Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

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The Rounding Of TF2
By Oloran and 7 collaborators
This is a guide about How to Survive in tf2 the longest you can also you can check out my other guide it was mmy first but man was it funny but yeah also It will great you will be amazed no less also lets do it.
Also i will talk about how to survive and classes also amazing loadouts and maps and how to survive in every games mode so you can come out on top and keep coming out on the top like the kings we are
How to Survive
This will tell you how to survive and get the upper hand in a game so you can't die and you can be the greatest i can make you you ready? Well then lets go.
This is for the Noob You must always run in the middle of fire and shoot everywhere you can take as many emenies as you can before you get killed keep doing this so you can get better come back here when you have 500 hours on game which means you have played at least every game mode more that once and i can teach you what to do. Also Never runaway in fight die if you have to the only time you run is when you are almost dead or they crits then you can run like hell and never stop until your done ok thats mainly it you must try your hardest and you will succed thats what i did and thats why im here teaching you.
The Expirenced You now have 500 hours or more this means you have played the game for enough hours. Your job is to help your team and win at all cost forget about everything you know as a noob your going to be a better you have played the game so listen to this. You must always get your team out of jam destroy the other team if needed to win if they have crits or uber run until its done then attack and keep attacking until they have been pushed bakc then you can rest once you win. You must decide what classes are good for your team which means you might have to swtich to it even if you don't like it take one for the team show everyone that you can be amazing.
The Pro you have over 1000 hours as the pro everyone looks up to you must show them that you are amazing and keep showing them is they are getting picked on by the other team you are like a big brother/sister to help them out you can never go back unless crits uber or health rolls into your domain you as the pro must keep fighting and never stop to show that you earned your title the hard everyone will follow you (except me) so go out there and be a champ
These are simple rules you all must follow to when ok.
#1 Cover the engies backs while they build there not inviciable until there done kill an enemy trying to get them until there done always have their back
#2 Soak up damage for your medic don't let him die keep him alive without him your team can't last that long without him keep him alive
3# Whenever the emeny pops krits or uber run like hell until its donw then push forward until you have enough ground to cover your engies while they setup so you can have the upper hand also this works in both denfense and offense so use as much as you can
4# Have your team close but spread out have it like this 1-4 of your team is attacking whilethe rest are on standby waiting until the emeny pops krits or uber so they can jump in and deal with the problem berfore you lose ground.
5# Try to plan surprise atacks so you can get the the upper hand like have a medic wait until he has full krits or uber to use then surprise the emeny team and wipe them out and you guys have enough time push and regroup.
6# Create distractions for the enemy team like do something crazy so that would give your team enough time to attack the emeny team so can cover more ground
7# these protocals are made for you to cover more gorund and win the games as fast as you can cause if drags itself out any longer than 7 mins then it beacoms a free-for-all so to say you don't want that to happen only on King of the hill you then it becomes very funny.
8# Make your team always have 2 medics 1 sniper and 1 spy depending on what gamemodes the rest is up to you and your team to decide.
9# In any case should the ememy get more ground you must MUST all go soilders since they so do a lot of damage and take back your ground then you can switch back to what ever you want to be.
10# For both teams DON'T LET THEM WIN AT ALL COST have fun and play a good game Good luck
Apocolypse Loadouts
These were made to cause total mayhem and for you to dominate the entire the server like for ex: The Air Strike and Buff Banner.
1 Heavy 1 Huo-long-heater 2 Steak 3 Fist of Steel
2 Scout 1 Force of Nature 2 Criit Cola 3 Fan o War
3 Solider 1 Beggars 2 Buffbanner 3 Displinary actiion
4 Demo 1 Loose canon 2 Chargin Targe 3 Half-zathochi Sorry is i spelled it wrong
5 Engie 1 Widowmaker 2 Luger morph 3 Gunslinger 4 Pip-boy
6 Pyro 1 Phlog 2 Flare 3 Axshinguisher
7 Spy 1 Ambaador or Diamond back 2 Stock or dead ringer 3 Stock or spycicle
8 Sniper 1 Hit-mans heatmaker 2 jarate 3 bushwaka or tribal mans shiv
9 Medic 1 Blutsauger 2 Stock or crits 3 Ubersaw or bonesaw
I have been murdered by people who have these also the server was dominated by them to also guess which one i use often tell me in the comments down below ok well these are very strong loadouts by themslves but if the whole team has them then may god have mercy on your soul peace for now
These are things that are hidden in plain sight that noone knew until now or not Idc your going to listen it might be good
1 The best classes to take out a sentry nest is scout and spy scout uses bonk to distract the engies and spy kills them all.
2 The greatest Combo classes are Scout,Demo,Solider,and Heavy they can deal massive amounts of damage in go which will clear the enemy team out fast
3 The best class combination is Heavy, and Pyro the heavy can have what ever but the pyro can too but needs to have the manmelter so he can farm crits off of him and you can crit everyone with his protection hope that the enemy team has pyro so you can do it if not you can do it other ways like just making the other classes set him on fire.
4 The best way to get crits is if you do single damage not massive it won't work try it and when i mean by single damage i mean fire or the bullets.
5 Did you know every class has a way of healing itself if the entire team has the loadout that allows you to heal your self and 1 medic you are actually one giant ass medigun which means you can take the enemy by storm and fast at it too plsu medic can overheal you too so don't worry about dying.
The greatest way to win is by going all heavys, soliders, or demos they can deal high amounts of damage in one go so keep that in mind
6 Go left whether your attacking or defending its odd but enemies mainly don't go that only problem is once a lot of people see this they will all go left thus making it not a secret anymore so don't tell anyone just do it and any class any you should be fine.
7 Try to act like a spy when your going to the enemy's base so they can believe that your theres and when your ready pounce and go in for the kill to get a upperhand in the game.
Game modes & Maps
I will tell you all of the games modes and how to survive each and everyone one of them
1 Payload:One team must push a bomb through the designated points and must also reach the finish point to win the other team must stop them. How to survive STOP GOING NEAR THE PAYLOAD IN THE BEGINING if you do you will die its the truth wait until your team has made enough ground then go on the cart.
2 King of the hill:Both teams fight capture one point whoever holds it the longest wins. Way to survive get a medic with krits or uber murder the enemy team thats all also control the point thats all.
3 Payload race:Both teams must fight to get there bomb at the end whoever gets there first one wins. Way to survive get 3-6 of your teamates to go attack the enemy cart while the rest pushes simple also get a krits medic if you can get one.
4 MannPower:Just like capture the flag except with powerups. Way to survive get Hatse,King,or Damage buff to give you and your team and edge.
5 Passtime:Just like foot ball & soccer. Way to survive have scouts and engies everywhere that should gurantee victory.
6 Attack/defend:Its in the name. Way to survive Get lots of engie on defense and get lots of soliders on attack thats all.
7 Control points:One team must cap the points while one defends. Way to survive have a balanced team of medics,soliders,demos,scouts,heavys,pyros,and engies no spies and snipers won't work for this particular mode.
8 Capture the flag:In the name. Way to survive have millions of engies at the flag noone gets it have like one spy that can make it to the door also have one pyro for spy checking.
9 Asteroid: Destroy the other teams robots whoever destroies the most wins. Way to survive All spies best way to do it while being discreet.
10 Special delivery:Both teams fight for the flag so they can win the game sorta like king of the hill with capture the flag. Way to survive Crit everything you see leave nothing standing at all nothing.

