32 ratings
Everything About Duet: Step by Step Guide + 100% Completion
By Joshikazam
This guide will explain everything you will ever need to know about Duet, and how to progress, and eventually, get 100% completion.
Author's Note
Before I begin, let me give a special thanks to the following who helped contribute to this guide by showing me what many people had troubles with, or by giving information either updated, or previously unknown to me: Jyrakos, ReivaX, Elliott2B, and The1AndMany

NOTE: This is my first guide, so please forgive me if it is lacking in quality. If there are any mistakes game wise, or some stupid spelling error anywhere that you pick up, don't hesitate to let me know. Also if you have any questions, whether how to beat something or just a question about a game feature, please feel free to comment below, or even add me, and I'll be sure to try and help any way I can.

When I first got this game on the IPhone, I was completely hooked, probably logging at anywhere from 50-75 hours, and so I got it on PC the second I saw they added it on Steam. So in case you go to my profile and see the smaller amount of hours on this, note that most of my experience for this game came from playing it on the IPhone. I decided to make this guide when I saw there was only two other guides for this game, one with insane amounts of detail (Nice job and dedication with that by the way), and one with a little less detail to the prior. Not that either one was lacking, but I decided I could make one with the amount of time I've spent on this game with a good amount of detail, but not make it too over complicated either.

What is Duet?
Duet is game where you progress level to level through different chapters, being faced with different, and more difficult, challenges thrown at you the more you advance. You control two balls, connected together on a circle, which move either clockwise if you click right, or counter-clockwise if you click left (Explained in first level). Your goal: dodge all the incoming blocks, walls, etc. by turning out of the way, and not letting either of the balls touch the walls. Just a warning, you will get angry. That isn't up for debate, unless you just happen to be some kind of a god when you immediately start, you will screw up. The levels get harder and harder, and you will find yourself struggling as you go on. Some would even consider this a rage game, but in my opinion, it is just extremely difficult, but once you get good, you can do all of it without even thinking. It becomes almost a second nature. With all of this, you should get started in story mode before anything else, then move onto the epilogue, then encore. You can do the challenge mode whenever you want, but I wouldn't recommend it until you finish the story and epilogue, so you have everything unlocked.
So the Story is the best place to start off, and probably the only choice right at the beginning. The story consists of 8 different chapters, each with 5-9 levels each. Obviously, the story, isn't much of a story, more of each chapter focusing on a certain human emotion, and how that emotion works or how to deal with it. I believe it to be based off of the 7 stages of grief, but with 8 chapters, who really knows. Going through the game without looking at the descriptions won't effect anything, but going back after beating everything, I've come to realize some of the little comments made make a lot of sense if you truly think about it. I'm probably just rambling at this point, so I'll get started on the guide:

Chapter 1: Ignorance: This is the first chapter, which is basically a tutorial on how to play, and just some beginner level stuff.

Chapter 2: Denial: This is just like the previous chapter, only with spinning blocks. The spinning blocks can be somewhat of a challenge, but once you learn how to do them and get really good, you can usually complete them without even thinking about which way they turn. To begin, you can just pay attention to the way they turn and try to match that and memorize the ways they turn throughout levels where there are more than one.

Chapter 3: Anger: This one isn't too bad either, it just has blocks "coming out of hiding" from other blocks.

Chapter 4: Bargaining: This introduces blocks spinning on the left and right hand sides of the screen. This isn't too hard, however there is one level with 5 spinning blocks in the center in a row, which may be difficult to newer players.

Chapter 5 Guilt: This is very similar to anger, but instead of coming out of other blocks, they come down from the top of the screen at diffrerent speeds. This shouldn't be too hard, its just a combination of everything so far.

Chapter 6 Depression: Very much like the other levels, but some of the blocks are moving from left to right, which could get confusing when a lot of them come in a row.

Chapter 7 Hope: Pretty much a combination of everything you've learned, just at a bit faster pace with a lot more blocks and longer levels.

Chapter 8 Acceptance: The final chapter of story. This is probably the hardest due to it having the most amount of levels out of any of the other chapters, and also, some of the blocks become invisible. It isn't too bad, but it may get a little hectic by the end, so be ready to test everything you've learned so far.

So the challenge category is a little bit different from all the other game modes. Challenge is full of "extra" gamemodes, as you could say, and it in fact, "challenges" your abilities at this game (see what I did there)? To begin, challenge mode has 3 endless modes, 2 daily challenges, and 4 challenge chapters:

Endless modes
- Endless mode is pretty much exactly how it sounds: endless. There are three different endless modes, 1 for each section of the game: 1 for Story, 1 for Epilogue, and 1 for Encore. Each of these are full of the kinds of obsticles from that section of the game, and only that section. These obsticles will start off easy, with shorter waves, eventually coming faster, longer, and harder. You gain score merely by just staying alive for as long as you can. How it works, you are given 3 hearts, or lives, and once you run out, it ends. Anytime you hit a wall you will lose a heart, which can however be regenerated overtime. I've checked, and it takes around 10 seconds to recover a heart, so if you die once, dont worry, just try to make it past the level, and your heart should be replenished by then. As you continue further through the levels however, regen will take much longer, so be sure to take this into account.

Daily and Nightly Challenges

- This is pretty much exactly how it sounds, you get a daily challenge and a nightly challenge. Each day, the challenges will vary in difficulty, and are always 3 waves. Once you complete a challenge, you get 1 day added to your streak, and can obviously build up a large streak over time. Anytime you miss one, your streak will be reset back to zero. The challenges reset every 24 hours, with the daily challenge resetting at 12 am (Midnight) and the nightly challenge resetting at 12 pm (Noon). So once it resets, you have 24 hours to complete the challenge, or you will lose your streak.

Challenge Chapters:
- These 4 challenge chapters vary extremely in difficulty and content. The difficuly of them go in this order, for me at least: Revolution, Resilience, Quickening, and Transcendence. These go in order from: not too hard - the hardest thing I've ever done in my life. You think I'm kidding, hahaha, alright go try transcendence and tell me your life isn't ruined. Each of these challenges names go exactly with what to expect:

- Just as it sounds, everything in this chapter is spinning. There are only 3 levels, and is arguably the easiest of the challenges.

- This is six levels, and just as it sounds again, it gets quicker and quicker with each level. At first it isn't too hard, but by the final level, the speed that you are spinning is probably at least 4x faster than that in story. Still though, this isn't one that should take extremely long to beat

- This one is probably the most normal challenge mode, and just like the others, its exactly as it sounds. You just have to be "resilient" against a lot of blocks coming at you. Again, this isn't too hard, you just need to be able to handle what they throw at you.

- If you Google the definition for Transcendence, you get "existence or experience beyond the normal or physical level". That basically defines what abilities you will need to beat this. This is similar to Acceptance the final chapter in the story. The only difference: 1. These blocks disappear much faster than those in acceptance 2. They all disappear 3. The levels are much longer. This is agreed upon by pretty much the entire community to be considered the hardest chapter in the entire game. Looking to 100% the game? Not only do you need to beat this, but you will also need to beat the 3 levels in succession without dying. Trust me, by the end, you will be "transcending" into madness.
So the Epilogue is just basically a sequel or "Epilogue" to the story mode. With that in mind, it is fairly similar to the story mode, just getting slightly harder as you go through it. The only differences are that the blocks are somewhat slanted now, and it may be slightly overwhelming at first, but with everything in this game, you will get used to it with time. There are also two new kinds of obsticles you will encounter, which I will explain below (See Understanding and Intimacy)

Trust: Trust is the first, therefore the easiest chapter in the Epilogue. It is mainly just to let you get used to the new angular layout, and should be fairly easy. There are only 6 levels as well.

Understanding: Understanding can be somewhat difficult your first time going through it, mainly due to the newly added obsticle: the splitting apart block. Just as it sounds, and in the picture below, the splitting apart block is exactly as it sounds; you will see a block with a crack in it, and as you get close it will shoot out. What you will want to do is just go around it with one circle, then once it shoots out, go through with the other. Not too hard at all, but it just takes some getting used to. Later on, there will also be ones that come back together to form up the rectangle again. Just do the same thing in reverse. You will see these a lot later on. There are a total of 6 levels

Control: Control brings back the spinning blocks into the already angular levels. Have fun trying to get used to everything again. Once again, there are only 6 levels in this chapter

Identity: Identity is full of what you have learned so far, except everything moves left and right at an extremely fast pace, slowing down as it eventually gets much closer to you. By the end of the 6th level, I would recommend not looking at the top of the screen, for there will be so many obsticles moving at at fast pace, you will not be able to focus correctly.

Initiative: Initiative is kind of like this section of the game's "Anger", with blocks coming out of hiding from other blocks. Other than that, it is just like every other chapter, and is probably one of the easier ones of Epilogue. There are 6 levels.

Intimacy: Intimacy introduces the second new obsticle, the separating squares. It is basically just two squares that separate then come back together in a loop. They aren't too hard, but may take a few tries to master them. The rest of the levels are just you getting used to them as they are put in with the already complicated levels. It also turns up the heat to 9 levels in the chapter. Good luck

Integrity: Integrity is everything from before coming at you at a much faster pace. Just be happy it isn't invisible this time. Are you ready to go through 9 levels to truly test your abilities?
Welcome to Encore: the set of levels released probably as an "Encore" to the rest of the fans who wanted more, since it was released about a 1-1.5 years after Epilogue on mobile. Just before I start let me say this: I beat this part of the game, and never came back to it, I was always so scared of it. This is probably the most painful part of this game, both for me to type about (I have to go through it again to play the levels for this so I know what is in each chapter), and for you to play. Picture this: Everything you have done so far, but now doubled. "BUT HOW COULD THIS BE?", you might ask me. Well simply put, your two circles are now moved to the complete center of the screen, and it is zoomed out. Now picture everything coming at you from the top like normal, and now also THE BOTTOM of the screen at the same time. This is the stuff of nightmares, so I hope you can handle the rage that will follow, luckily however, the developers are merciful, and there are only 5 chapters, so good luck:

Anticipation: Nothing too special here, just a chapter to get you used to looking at two sides of the screen. There's only six levels, and should be too bad either. Just takes a bit of getting used to.

Ambition: This chapter introduces the last new obsticle presented in this game, the 180 degrees arrow. To get through this, picture a clock. Now the obsticles shown below on the screen are arrows, and whatever way those arrows are pointing, the clock will turn six hours, or 180 degrees in that direction. So if it is facing up, it will turn 180 degrees, or six hours counter clockwise, and vice versa. The main problem with this is, it is somewhat confusing which way to turn with them coming at you from the bottom and the top of the screen, but you will adjust to it over time. It is somewhat frustrating with a lot of them coming at you throughout the later levels, you just have to get used to them. There are only six levels.

Tension: This brings back the obsicles from Epilogue, the shooting out rectangles. Just navigate through them like before, getting used to them coming from both directions, and you should be ok. There are only six levels in this chapter.

Perspective: This chapter basically throws weird combinations of blocks at you as shown below that you will need to get used to. You will just have to slip and side through all the obsticles into the next chapter. There are only six levels.

Release: I hope you are almost ready to release all the anxiety this game has given you, because this is the final chapter of the whole game. It going to be throwing everything it has at you, FROM TWO SIDES so I hope you are ready. Just like all the other chapters, there are six levels. Good luck, I believe in you.
Speed Run
Not really much to say here, you can basically play through the entire story, epilogue, and encore at the normal speed, to try and get a record time on it, so you can compete with friends. To try and get a better time, you can turn up the speed by pressing the up and down arrows to make the speed of the level go faster. The max is 200% the normal speed, and the minimum is 100%. Good luck trying to get a spot on the leaderboards.
Achievements: How to get 100% Completion Guide
Now, I'm not going to go in depth showing every achievement individually, but I will explain very briefly what you will need to do:

Just these two make up about 80%-85% of the achievements

Beat every chapter (Including the Challenge Mode ones)
-You will get an achievement for each chapter you complete.
-Basically, just play the game through, no matter how many times you die, as long as you beat the chapter, you will get the achievement.

Beat every chapter without hitting any walls
- What you need to do is just start on the first level of a chapter, and play through the whole thing through to the end, without hitting any walls.
- This can be done as you progress through the game, or you can always come back to it at any time.
- And yes, that means you have to beat Transcendance without hitting any walls, probably the hardest one to get, which is explained below:

Transcendance without hitting any walls: This is probably the hardest achievement in the game. The only advice I can give is to first, beat transcendance just in general. Then, just practice it like a sport, try playing it for about 20 minutes a day, or until your brain starts to hurt, restarting anytime you die. First, just try getting past the first level without dying, then the first and second, and work your way up. It takes practice, don't try to do it all in one go, or you will "transcend into madness". Add me, and message me, and I would be glad to explain it better personally.

These make up the 15%-20% of the remaining achievements

- Just beat the final level of the final chapter in any section of the game, and watch the credits through.

Play infinity mode
- You will get this as soon as you go into infinity mode.

Reach 500 points in infinity mode
- This is fairly easy, as long as you've played the game a little bit, this shouldn't be much of a problem.

Reach 1000 points in infinity mode
- Not too difficult, as long as you played most of the story mode you should be able to get this.

Reach 1500 points in infinity mode
- May be somewhat challenging, it may take a couple of tries, but with enough effort it shouldn't be too difficult as long as you've played through the story.

* For the following, you can't do the same challenge over and over to get these achievements. Each challenge per day only counts once. It is also confirmed that nightly challenges do count towards these achievements as well. For the streak achievements however, you must build up that number of days in either challenge category, not a combination of daily and nightly.

Beside Myself:
- Beat one daily challenge.

Ten Times tables
-Beat ten daily challenges.

- Beat the daily challenge 3 days in a row.

Coming up Sevens
- Beat the daily challenge 5 days in a row.

Royal Flush
- Beat 5 advanced daily challenges. This is done by completing advanced daily and nightly challenges. I have been informed by someone in the comments that for a challenge to be considered "advanced", it must be the daily challenge on Sunday, or nightly challenge any day.

- Beat 100 daily challenges. Daily and Nightly challenges count towards this one, and as far as I know, this does NOT have to be in a row. This just requires a lot of dedication. You may be able to move your clock foward a day then try it, I'm not entirely sure if it works though.

Vasi 7 Jun, 2023 @ 8:52pm 
ive tried dying more than 10 times during a wave then completing it but it still will not give me the achievement, mega sad
神杀枪 27 Nov, 2017 @ 6:04pm 
Joshikazam  [author] 14 Mar, 2017 @ 4:04pm 
Trust me I had no idea either until I was about 2/3rds of the way through it haha. Maybe I'll put it in bold or something to try and save more people trouble in the future.
Laserstormelpies 14 Mar, 2017 @ 2:36pm 
"Daily and Nightly challenges count towards this one"
I just noticed that... the description said "Challenge of the Day" so i thought:"ok 100 days..."
With 87 completed daily challenges and 13 (just for fun) challenges of the night this achievement appeared to me out of the nowhere :D
Wish i had knew this day+night thing earlier ^^
hexedbug 6 Dec, 2016 @ 5:26pm 
One more thing: There's a not-so-new, currently iOS exclusive mode named Continuance. Think of it as Encore Endless but with infinite lives, and it keeps track on how many waves you've beaten.
Joshikazam  [author] 6 Dec, 2016 @ 3:09pm 

Really? I never knew that, thanks for the information. Ill be sure to add it and give you credit!
hexedbug 6 Dec, 2016 @ 12:31pm 
Also, health regen in the endless modes gets slower and slower the farther you get. This is coming from a player who is 12th place on the endless mode leaderboard, so I pretty much know the whole thing.
Joshikazam  [author] 24 May, 2016 @ 3:27pm 

Glad I could help! I had no idea either on the speed run you could change the speed until someone else told me haha. Thanks for the support though!
Scalene 24 May, 2016 @ 3:13pm 
So I just learned you can change the speed in speed run mode... lol. Thanks for the info. I was getting to the point where you just hope for a perfect run to get a PB... Suddenly I can do the easy bits way faster... Oh hey PB by 2 minutes lol xD

Nice guide :)
ekisacik 24 Mar, 2016 @ 10:41pm 
not like anyone was gonna do a perfect 200% run

I'd like to see that now