Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Real Kaohsiung City 01
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1 Thg01, 2016 @ 11:14pm
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Real Kaohsiung City 01

Mô tả
This is my "Real Kaohsiung" series savegame 01

"Real Kaohsiung" series is based on

t95912's Map

and changed some more things,like Kaohsiung Circular Line,Freeway 7

I will make 3 savegame

01:blank,good for newgame start.

unlimited money,unlock all.
Add main road,metro,harbor,airport,power,water and more things.
Good for play a ideal kaousiung city.

03.almost real
unlimited money,unlock all.
Add zones andf more things from 02.
Good for play a real kaousiung city.

tag: taiwan,kaohsiung,takao,台灣