Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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PROP for Wall 02 - Outer Corner (SF updated v1.3)
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PROP for Wall 02 - Outer Corner (SF updated v1.3)

In 1 verzameling van Mas71
Walls Collection by Mas'71
21 items
PROP for Wall 02 - Outer Corner

- Re LOD for Snow Fall Update ver 1.3 -
Fixed LOD size for SF v1.3

Triangles : 11347 (LOD : 5157(old) -> 2193)
Texture : Diffuse Map (1024x1024 and 512x512), no used other maps


- An answer to question "Why your LOD is BIG ?"
After the After-Dark-Update (v1.2), some game's properties has changed.
A distance what Main-Model change to LOD-Model about PROPs especialy,
It has big changed, 1,000m(before) to 250m(now).
So we should make LOD of the Asset for simple and small as much as possible,
because it's not need a detailed models about 1,000m along.
however It's not pertinent for PROPs, and necessary to keep some quality for PROP I think so.
It's a cause why my PROP's LOD is big.

「After Dark」のアップデート以降、ゲーム内の幾つかのプロパティに変更がありました。
8 opmerkingen
Flashflame 19 feb 2016 om 20:14 
We also have this kind of wall in Taiwan :)

Lord Morpheus 19 feb 2016 om 12:16 
We have to thank you for the fast fix ;)
Mas71  [auteur] 19 feb 2016 om 12:05 
I'm sorry to troubled you with my PORP.
Now updated fixed version for SF-update(v1.3). Thanks

Thank you so much for worm words with a good Japanese message ;)
Flashflame 19 feb 2016 om 5:38 
ありがとう, このAsset はいいものです。
Mas71  [auteur] 18 feb 2016 om 9:46 
Yes, I confirmed an error with this PROP me too X)
I'll try to adjust models asap ;) Thanks reporting.

@ALL for Japanese
Snow Fallのアプデ後に、当PROPにエラーが出るようになりました。
SirRantsAlot 18 feb 2016 om 9:40 
549368481.PROP for Wall 02 - OUT_Data: LOD has too many vertices [BrokenAssetException]
Mas71  [auteur] 7 nov 2015 om 5:25 
Its not eecessary to be jsut twice or just half like 50 and 100.
I'm making LOD for manualy depends on the case ;)
Breeze 7 nov 2015 om 4:46 
Why did tris increased Twice as much?