Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

194 lượt đánh giá
Tetrapod (Breakwater Block) - 1x1
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911.952 KB
17 Thg11, 2015 @ 8:12pm
3 Thg02, 2016 @ 1:37pm
4 ghi chú thay đổi ( xem )

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Tetrapod (Breakwater Block) - 1x1

Trong 1 bộ sưu tập tạo bởi Mas71
Walls Collection by Mas'71
21 vật phẩm
Mô tả
### Update ###
02,Feb,2016 : Removed strange edges in a water.
I'm sorry, All existing asset in your map will be removed maybe,
you need to re-plop Asset(replace Asset) once again.
Thanks for your understanding.

19,Nov,2015 : Added a Guide-Frame when a plopping.
Thanks for your advice !
I could take measures thanks to your helps ;)

This is EYE-CANDY asset, does NOT able to stop the Water in a game ;)
This block seems well in jpanese coast too.
Sorry to inconvenience for a plopping, can't see all of shape of model X(
I'd try some way, but I couldn't solved it.
I wish it would be helps to your decorate to coast ;)
Thank you

- Details
Asset Size : 1 x 1 (PROP is appeared 4 x 2)
Plop Cost : $50 (no need Water, Power and Monthly cost)
This Asset is for on the Water and it's free-rotate asset.
Icon Added in "SHIP" of Transpotation menu.

Triangles : 165 (LOD : 1180)
Diffuse Map : 64x64 (LOD : 128x128)
Normal Map : none

- My Other Works
See all Walls works is here :
--> Colleciton of Walls by Mas'71

- Special Thanks
A big thanks to SkylinesNation's good members
for your opinion and helps to create my works ;)


### Update ###
2015/11/19 : 水中部の不可解なエッジを除去しました。

2015/11/19 : 設置時にガイド枠を表示させる様に変更しました。さん、ご助言、アドバイスに感謝です。



- Special Thanks
SkylinesNation's のグループの素晴らしいメンバーの方々の

- その他のコレクション
--> Colleciton of Walls by Mas'71
21 bình luận
Barrett 2 Thg10, 2022 @ 4:59pm 
thats so cute
Mas71  [tác giả] 13 Thg09, 2017 @ 4:26am 
This Asset is NOT WORKED for break water (stop water) in a game, this is Eye-Cnady ;)
Enjoy ;)
Ranazomic 13 Thg05, 2017 @ 1:18am 
do they work? ore is it just for a more relestic view?
Sakujo 15 Thg10, 2016 @ 6:33pm 
Thank you. I somehow missed it. I guess because I subscribed on the search page (the green plus) and somehow you don't get the "you need these mods too" popup. Great now it works :)
Mas71  [tác giả] 15 Thg10, 2016 @ 6:21pm 
This guide-frame is included in 3d-model(a part of Asset), its never disapear.
so you need to use this with PROP in same time, PROP will make hide this frame ;)
Please subscribe and use thsi asset with PROP in same time.

Sakujo 14 Thg10, 2016 @ 6:04pm 
How do I get this guide lines away around the tripod?

No matter what I do they don't go away. They are always visible.
Mas71  [tác giả] 2 Thg02, 2016 @ 3:04am 
@ALL (02, Feb, 2016)
I'm sorry to inconvenience with an update.
All existing asset will be removed in you map maybe, replace them once again pls.
Thank you

-Mas'71 9 Thg12, 2015 @ 3:27pm 
The guide lines are great, just started my city over to really revamp it! Thanks for the props!
Mas71  [tác giả] 23 Thg11, 2015 @ 9:18pm 
## supplementary
This Asset is made by these models

About asnwer A3 :
It's confirmed for Normal-PROP, I don't have check it in a case of "Tree" or "Vehicle".
Mas71  [tác giả] 23 Thg11, 2015 @ 8:00pm 
before of all, Thnaks Shroomblaze to your nice works ;)
k, answers here :
A1 - A guide-frame is a part of Asset, it will keep appear after placed asset, but it is HIDDEN by PROP.

A2 - PROP is disappeared normally about 1,000m, you can see a LOD of Asset after that.

A3 - In a porevious game version (before 1.2.xx), No needed a LOD of PROPs because a main-model was keep used at 0m-1000m.
however, in a latest game-version, PROP will be changed to a LOD at 250m now, so we need to make a LOD of PROPs with detailed model.