Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

60 lượt đánh giá
2 Narrow Suburban House lvl2
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30 Thg12, 2015 @ 5:02am
20 Thg01, 2017 @ 9:11am
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2 Narrow Suburban House lvl2

Trong 1 bộ sưu tập tạo bởi stockjr97
Japanese Suburban Styled Houses
46 vật phẩm
Mô tả
This is the second house for the upcoming narrow house collection. More houses are to come.

Level 2
Lot size: 1x2
Tris: 612
1024x1024 JPG Textures
11 bình luận
alphaprior 29 Thg04, 2017 @ 12:30pm 
Loading Screen Mod reports:
You have 587998829 but it does not contain 2 Narrow Suburban House lvl3_Data. Name probably changed by the author

You keep editing and changing names and details making your assets unusable to current subscribers. Therefore I unsubscribe from all.
stockjr97  [tác giả] 20 Thg01, 2017 @ 6:35pm 
Problem should be fixed now.
alphaprior 15 Thg01, 2017 @ 7:29am 
Loading Screen mod reports missing asset: Stoop.Stoop_Data
for all your houses
Fluffy Sausage 1 Thg03, 2016 @ 8:26pm 
I could argue they might be suitable for level 4 as well. If you've seen the neighborhoods around Disney Sea in Tokyo, they look pretty upper-middle.
Benny Beanpicker (NL) 1 Thg03, 2016 @ 5:32pm 
would be nice level 3 versions
stockjr97  [tác giả] 1 Thg03, 2016 @ 5:04pm 
I might make a level 3 version. They seem suitable for a middle-class neighborhood. I don't think they should go past level 3.
Fluffy Sausage 1 Thg03, 2016 @ 1:22pm 
Are you going to be designing higher level versions of these houses? These are fantastic, and I hate to see them disappear when they're upgraded past level 2 or 3 into American styled homes.
Benny Beanpicker (NL) 1 Thg01, 2016 @ 8:24am 
ok ty i wonder if you make some level 1 houses too so i can make a district style out of it
stockjr97  [tác giả] 1 Thg01, 2016 @ 8:18am 
@Wastingpluto533 These houses are inspired from inner suburban Japanese houses.
Benny Beanpicker (NL) 1 Thg01, 2016 @ 6:42am 
i hope you make a collection and can you please tell me from wich country these houses are inspired from