Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Modular Bus Station
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11 dec, 2015 @ 4:14
18 dec, 2016 @ 2:51
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Modular Bus Station

*Needs After Dark DLC*

I really missed a bus terminal that fit the european buildings better than the default one, so I decided to make one. I decided to not have a main building for it as the ones I looked at for inspiration are either next to or in front of a train station or have the bus depot with them. I also wanted it to be fairly small, but look good when several were placed together, so it worked as both a small and large one.

I settled on a 4x5 footprint which has 4 stops on it. When you place 3 together you get 12 stops and it takes up a little less space than the default bus terminal. Hope you guys enjoy it.

Note: Placing this on the corner of two roads causes busses (and at least some vehicles) to take shortcuts in/out of the side of the station. To avoid this you can either move it 2+ squares from an intersection or make the footprint of it larger in the asset editor (this will make it look a bit silly when several are next to each other).

Cost: 15000
Upkeep: 560/week
Electricity: 320 KW
Noise pollution: 50

Tris: 2202
Texture: 1024

Tris: 156
Texture: 128

For full transparency: I am an employee at Colossal Order, however this is my personal account and as such all opinions, content and contributions to the community reflect my own views and interests, and are not created nor maintained as part of my job. Like all user generated content, this is not officially supported content and should be used at your own risk.

Questions, bugs & feedback
Please direct all questions regarding the game, official content and Colossal Order to the official channels:

Copyright 2017 Samantha Woods. This item is not authorized for posting on Steam, except under the Steam account named Avanya. If you have a good reason for another version to exist, then message me and we can talk.
116 kommentarer
saifullahiy 23 mar, 2023 @ 7:49 
Does anyone else have a problem with disconnected bus lines with this asset after the new patch?
Mazl 17 apr, 2022 @ 12:41 
@ Avanya Thanks for the reply. I applied someone's solution here and added a 1u road around and this fixes it. Also has the added bonus of having another spot for a bus stop x) Thank you for this asset by the way :)
Avanya  [skapare] 17 apr, 2022 @ 3:38 
@Mazl: I've had that occasionally, but I have no idea what's causing it and I haven't tested to see if it's mod related or happens with no mods too.
Mazl 14 apr, 2022 @ 18:29 
Does anyone else have the issue that vehicles come and go over invisble roads if the bus stop is just in the proximity of other roads? There's 4u space between each respective road and they still use the bus station as a shortcut. Cars are banned at the station and buses on the other road, does nothing.
Zigihogan 14 mar, 2022 @ 8:24 
If you do not have this asset, GET THIS ASSET!

This is a great bus station that fits anywhere and helps the line system (as opposed to a loop system).

I wish there were more small footprint "stations" for train, metro, etc. Thank you for this.
ltlrags 18 feb, 2022 @ 19:00 
This is my new favorite bus station for most intracity transit. Works perfectly. I wish CO would design a way to keep cars out of bus stations, but even in vanilla, cars drive right through the buildings. So nothing you can do until they fix it. Thanks!
PaisleySleeves 28 jan, 2021 @ 7:33 
Excellent asset, it's working well in my city so far. :steamhappy:
Mvek 27 apr, 2020 @ 12:39 
I believe so. I think I have experienced very funky behavior of the buses several years ago with this station when I have placed it maybe with anarchy on or something else not as intended. The buses were going between those two trees.
Avanya  [skapare] 16 apr, 2020 @ 8:15 
@stevieinselby: Probably not. I had a ton of issues getting the paths inside the building to behave and work at all, so I think I might break the asset by touching them again. Maybe if I have the time at some point I'll try and see if I can improve things, but no promises.
stevieinselby 16 apr, 2020 @ 7:58 
I really like this, but is there any way you can set it so that buses can turn either way in/out of the entrance. I find they will only turn left (driving on the left) in and out, which means lots of driving round in circles.