228 평점
GG Xrd -SIGN- Achievements Guide
Clausewitz 님이 작성
Guide for GG Xrd -SIGN- Achievements
즐겨찾기 해제
Hello, Everyone!

You can't accomplish achievements in training mode.
Recommend VERSUS Mode, 1P and 2P.

Command : 1P standard
P - Punch
K - Kick
S - Slash
HS - High Slash
D - Dust
T - Taunt
Radio Edit
Second time tutorial complete in 12 minutes.

*Include conversation time

Cradle Will Rock
Complete Story mode.
Shoulder to Shoulder
Play VERSUS mode.
Training Kept A Rolling
Play TRAINING mode 1 hour.
Profligate Profiling
Modify profile anything.

I Got It On Tape
Play replay 10 times.
That's How It Starts
Purchase anything in gallery.
Get perfect win.
Killing, For Instants
Use Instant kills.

Common command
P+K+S+HS(same time) ≫ ↓↘→↓↘→ HS
When In Rome
Use all roman cancel in 1 round.

- Roman cancel
During behavior P+K+S(same time)

Exist 3 kinds of roman cancel
Red roman cancel - Immediately when skill hit / need tention gauge 2
Yellow roman cancel - After skill cast / need tention gauge 1
Purple roman cancel - After skill cast-delay / need tention gauge 2

Turn of the Century
Use roman cancel 100 times.
Use Blitz shield return successfully .

- Blitz shield
S+HS(same time)

Use Blitz shield when Before reaching enemy's attack

Blitz shield return
Use Blitz shield 100 times successfully.
Handy With The Steel
If your character has life about 20%, Flashing your life.

Then powerup when use Overdrivers. Use Overdrivers, appear HELL FIRE!!

I Been Here For Years
when your character on the HELLFIRE mode(HP 20%),
Defeat opponent must have much higher life.
Illyria Calling
Enter Danger time.

Activate Danger time When occur attack cancel out.

I'm Mortal
Motral Counter hit 10 times.

In Danger time, your all attacks change Mortal Counter.

Guaranteed To Blow Your Mind
Kill character as one combo. (Training mode available)

Easy way
Character : you select SOL, enemy select CHIPP(has weakest defense)
Traning setting :

Dragon Install ≫ Tyrent Rave ver.Beta ≫ Volcanic Viper

↓↙←↓↙← HS ≫ →↘↓↙←→HS ≫ →↓↘ S or HS

Communication Breakdown
Listen Ramlethal - Lucifero conversation.

Use pushing T until get achievement.

Take Me Out To The Ballgame
Hit a home run.

Select Faust, use ↓↘→ P, Faust throw a random object.
we need Faust doll for achievement.

and use D attack when throw Faust doll, hit a home run!

Gimmie a Head with Hair

Destroy KY's headband.

Easy Way
Use Istant kills.

You've Got A Peel
Fall down by banana.

Achievement available M.O.M only

No.15 Sol has banana.

If you see banana on the ground, stomp, fall down.

A Man of Wealth and Taste
Collect All item in M.O.M.

Items can purchase in store. but...
Can't purchase item list(enemy's number)

Skill item
4, 40, 44, 49, 58, 62, 89, 110, 114, 131, 137, 141, 142, 143, 155
159/166, 173/192, 177, 186, 195, 197, 198, 199, 200, 204, 205, 206, 208, 209, 210

*159/166(same item drop), 173/192(same item drop)

Accessory item
100, 128/185, 161, 169, 170, 171, 178/182, 184, 201, 202, 203, 207

*123/185(same item drop), 178/182(same item drop)

In the case of this list, Only can get each enemies. Good Luck.
I'll Be Watching You
Watch 10 matches.
During watching match, use Fighting Chat 1 time.
Everyone's A Critic
During watching match, use Fighting Chat 50 times.
We're Getting The Band Back Together
Make a network room using Training mode option.

and play online training.
In A Different Key
In the network room, Using In character option in CHAT MENU.

Thanks for reading my Guide
Have fun!
댓글 20
nuke japan again 2024년 12월 4일 오전 4시 28분 
It's over...
Noste 2024년 3월 3일 오후 6시 28분 
el online esta mas muerto y tieso que perro con kal
Badsie 2023년 9월 14일 오전 5시 51분 
this helped thx
SoldadoDeCristo 2021년 4월 28일 오전 4시 11분 
Well done
FoxyPanda 2018년 1월 7일 오후 5시 59분 
anyone still play this online. Its so dead. Looking to get the online achievements if anyone's interested
Innerpeace09 2017년 8월 30일 오전 9시 33분 
Still sane, exile? 2016년 7월 17일 오후 10시 39분 
how to get Guilty Until Proven Innocent achievement? i played all the characters, it still locked. :(
ZER0 2016년 4월 1일 오전 6시 21분 
Collect All item in M.O.M. 128\185 not 123\185 chellenge
Кашмар Иваныч 2015년 12월 21일 오전 12시 57분 
awesome work
Insetta 2015년 12월 18일 오전 2시 36분 
Lol, I get it now. Soz for being dumb.