

201 ratings
Full Undertale Guide!
By Square and 1 collaborators
This guide will help you on any ending you need, if there's something missing, put it in the comments and i'll add it! =)


(Image from the Undertale Wiki)

Hey there! I'm here to help you on anything you need to know about Undertale.
As of every single guide of any game out there, Here is no different, THERE ARE SPOILERS.

So you should probably play the game for yourself before reading this guide, or you should read it if you have no intentions of playing the game yourself. (but then, why would you read it?)

Note: Everytime I say "Click", I mean to press Z.

You've been warned.

Guide made by W.D. Potato (first sign of cringy guide)
Extra help by: Neglection & Annoying Dog

My Other Guides:

Extra note:
Thank you guys so much for your support on this guide! I could've never done this without your amazing support!
First Steps (Pacifist)
On your first run, you should NOT do the Genocide Route, Why? Because it'll basically screw up the rest of your runs in the game.

Okay, so your first run, no matter what you do you'll always get a Neutral Boss Ending. (I'll explain it later.)

You don't need to read this part if you already know the basics of the game.

At first you pass through a quite of tutorial for the game.


First steps:

The first enemy you'll encounter is a Dummy.
What you want to do is hover over this:

And yes, I named my character Potato.

Then click it twice and then click Talk.
Then you're done with this stupid dummy. (dummy's cri evritim)

The next enemy you'll encounter is a Froggit, hover over the Mercy button and click spare.
Toriel should appear and scare the Froggit away.

First Secret:

After going through the corridor without toriel, go back and you can see Flowey for a brief moment, that does nothing but its an interesting secret.


At this room, I reccommend you to go to the door at the upper side of it. You should get some Monster Candy to heal your HP if it's low.

And that's about it for the first steps!
Alot of people probably should read this, if you don't, Napsablook will get angry at you and kill you without mercy.


Go on Act and keep clicking "Cheer".

When he shows you the Dapper Blook, click "Cheer" once more and you're done.
If you click ANYTHING ELSE, he will start being angry at you and making the battle impossible.
Sparing Colors
So once you get to this room:

Talk to the second Froggit and say: "It's bad"
Then talk to it again and say: "I want yellow names back"
Then you get Pink names.

If you still want yellow names, don't talk to it.

Ant-sized frog secret:

Go to the exact position I am on this screenshot, and click.
This text should appear:

It's basically useless to the game but it's a nice secret.
End of the Ruins
So once you get to this part, at Toriel's House:

Talk to her and say: "When can I go home?"
After that, keep saying: "How to exit the RUINS" until she says: "... I have to do something."

Go downstairs and once you get to battle Toriel, keep Sparing her.

You should memorize how to dodge her attacks, it'll be useful in the future.

Go through the door, have a little "chat" with Flowey and you're done with the Ruins.

Snow Forest
Snow Forest and Snowdin are different places.
Once you go through the door of the ruins, keep walking right until you see a shadow behind you.

Once you're done with watching Papyrus and Sans, go to the next room, save and proceed.
There's not much going on in here, so I shouldn't write basically everything in this.

Dog strategies:



1. Any except Fight
2. Pet
3. Spare

Lesser Dog:

Normal Strategy:

1. Pet
2. Spare

Second Strategy:

1. Pet for a couple of minutes, untill you get the text: "Lesser Dog has gone where no Dog has gone before."
2. Spare

Dogamy & Dogaressa


1. Roll Around
2. Re-Sniff
3. Pet (each of them)
4. Spare

Greater Dog


1. Ignore
2. Pet
3. Play
4. Pet
5. Pet
6. Spare

Or you could use your Stick at them, this might be the easiest method to spare them.
Color Tile Puzzle
Remember this, or not, you don't really need to but....

Red - Impassable
Yellow - Electric, If next to a blue tile, the water will zap you.
Green - Alarm, Fight a monster.
Orange - Orange-scented, will make you smell like oranges, which piranhas like.
Blue - Water, has piranhas.
Purple - Slippery, Slide to the next tile, Smells like lemons, which piranhas don't like.
Pink - They don't do anything.
So, Papyrus is an interesting boss, because he is the first boss that changes your "Heart Color".

