Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

212 értékelés
Lorry prop
Assets: Prop
1.030 MB
2015. nov. 30., 6:37
2016. jún. 8., 11:32
2 változásjegyzék ( megnézés )

Feliratkozás a letöltéshez
Lorry prop

1 Avanya készítette gyűjteményben
Vehicle props
64 elem
The default lorry/box car as a prop. It doesn't change color, but if activated in the asset editor you can get it to use different colors.

For full transparency: I am an employee at Colossal Order, however this is my personal account and as such all opinions, content and contributions to the community reflect my own views and interests, and are not created nor maintained as part of my job. Like all user generated content, this is not officially supported content and should be used at your own risk.

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6 megjegyzés
Didox 2021. dec. 22., 11:25 
Good asset, disscussion down below even better :lunar2019grinningpig:
ehsnils 2019. márc. 11., 10:00 
Pretty generic item, but works well to make some area look a little bit more used.
Avanya  [készítő] 2017. aug. 30., 14:30 
It's named "lorry" in the game, which is why I named the prop that and not truck.
tau 2017. aug. 30., 13:56 
i know.
and no idea why we are writing like that
Avanya  [készítő] 2017. aug. 30., 13:55 
@mirt: L O R R Y I S T H E B R I T I S H W O R D F O R T R U C K.
W H Y A R E W E W R I T I N G L I KE T H I S ?
tau 2017. aug. 30., 13:48 
I T ' S A T R U C K
W H A T I S A L O R R Y ?