Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth3 V Generation

Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth3 V Generation

Gimme those juicy peaches
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"Just give me the peaches >n<"
12 kommentarer
MrHypersonic 15 aug, 2022 @ 13:58 
sorry XD maybe it's just me
Jmarujo  [skapare] 15 aug, 2022 @ 12:48 
Other than the fact I never ended up playing the game, I wish I hadn't purchased this and a couple other «anime related» games. They weren't good purchases, impulse buys from when I started getting into anime, but hey I can look back and remember that I had a cringy phase :HappyElica:. As for the turtle gif, it's been part of my profile for almost 7 years now. I always thought it was kinda funny, never saw it in such a dark light, then again I never saw the anime. Man, dont ruin my mental image of the turtle gif, i've grown attached to it :steamsad:.
MrHypersonic 8 aug, 2022 @ 21:42 
It's me again, i just want to say that despite what i said before, this scene is enoguh to make me stop following this series, I feel like this is some sort of softcore bestiality and i relly don't like that. huuuuuuuh i wish i knew this before cuz i bought most of the games, and all of them to waste :steamfacepalm: (this is not hate on you, though)
Jmarujo  [skapare] 7 aug, 2022 @ 8:44 
Honestly, i wouldn't be able to tell, i never watched the anime, but that sounds about right. It's been long since i posted this, can't remember the specifics, but i belive i just came across this scene on a youtube video, cropped it and uploaded it to steam when i bought this game, which is funny, cause i never ended up playing it, just the second one.
MrHypersonic 7 aug, 2022 @ 0:17 
I think I got the reference, the godesses are in a Mario like world, and in that scene Neptune says something like "this tortoise wants to take my peaches" and since of the place ressembling a mario level, maybe the tortoise represents Bowser that wants to take Peach(es)
Nopvermelho 3 sep, 2017 @ 10:04 
qual o nome do anime
PATRICIO 3 feb, 2017 @ 8:38 
gunzerker 3 mar, 2016 @ 12:13 
XxMikeyXx 8 jan, 2016 @ 16:14 
I don't think the turtle gif existed at the time the anime was made, but it is probably a very perverse reference made so not to many people would get it. This series can go in some pretty fucked up shit when it wants to (Sadie raping Nepgear is a very dark joke when you think of the japanese context):compa:
Jmarujo  [skapare] 8 jan, 2016 @ 16:09 
I think it was intencional. If the game is full of references, why wouldn't the anime be? The turtle gif is enough of a meme to deserve being placed as a reference in a game such as hyperdimension neptunia. This, or the guys at IF have a fetiche for turtles. :SisterRom: