Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

440 arvostelua
McDonalds inspiration Rotterdam(Ploppable RICO ready)
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3.680 MB
5.1.2016 klo 10.38
11.3.2016 klo 15.11
3 muutosilmoitusta ( näytä )

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McDonalds inspiration Rotterdam(Ploppable RICO ready)

1 kokoelmassa, tekijä SvenBerlin
Commercial and Offices as unique buildings
68 luomusta
McMcDonalds inspirationRotterdam by Svenpotsdam

If you like my assets you can support me with a donation. Thanks a lot.

17 kommenttia
PhazezGova 25.2.2024 klo 9.40 
I love this building, but according to mesh-info it's in the red zone, so I don't recommend building it too often.
thedtw 15.11.2023 klo 8.14 
There is a new McDonald’s asset recently made by @cristolisto
Froggy_NL 27.3.2017 klo 1.21 
With compliments added to the Steam Workshop Rotterdam Collection
Leonnidas_pt 8.11.2016 klo 13.58 
Hi, This guy benjamin199725, has upload at least one of your creations without due credit.
EmanuelBERG 20.9.2016 klo 10.50 
De Klok 13.1.2016 klo 4.29 
Looks just like the original, nice work
Large Hardon Collider 11.1.2016 klo 18.54 
Would subscribe if it was general commercial. I don't like that it is a unique.
Froggy_NL 11.1.2016 klo 2.20 
Mc Donalds, Coolsingel Rotterdam.
Looks very nice :) quality work! Thanks for making and sharing
[GTFO] Tuyaresa 11.1.2016 klo 0.14 
Zaterdag avond na het stappen ga ik hier altijd eten!
sneeze 10.1.2016 klo 7.52 
could you make a different type of resturaunt like a steakhouse cuz i hate mcdonalds