 125
Top Speed: 100 Km/h
14 commentaires
Dr.Gamer 23 févr. 2021 à 18h32 
make the prop please
Hot Mustard 15 juin 2020 à 17h23 
Will you be revamping the quality of the Nova Bus series like you did with the New Flyers?
BRAVO 6 juil. 2017 à 13h52 
For those interested, I found a semi fix for the trailer bug using advanced vehicle options. Adjust the acceleration and brake values to 0.4 and that will fix the broken trailer section mechanic.
BRAVO 18 janv. 2017 à 17h47 
Any plans to do the GMC-TA60-102N? I think that and the TC40102 would be interesting additions to your workshop.
Elijah1 28 nov. 2016 à 23h47 
Elijah1 28 nov. 2016 à 23h44 
um i wint in my game and i dont see it in my city
GoldAndBlue 7 juil. 2016 à 4h49 
Hey JSF-1. Just wanted to let you know that this asset still has quite the exaggerated rear end physics on it... Hope it can be fixed soon. Thanks.
Dr Woozie 8 juin 2016 à 13h03 
Please, Please, Please make some add some bike racks to the buses and I WOULD REALLY enjoy if you make props for these ttc vehicles! Thank you if you reply!
ymer234 2 mai 2016 à 5h06 
I'm sorry, there is something terribly wrong with this model. When accellerating and breaking the back "car" (wagon) tilts backwards of forwards. It looks like every passenger went back in the back seat when stopping and forward when accellerating. It is a little funny to watch in the beginning, then you switch the bus out.
ymer234 7 avr. 2016 à 4h05 
Nice, these busses reminds me of the ones in the 80's where I grew up (stockholm, sweden)