You can click on Flirt if you want a different thing to do when you get to his house.

Blue Heart Physics:

It's kind of like the normal heart, but instead of moving freely, it is affected by Gravity.

Bone attacks:

Normal (white bones) - Avoid them
Blue - Don't move, Falling counts as moving.

After the battle, Tell papyrus you want to be friends with him, then go to his house.
Date with Papyrus
Depends if you flirted with him or not. After fighting him, go back to snowdin and talk to him, he'll be next to his house
Many people don't know that if you don't flirt with papyrus you can still... uh.. "Date" with him?
Well, this date is pretty simple so I don't have to put every detail here..
Just try to be the nicest possible.

After you've dated him, you'll get his phone number, that'll be very useful on the future.
When you finish dating Papyrus (second sign of cringy guide), go back to where you battled him.
At the start of it, you'll find Papyrus and Undyne (Armored) talking.
A room or two later you'll find a flower puzzle, It's a bit complicated but if you want the solution, go ahead. When you finish it, Papyrus will phone you asking about your armor, Doesn't matter if you lie to him or not, he'll always tell Undyne that you are wearing the armor you're currently wearing. (Wearception)

Here's the solution of the flower puzzle for you:

Speeding things up, You'll find a room like this:

Also, to the upper side is Gerson.

Go to the right, to find a room, next to it is a glowing mushroom room, Go here:

This is basically the heaven for Money Farms.
Here are all the possible money farming strategies.
1. Purchasing tem flake (ON SALE) for 1G and selling it for 2G
2. Dog Residue within your inventory and sell all but one for 1 to 4G, after selling it, go out of Tem Shop and use the only one you have, to acquire it, read the next section, all 'bout Dog Residue.
3. The Cloudy Glasses can also be farmed for extra money, and much faster than Dog Residue. Sold by Gerson for 30G, the Temmie Shop will buy them for 50G, and offer 51G or 65G every eighth sale.
Dog Residue
So you want to farm money not the best way but have a chance of having a majestic Dog Salad in your inventory?
So if you're on the room you found Shyren, Great! Go up and you'll find a piano room.
Correct Notes: ○ ↑ → ○ ↓ ↓ →
It'll open a door, you'll find a red ball and it'll say: "You are carrying too many dogs."
Open your inventory, use the Annoying Dog, And get Dog Residue!
Once you use your Dog Residue, Your inventory fills up with it, there's a chance you might get an item called Dog Salad, it can heal your health varying from 1 HP to fully healing you.
Before skipping a trillion rooms, you'll find a room with a bridge.
Monster Kid will talk and almost fall off the bridge, Help him out by clicking on him, that will not make him fall, but rather help him get up. That's a very important step for your friendship with undyne and the ending of the game. (Atleast I think so...)
Now to undyne.
A useful way to skip the battle is going into the left corner. You must be Über precise though.
That will teleport you to the top of the room, walk down and go through the mountain, Skip first battle!

Now if you're not as Über precise, you'll have to battle her.

Reccomended armor: Temy Armor (After sending Tem to College)

SPOILERS AHEAD!!! (like if this guide wasn't a gigantic spoiler...)

How to win Undyne:
1. You'll have to wait for her to turn you back into your normal Red Soul.
2. Flee.
3. Walk till she battles you again.
4. Repeat until this room:

(Sorry for the horrible quality.)
On it, you'll have to take a cup of water, and pour it on undyne.
Then you're basically at the end of the game! Or are you?

This, is the 4th area of the game, But not the last.
First you'll have to go to this building with "Lab" written on it.
Then you'll find Alphys and then later one of the most annoying characters in the game, (in my opinion) Mettaton.

After Mettaton breaks in, you'll go to his quiz show.
Watch Alphys' hand gestures to show the answer.
On the "Would You Smooch a Ghost" question, go on any you want. they are all true. (haters pls i'm not talking about what you'd do, it's about the answer)
On the last one, Answer "Don't Know" or Alphys will hate you forever. nah just kidding.

