Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

86 avaliações
Paradise Community Pool
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Assets: Park
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2 jan. 2016 às 12:59
24 jun. 2016 às 16:18
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Paradise Community Pool

Numa coleção por MrMiyagi
Tropical Homes for Everyone & Commercial for After Dark DLC owners
46 itens
Paradise Community Pool by request: large pool 7x4 park category. Upscale pool deck lighting for evening ambience!

Uses TPB's beautiful new palm tree set, Shroomblaze's Cordyline red decorative grass, XAVE's bushes, ryanjamesoflondon's fern, FTP's hawthorne hedge, and Soldyne's iron fence. WIthout them, none of this is possible! Thanks!
26 comentários
agusingnavy 24 jun. 2016 às 16:28 
Uh, have a great time updating stuff, LOL (sorry)
MrMiyagi  [autor] 24 jun. 2016 às 16:25 
I wish Xave hadn't deleted the old one. I use Xave bushes in almost every single building I've pubilshed. O.O.
agusingnavy 24 jun. 2016 às 16:24 
Great !!! I've made you work !!!
MrMiyagi  [autor] 24 jun. 2016 às 16:15 
Update coming in 3... 2.... 1...
agusingnavy 22 jun. 2016 às 20:44 
Missing prop by Xave (no longer available) Update needed. The message (Loading Screen Mod) is driving me crrraaazzzyyy, LOL
ConureGuy_411 14 mar. 2016 às 16:43 
Well I'm sure it looks better than a cement rectangle that was there w/o the pool. LOL
MrMiyagi  [autor] 14 mar. 2016 às 15:55 
XD No worries, Ziggy! The LOD for the pool isn't so great, so it does look a bit weird at some angles zoomed out. Up close it's nice.
ConureGuy_411 14 mar. 2016 às 12:43 
I was about to unsubscribe from this because the pool wasn't showing up in game then I just noticed I don't have the required 'pool'. haha
MrMiyagi  [autor] 2 fev. 2016 às 12:39 
:D It's a multi purpose community center! :D
applejuice 1 fev. 2016 às 6:35 
I just realised that i forgot to download the pool asset :steamfacepalm: But atleast it was a nice concrete plaza before