The Forest

The Forest

The Forest v0.31 - Rock and Stick Duplicate Glitch
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6 Kommentare
ZachAttack 19. Nov. 2020 um 14:01 
yeah it was in the beta so they problay fixed it by now
BRT Cobra 15. März 2016 um 6:59 
it is fixed
♤ Jokermeister ♤  [Autor] 15. März 2016 um 6:52 
@Schnappi it did, but i think it's patched now.
schnappi 13. März 2016 um 15:12 
Does it work in co-op?
BRT Cobra 1. Feb. 2016 um 12:28 
you can also do it with meat and anything else you can cary and drop
Cloudy boi 31. Jan. 2016 um 8:58