There's not much to talk about on this area, other than that you may not move at Blue Lasers or they will hurt you. And Orange lasers, you have to be moving, else they will hurt you.
Doesn't matter if you don't get the Substitution on Mettaton's Cooking Show or not, you'll always win.
After one more Mettaton Show, you'll get to Muffet.
You better have farmed alot of money on Temmie Village.
If not, go down to L1, talk to the Boatman, select to go to Waterfall and farm.
Or just download some cheap hack to make it easier.
If you don't want to do any of those, you'll have to battle her, its very easy though.
Also, when you get to Mettaton's musical, the game renames itself to UNDERTALE the Musical.
Once you get to the MTT Hotel, you can basically skip it by going all the way up and going to the CORE.
This is it!
This is the last region of the game!
oh i'm supposed to write here?
okay. (third sign of cringy guide, level 2)

Before going to the core, You'll get to the MTT Hotel, go to the burger shop and buy alot of Legendary Heroes, you'll need them for the final boss.

Go to This Guide if you have trouble sparing enemies.

Remember when I said to remember how to dodge Toriel's Attacks?
Well, This is why!
If you don't have your tons of Legendary Heroes, then you'd need to remember how to dodge Toriel's Attacks.

Reccomended Armor: Temy armor
Reccomended Weapon: Worn Dagger (You'll need to almost kill asgore to then spare him.)

Nothing more to write here.
Pacifist Route End
So when you finish battling and sparing asgore, guess who comes?
Now you'll batt-
your game crashes first ;)
THEN you'll battle Flowey. Check the next section for some tips on battling!
Flowey can kill you
The Souls can hurt you, but not kill you. The fight is kind of easy though, very easy once you get used to it, after you battle flowey, spare him till he runs away.
Then he will say for you to be better friends with undyne, go to L1 in Hotland and go talk to the Boatman, choose to go to Waterfall, go to Undyne's house and befriend her. Go to the Waterfall section to see where I found this room:

Undyne will give you a letter to give to Alphys, Now you'll have to go and give the letter to Alphys.
After that, you'll end up on the garbage dump, Papyrus will call you and tell you to go to her lab, you'll find a note, read it and go to the elevator. You'll be on the True Lab!
After finishing the True Lab, you'll battle Asriel Dreemurr and your True Pacifist route is done!
Photoshop Flowey Tips
Section made by Annoying Dog.
Fighting Photoshop Flowey (Or Omega Flowey) can be a HUGE pain in the butt. This will contain a tad bit of spoilers, but I can imagine that you're reading this because you're stuck on this boss like I was. First, let's look at some statistics of the battle!

Facts and Statistics of Omega Flowey
- Has a variety of attacks that I am going to nickname below this.
- Has multiple phases, but I will seperate the battle into 2 parts
- In the battle, if you die, you come back to life to try again. If you die both times and try fighting him again, all progress made to damage him is saved.

Omega Flowey's Attacks
Omega Flowey has a huge variety of attacks that are hard to dodge, but with a few tips and tricks, you can slide right by them!
- Flowey shoots X-shaped bullets in a wide arc, so we call this "The Arc"
- He also shoots X-shaped bullets in triplets from both of his sides, so I call this "Machine Gun"
- Near his arms, he will shoot flame throwers that cover about half of the field, I don't give this attack a name as it is unnecessary.
- IMMA FIRIN' MAH LAZOR!!! Flowey has a huge beam that goes from his mouth through the center of the screen. We can just call this "Laser"
- A bunch of 7 second videos? We call those vines. Flowey will shoot out vines aiming towards you, but before he shoots, he indicates where he will shoot. We call this attack "Vines"
- A venus flytrap comes out of one of his arms and attracts a swarm of flies to it. This is called "Trap"
- Giant nukes after you? He shoots bombs that explode when they hit the bottom. We'll just call these "Nukes/Bombs"
- Remember when you were cool doing finger guns in elementary school? Well it's not cool here because it's such a pain to dodge. He has a bunch of finger guns to shoot fingers at you. Call these things "Guns"
- DIAGONAL SNAKE GAME! He shoots out 3 giant snake things that fly around the map. Pretty simple to dodge, but very annoying. We will call this "SNAKE"
- Lastly, about half way through the battle, he will start saving the game before an attack, and if you dodge it, he reloads the save and you have to dodge it again.

Phew, onto the different minigames!