Also your probably thinking wheres mvm well it derserves its own guide
How To Be A Great Medic

Step 1 Let the person being healed soak up damage the last thing you want to do is die stay alive at all cost.
Step 2 Always keep moving don't ever stop moving you are the medic you don't stop if you do you might get head shotted.
Step 3 Use the maxuim distance of your medibeam so you can be a little safe from harms way and not get killed
Step 4 Heal everyone leave noone healed you need everyone alive so you can't die and so you can pop uber,krits,quick-fix,or vaccinator.
Step 5 learn to use you uber and use it wisely like you should distrbuite as much of it as you can to your entire team and make great use of it before it runs out.
Step 6 Don't be afraid to use uber if your in danger you need to stay alive to use when you are in grave danger or one of your aqquaintences .
Step 7 Hide as much as you can from spies and snipers and everyother classes mainly snipers and spies don't let them catch you also keep moving from one place to another
Step 8 Decide what type of medic do you want to be Uber crazy medic, Crazy Krits Medic,Quacky Quick-fix Medic,Or Vaccine Vaccinator Medic, each one is good on their own so you must decide what you want to be and stick to that plan for all types of games modes
Step 9 pick what type of play style you want to be a passive agressiv medic or a Battle ready medic like the king of all battle ready medics Array Seven check him out he gives better tips than me at a medic
Step 10 Go above and beyone to make the other teams life and medic and living rain uber and krits and everything down on them be a force to be reckoned with keep wining.
Also everyone tomorrow i will make a guide showing 9 tips for 9 classes it should be a good one peace my friends for now and Remember Kill those damn spies don't let any of them live peace
How to be a Great Scout
~Section contributed by 7-Sided Dice.

