Le Meme
Ladda ned
" This piece of artwork was giving to me by my great great great great grandfather Adolf Hitler. When he passed me the artwork that was wrapped in linen he said, careful with these memes son, they hold great power, and with great power comes greater memes. After taking the linen off of the artwork i instantly melted to the ground where i had my cat lick me for 30mins before someone found me and took me to the kiln and put me in a meme mold where they heated me up to 1600 degrees celcius and chucked me in the kiln. Only waiting 8 hours in my meme mold untill someone remembered that they had placed in the kiln for more than 2 hours, thats where i over memed and had greater memes that were too OP for even Steve Buscemi to handle.

My memes were so great that i started Word War III.

World War III was a war between the jews and the memes, of course the jews were there because knowing that i was related to the great lord and saviour Adolf John Johnny Hitler. World War III was battled in africa where they could use the african kids has human shields to protect them from the bullets that the jews were shootign at the memists. When you think of World War III You think War, but it wasn't all war and death, sometimes the jews would play Russian Roulette with the memist, and where the memists shared memes with the jews making the jews wish they were dank as those memes they laughed at. You think WWIII was just a hoax BUT NO it wasn't a hoax infact it was actually a tru war that started in 4200B.C.E. With the War starting in 4200 BCE that gave the memists time to prepare themselves for WWIIII. BUT WWIIII IS A WHOLE NOTHER STORAY.