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Cities: Skylines

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MAN NL262 S1 Citybus Hong Kong
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15 nov 2015, ore 2:28
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MAN NL262 S1 Citybus Hong Kong

In 1 collezione di Ishikawa | LM
Ishikawa's Assortment of Buses
33 elementi
MAN NL262 S1 this bus is mainly used on bus routes on Hong Kong island or the Lantau airport routes, sometimes it can be found on other routes. Its capacity is 69 whereas the airport version has 51.

The MAN NL262 is a low floor bus introduced to Hong Kong via citybus, now most of these models have been sold off to non-franchised operators or retired.

If there is enough interest, I can also make a Left-hand drive version.

Capacity: 70
Speed: 14 or 70kph
3 commenti
Captain-No 17 feb 2016, ore 12:08 
fit well in the -CHINA- No´s all in one Collection:
Ishikawa | LM  [autore] 5 dic 2015, ore 3:20 
Thank you, glad you like it.
JoXXX1011 5 dic 2015, ore 0:31 
I like it. Thanx!