Scout is a fast, paper thin, yet powerful class. And his job? Distract everybody and push for the darn objective. If you play your cards right there will be blood, and it will be glorious!


First off how not to die! Scout is NOT invincible, and will die to one or to hits by just about any explosive or close range hit scan. This means you need to be careful. You can use scouts speed to your advantage. You can avoid rockets and pills by abusing your double jump to make you hard to hit. Especially when you are elevated. Try to stay in the higher ground when fighting soldier and demoman. As scout you get to choose your battles. Don't fight anyone you don't think you can beat. When you see there are too many people take a shot and leave. And NEVER, EVER STOP MOVING! The moment you let go of the movement keys is the moment you get head shot or blasted by a soldier. Movement is your best defense and if you take too much damage then just leave.

Arsenal and how to use it.:

These are scout's stock weapons.

For this guide we will only be talking about the stock weapons and no unlocks. The scattergun is your main source of damage. It does around 100 damage at point blank and around 20-60 damage mid range. With this weapon you are supposed to catch the enemy off guard and shoot him point blank a couple of times. This will kill almost every class. If they notice you then either run away after taking some shots, or if your confident enough then try to avoid them and take them out. Remember, Scout has no business fighting more than 1-2 mercenaries at a time.

The pistol does good chip damage from long to mid range. Use it when you are out of scattergun clip and you want to finish someone off. It does around 8-12 damage per bullet at said ranges. The pistol does over 200 damage when you put the whole 12 clip into a heavy at point blank. THE PROBLEM IS AIMING. The spread of the pistol is astonishingly large. Most of your shots won't hit your target while aiming. Your best bet is to sort of shake the aim with the spread to get more shots. Pistol is simply used for finishing off enemies. If you want to learn how to aim with it try only using the pistol for a match and try to get used to it.

The bat is, for the most part, worthless without unlocks. Its just a 30 damage short range melee that can be used for finishing off enemies when you are NOT carrying the pistol.

Your Job:

Scout is to distract enemies. Remember when I told you to take a shot and leave when in the midst of many enemies. Well after you shoot them 9 times out of 10 they will follow you back. This is exactly what you want. Try hiding in places they don't expect and jumping them with the scattergun. Most of the time you will kill them. Afterwards you have a decision to make. Continue distracting the enemy by repeating the process, OR go for the objective. If this is control points then these 2 go hand in hand, but if this is payload, then based on the carts position you must ask yourself. Where should the cart be? Is it there? Is anyone pushing it? Is anyone blocking it? If the answer is yes to the first 3 then continue to annoy the enemy. If the answer is yes to the 4th and no to most 1-3 then head back to the cart and attack the enemies defending it from behind and continue to push it, with earlier techniques in mind. Remember, your job is to annoy, capture points and push the cart.


Aiming with the pistol was went over, and melee doesn't require much to aim, so lets talk about the scattergun. Most of the time you should keep your aim relatively still and make slight adjustments while you use your movement and strafing to aim for you. when they are over your cross hair, then shoot. Twitch-shots are allowed for more experienced players, but if you are starting out it is not recommended.

Thats it:

I have taught you what you need to be a good scout. Remember annoy the enemy and FOR GOD'S SAKE, PLEASE PUSH THE CART!

Thank you for you time. And don't forget to kill everyone.

starlightmeteor  [author] 3 Dec, 2015 @ 3:32pm 
Great Job! I decided to submit a section for scout. You're welcome! :steamsalty:
Oloran  [author] 3 Dec, 2015 @ 9:00am 
This took forever to make give me some feed back for my next one :steamhappy: