Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

1,568 人が評価
Columbia Center
10.715 MB
2015年11月17日 21時25分
1 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Columbia Center

This is the updated asset with optimized textures and night lights enabled!

If you have a moment, please rate this asset!

The Columbia Center is Seattle’s most iconic building. Constructed between 1982 and 1985, it still claims the title of tallest building in Seattle and the second tallest on the North American Pacific coastline (second only to Los Angeles’s US Bank Tower). It was originally known as the Columbia Seafirst Center after its largest tenant, Seafirst Bank. When Seafirst was acquired by Bank of America, the name briefly changed to the Bank of America Tower before settling on its current moniker. The building stands at 294.8 meters (967 feet), with 76 stories above ground and 7 stories underground.

I plan for this building to be the first in a series of Seattle-based reproductions for Cities Skylines. If you have requests for which building I should do next, please leave a comment! I would love to hear from you.

This building is compatible with the base game and includes night lighting effects.

It is a ploppable 10x10 Landmark.

How to Install
Installation is easy! Simply make sure that you're logged into Steam, then click on the green "+ Subscribe" button above. The asset will automatically download and appear in your game's Landmarks menu.

The Nitty-Gritty
Construction Cost: 880,000

Electricity Consumption: 20

Garbage Accumulation: 20
Maintenance Cost: 6,500

Sewage Accumulation: 25
Water Consumption: 25

Fire Hazard: 1
Fire Tolerance: 25

Noise Accumulation: 5
Noise Radius: 10

Uneducated Jobs: 20
Educated Jobs: 40
Well-Educated Jobs: 40
Highly Educated Jobs: 50
Total Jobs: 150

Low Wealth Tourists: 110
Medium Wealth Tourists: 440
High Wealth Tourists: 220
Total Tourists: 770

Attractiveness: 120
Entertainment: 50
Radius: 160

Monument Level: 0

Model Faces: 1,920 Tris
Texture Sizes: 2048 × 2048

LOD Model & Textures included!

Dependencies: None

Thank you for downloading! You guys rock. I’ll keep an eye out for this building on /r/CitiesSkylines posts and say hello if I happen to see it.

Many thanks to Shroomblaze who helped me solve issues with the night maps. This release couldn't have happened without their help!

If you’d like, come follow me on Twitter. I post … sometimes.

98 件のコメント
kareemellis 2023年4月23日 16時20分 
I can't wait for the WaMu Tower to releases and also the Union Square Seattle Municipal Tower Safeco Plaza US Bank Centre etc....
kareemellis 2023年4月16日 12時23分 
Please more Seattle assets thank you so kindly.
kareemellis 2023年4月11日 13時56分 
WHEN The WAMU Tower WELLS FARGO Center Safeco Plaza US Bank Centre, IDX Tower, 901 5th AVE Two Union Square One Union Square Bank of America 5th Ave Plaza, and Seattle Municipal Tower release ?
mikeem1990 2023年1月30日 11時34分 
What scale is this building?
DragonFire 2022年6月19日 21時27分 
Hey I made a video about your Mod I hope this is ok
Kotori 2022年3月27日 7時32分 
one of my favorite! thanks
DonJuan 2021年5月5日 12時54分 
Lights disappear at night when zooming out. Any know issues?
Norman Osborn 2021年4月20日 7時35分 
was pretty nice :)
MatteCosta 2021年1月28日 10時02分 
Amazing work! thank you!
Frog 2021年1月22日 19時44分