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History of the Ancient Apparition
By Nyshachor
This is a story of Invoker, the greatest mage of all time. In accordance to history known far and wide Kaldr-the ancient apparition was an evil that existed within the dire side of the lands but perished far before time even started, before the war of the ancients were waged. Kaldr died being crushed by an avalanche-the one from Tiny-the stone giant. When the war was looking bad for dire Lich decided they needed some ancient power to help them but what he could not think.

Then to his mind came Kaelthas-the Invoker's greatest and most feared forge spirit-Kaldr! Legends told that Invoker's pride forge spirit was long dead but Lich sought to find that out for, he knew Kaldr was Kaelthas' favourite casting, the only spirit he gave a name to. And in his quest to find Kaldr's so called resting place he came upon the remains of a frozen avalanche. Using the dark magic he mastered he revived the ancient apparition- Invoker's pride to stand and fight for the dire.

Now Kaldr-the ancient apparition uses a combination of deadly ice from Invoker's quas essence and dark magic from Lich to balance the field and finally turn the tide for the dire in the battle for the ancients.

The History of the Heroes