Counter-Strike 2

Counter-Strike 2

Ocen: 121
How to fix mouse and keyboard lag in CSGO
Autorstwa: Doggerino
If you're having mouse and/or keyboard input lag while playing CSGO or other games on your PC try these possible solutions to fix it! I can not guarantee that all of these possible solutions will fix your input lag but it can't hurt to give it a go.
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How to enable developer console
  • Launch Steam and start Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
  • From the main menu select Help & Options
  • Select the Game Settings menu item
  • Click the arrow next to Enable Developer Console (~) so that it says Yes
  • Click Back
  • Once the developer's console option is enabled you will be able to use the ~ key to open the developer's console and type in commands to change game settings.
Mouse Input - Raw input fix
Enabling raw input can be one of the problems that can fix the mouse stuttering and stopping while looking around in-game. Type or copy and paste these comands into the developer console.

  • Enable raw input mouse - m_rawinput 1
  • Disable raw mouse input - m_rawinput 0
Mouse input - Acceleration fix
Mouse acceleration can also be a problem that cause the mouse to stutter and stop. Disabling mouse acceleration can help or stop all together the input lag that you are getting with you mouse as mouse acceleration makes the cursor move faster as it moves across the screen.

  • Disable mouse acceleration - m_mousespeed 0
  • Enable mouse acceleration - m_mousespeed 1
Mouse input - V Sync fix
Having V-Sync (Vertical sync) enabled in CSGO or any game mean that your computer will try to synchronise the frame rate of the game with your monitors refresh rate to provide a better stability within the game, this makes the game look smoother but doesn't always make the game play better. If you disable the V-Sync within CSGO you'll essentially unlock the frame rate cap and along with that get screen tearing, but by disabling this feature you can stop input lag from occuring in some cases.

To disable V-Sync go into Steam and open up CSGO, once started up go into to
Settings>Video Settings>V-Sync>Disable like shown in the screenshot below.

Keyboard input - Control panel settings
One way that in some rare cases can fix keyboard input lag is changing the repeat rate and the repeat delay of the keys through control panel.

To do this open up control panel and search "Keyboard" in the settings search bar as shown.

Click on the the thumbnail that says "Keyboard" and adjust the repeat rate and the repeat delay settings to match that in the image below, save the settings by clicky "Apply" and it might be fixed.

Mouse and Keyboard input - Power saving
One of the problems that can effect both the mouse and keyboard input in CSGO is the computer turning off the device automaticlly to save power. This normally shouldn't affect the mouse or the keyboard on your PC as this setting is turned on by default but sometimes it can.

To fix this problem you will need to search for "Device manager" in the start menu. Once you have finished typing there should be a program called "Device manager" showing in the results, open it up and if prompted allow any administrative privileges

Once you've opened device manager double click on the "Universal serial bus controllers" tab to open it. You should now have multiple USB ports listed.

Next right click on the first "USB Root Hub" and click on properties.

You should now have a window open that looks like this.

Click on the "Power management" tab and untick the box that says "Allow the computer to turn of this device to save power"

Repeat this for all of the USB Root Hubs that are listed on device manager to hopefully fix it.
Komentarzy: 99
*SiKam 5 czerwca 2021 o 0:30 
this will help :) :steamthis:
lucas 19 marca 2021 o 13:32 
Still having this problem, mostly when I spray or during faster moves
асталоп епани 10 lipca 2020 o 3:20 
mutual + rep
PorQueToe 16 czerwca 2020 o 12:28 
Any tips for mac? My mouse is choppy/ stuttering and its hard to get fine mouse positioning......

And before you ask "Why buy a mac?" Uni and work purposes... Wont stop me gaming..
Yaume 14 czerwca 2020 o 23:23 
As of june 2020 the latest update option of "increase enemies contrast" made my mouse have lag, and when i simply turn it off it returned to normality
ChalkBrush 25 maja 2020 o 9:30 
If someone somehow scrolled to the last section, I urge you to try to change from standard 16:9 to 16:10 and it will all sort out by itself, no need for changing other settings..
mpougatsa images 7 lipca 2019 o 13:14 
fullscreen for best performance
✯CooPeR_ϯhe_SϯAr_ϯRooPer✯ 23 października 2018 o 7:24 
**Put game in "Full screen Windowed mode". turn off V-Sync in game. Go to graphics card settings. Turn on V-Sync. Turn off Triple Buffering and, set "Pre Rendered Frames" to '1'.**

Oh, and in game turn "Double Buffered" 'ON'
✯CooPeR_ϯhe_SϯAr_ϯRooPer✯ 23 października 2018 o 7:24 
Put game in "Full screen Windowed mode". turn off V-Sync in game. Go to graphics card settings. Turn on V-Sync. Turn off Triple Buffering and, set "Pre Rendered Frames" to '1'.
patupengu 22 października 2018 o 13:19 
i need help because sometimes i will be strafing and my key will act like it wont click at all, and i will just be standing still.