The Escapists

The Escapists

391 人が評価
Status: Complete
タグ: Normal
111.991 KB
2016年1月1日 17時45分
2016年1月6日 7時17分
7 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )


You're Grounded! Do you have the skills do escape your own home?

Please let me know if you find any bugs with the map, and i will fix them immediately.

Update log
-v2.1: Bug fixes
-v2.2: Fixed jeep bug, better road design.
-v2.3: Even more bug fixes.
-v2.4: Fixed bug where guards get seizures and more
New map is out, check it out!
293 件のコメント
AspectVlad 6月8日 23時46分 
I recruited 2 inmates and I beat all the cops then just escaped
Nuke Dukem 2月1日 9時41分 
great map! really enjoyed it. it could be a bit more diffucilt tho, i was hoping there would be something with the generator
mark_us 2023年6月21日 13時51分 
trashy boi8096 2022年7月4日 14時55分 
I think this map gets too much praise. Its premise is very interesting, but a lot of the elements aren't done very well. Many of the rooms are far too small and clunky, and the lack of tower guards makes it extremely easy to escape on day 1.

To escape, I chipped through the bottom-right corner of the cafeteria, simply walked out of the entrance, filed through the fence (while deactivating the cameras with toothpaste), and ran for the hills. All on day 1.

Like I said, the idea is really creative but the map design just isn't very good.
Mojojojo 2022年2月23日 17時04分 
wait, but what happens after 1 year is up?

lol I know nothing but it's funny to think about lore-wise
gianniistheman 2021年12月4日 17時14分 
lottery liama I do see it but only when I ope a chest
gianniistheman 2021年12月4日 17時13分 
I've found something in your custom map. Whenever I would open a chest it looked like there was some sort of sprite that showed a helicopter dropping a bomb and making an explosion. Then I started hearing sound that were like explosions. please tell me what this is.
bingusboy 2021年4月13日 7時39分 
there isnt any job board accessable, nor is there any intelligence spots available.
NowayJman 2021年3月30日 8時15分 
wheres the job board?
Julien Nouvot 2021年3月22日 5時21分 
Really creative design and setting, I really like it! :brownchicken: