Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

178 valoraciones
Ploppable Maersk Line Cargo Ship
Assets: Park
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6.498 MB
26 NOV 2015 a las 20:07
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Ploppable Maersk Line Cargo Ship

En 1 colección creada por Leo Mystic Magic
51 artículos
Ploppable version of the Maersk Line Carho Ship vehicle I released. This can be found in the Public Transportation Ships menu but it is considered a park.

-----Asset Details-----
16 x 5 Land Space that extends past that.
Cost 125,000

100 Entertainment
600 Entertainment Radius

Everything else is 0

Main Model Tris = 9,768
1024x2048 Textures D,N,S,A,I

Lod Model Tris = 1,400
256x256 Textures D,N,S,I

8 comentarios
Didox 2 FEB 2023 a las 13:21 
Great Asset. In regards to flooding - try using move it and adjust the height. The ship can't be to low relative to water level.
Majordej 22 ABR 2016 a las 23:47 
I keep getting the little notice on top of it saying theres no roads connecting it?
Andy.P-UK-1980 28 FEB 2016 a las 6:46 
Yeah i just had this problem too @T0xicity, is there anyway to place it on the water without it flooding?
Ol' StretchNuts 25 FEB 2016 a las 22:39 
I plopped this in my harbor and after a second it sank to the bottom and displaced so much water it flooded my entire industrial complex... how is one supposed to place this so that it will stay on top of the water?
Jones 27 27 NOV 2015 a las 4:52 
so many mods.
core79 27 NOV 2015 a las 3:11 
Looks awesome !
miguelcervera 27 NOV 2015 a las 2:39 
@NickyZero Cruise ships yes!
[TB] NickyZero 26 NOV 2015 a las 23:34 
Thank you somuch :) Please make more ships in different sizes :) Specially different cruise ships had been awesome :) Love your work :)