Flowey has multiple phases that consists of "minigames" Some are pretty straight forward, while others are annoying as crap! The game starts when the screen shows a warning sign and a soul.
- The first game is dodging a bunch of knives that spin and move around in unison. Just slip between them and find out the pattern until you can reach the act button.
- The second game is a bunch of hands formed in multiple circles that extend out to reach the player, the retract back inwards. This is an annoying game, but easy to follow. Slip between the circles when you can, and leave when possible. Do this until you can press the Act button.
- The third game puts you on the ground and disables you from going up. This is basically a free pass because all you have to do is slide underneath the ballet shoes that come after you. It's extremely easy. Just do this until you press the Act button.
- The fourth game is also a free pass, just dodge words and press the act button. It's pretty straight forward.
- The fifth game shows 3 frying pans flipping food at you. I recommend staying at the bottom of the screen and dodging them in a small area. This is simple but annoying.
- The sixth game is annoying but really easy. A revolver rotates in the middle of the screen and shoots torwards you. The easy thing is that it shows what direction it will shoot in. But it's WAY harder than it looks.

Here is a clip of the fight so you can see for yourself:

I can give you tips on how to dodge SOME attacks, but others I can't explain.
- Dodging any of his X-shaped bullets is simple. He starts to shoot at you, and all you have to do is tap left or right continuously until he stops shooting. DO NOT SWITCH FROM GOING RIGHT TO LEFT, this will screw you over!
- To dodge flamethrowers, stay near the bottom middle of the screen. If he shoots from the left, go right. If he shoots from the right, go left. Pretty simple. Sometimes, he will combine this attack with the laser, which is almost impossible to dodge.
- Speaking of his laser, just go left or right, not the middle. That's basically it for the laser.
- Dodging vines is similar to doding his X-shaped bullets. Just tap left or right. You can switch direction if it's safe.
- The Venus Flytrap is complete RNG, but I would recommend staying somewhere near the middle so you can see where the flies come from, and still have room to dodge.
- To dodge bombs, stay near the top and in one condensed area. Just go left or right when needed.
- I can't help with finger guns ;-; Good Luck!
- Snakes are also complete RNG, but can be simple to dodge. Just try to stay in a condensed area and if a snake comes torwards you, run to the side and then go back to your area.
- When he saves the game before an attack, be cautious. If you dodge his attack, he will load the save back to the attack and you have to dodge it again. Pretty simple

If you need anything, watch the video above to see a flawless run of Omega Flowey. If there's something I missed, comment and I'll fix it! Thanks and Good Luck!

Section made by Dristan
Neutral Route
Not much to say about the Neutral Route, You'll have to kill atleast one enemy to get to the Neutral Route.
There are TONS of variations of the Neutral Route. Go to This page [undertale.wikia.com] to see all Neutral Route variables.
Genocide Route
So you want to release the murderous spirit that will forever corrupt your soul? Yes?
Great! then you're on the correct Section!
Again, Don't do the genocide run as your first run. If you did, Good job, You didn't F*ck up. :)

On it you'll need to grind, ALOT.
Remember that you'll need to kill ALL the bosses too!


20 enemies to murder.

At the savepoint on the leaves.

Snow Forest

16 enemies to murder.

The First Savepoint.

2nd Grindspot:
The room before Snowdin.


18 enemies to murder.

Room before Temmie Village.

2nd Grindspot:
Flower puzzle room.

Hotland / CORE
Hotland shares the same killcount as the CORE.

40 enemies to murder mercilessly.

Bridge room at the CORE (Near Mettaton NEO)

Oh yeah, prepare to have a bad ti-
Genocide Run Tips
Having trouble finding enemies because the spawnrate becomes too low?
No problem! Here are some tips to speed things up!

Method 1, Classic:
1. Run across the room, Most exhausting method.

Method 2, Rapid Turning:
1. Hold Up and Down at the same time.
2. (Optional, Improves method) Walk right.

Method 3, Walking On The Same Spot:
1. Hold any direction
2. Alt+Tab, Your character will keep moving on the same spot, Best method for grinding.
Genocide Bosses
So you're having trouble with bosses in the genocide run? Well, you deserved that trouble. AHEM, The first difference you'll encounter is Undyne, this time you have to battle her in her most powerful form, Undyne the Undying. If you're having trouble with that bossfight, watch this video, it might help you, or not, I can't quite write the exact directions you have to point at because that would take me 3 years to make.

Now for SANS, he's basically the hardest boss in the game, If you're having trouble with the attacks, take a look at This guide to help you.

Reccomended gear:

Undyne the Undying
---Healing Items---
Snowman Piece - 1 for use, 2 in the box.
Abandoned Quiche - Use it before using the snowman piece, because it heals less HP.
---Armor & Weapon---
Old Tutu - Armor
Ballet Shoes - Weapon

---Healing Items (Manage them however YOU like)---
Butterscotch Pie - Use wisely.
Snowman Piece - Use them when on Low HP
(Luck-Based) Dog Salad - You need very good luck for this item.
Instant Noodles - Use them when on VERY Low HP.
Legendary Hero - Use when on Medium-to-low HP.
Steak in the shape of mettaton's face - Use when you're out of Instant Noodles.
---Armor & Weapon---
Doesn't matter which armor you use, Reccomended would be hack into the game files to get the Temmie Armor
Burnt Pan - Weapon, Heals an extra 4 HP per each consumable used.

Astro 2 Feb @ 10:40am 
░░▄ ▀▄▄▀▄░░░░░░░░░ This is Toby.
░█░░░░░░░░▀▄░░░░░░▄░Toby wants to take over Steam.
█░░▀░░▀░░░░░▀▄▄░░█░█He needs your help.
█░▄░█▀░▄░░░░░░░▀▀░░█Copy/paste Toby to help him.
█░░▀▀▀▀░░░░░░░░░░░░█If not, he will use the Legendary Artifact's power. On you.
Astro 2 Feb @ 10:39am 
░░▄ ▀▄▄▀▄░░░░░░░░░
Astro 2 Feb @ 10:39am 
░░░▌░███████░░ THIS IS PAPYRUS
▄░▐░░░▀████▀ ░░
▀█▌░░░▄░▀█▀░▀ ░░ COPY AND PASTE HIM,
░░░░░░░▄▄▐▌▄▄░░░ SO, HE CAN BECOME A MEMBER
░░░░░░░▀█████░▄░░ OF THE ROYAL GUARD
ThatOneGamer 2 Dec, 2024 @ 9:14am 
10 outta 10
iwillfindyouandstealyourtoast 18 Aug, 2024 @ 11:44am 
░░░▌░███████░░ THIS IS PAPYRUS
▄░▐░░░▀████▀ ░░
▀█▌░░░▄░▀█▀░▀ ░░ COPY AND PASTE HIM,
░░░░░░░▄▄▐▌▄▄░░░ SO, HE CAN BECOME A MEMBER
░░░░░░░▀█████░▄░░ OF THE ROYAL GUARD
JSquid730 4 Jun, 2024 @ 6:47pm 
░░▄ ▀▄▄▀▄░░░░░░░░░
SpiceBot 29 Sep, 2023 @ 4:43pm 
I beat napstablook without using anything but attack.
meatball 5 Aug, 2023 @ 5:29am 
░░▄ ▀▄▄▀▄░░░░░░░░░ This is Toby.
░█░░░░░░░░▀▄░░░░░░▄░Toby wants to take over Steam.
█░░▀░░▀░░░░░▀▄▄░░█░█He needs your help.
█░▄░█▀░▄░░░░░░░▀▀░░█Copy/paste Toby to help him.
█░░▀▀▀▀░░░░░░░░░░░░█If not, he will use the Legendary Artifact's power. On you.
da81 3 Aug, 2023 @ 5:53pm 
W guide
Sausage Candles 2 Aug, 2023 @ 10:12pm 
░░▄ ▀▄▄▀▄░░░░░░░░░ This is Toby.
░█░░░░░░░░▀▄░░░░░░▄░Toby wants to take over Steam.
█░░▀░░▀░░░░░▀▄▄░░█░█He needs your help.
█░▄░█▀░▄░░░░░░░▀▀░░█Copy/paste Toby to help him.
█░░▀▀▀▀░░░░░░░░░░░░█If not, he will use the Legendary Artifact's power. On you.