Cities: Skylines
66 ψήφοι
2-Tracks SouthWest Trains Station
Μη αγαπημένο
Μέγεθος αρχείου
3.988 MB
25 Οκτ 2015, 2:44
23 Οκτ 2016, 4:47
3 σημειώσεις αλλαγών ( προβολή )

Συνδρομή για λήψη
2-Tracks SouthWest Trains Station

2-Tracks SouthWest Trains Station

The height of the track is 9m.

Original model is made by reconinator.

*** NOTICE ***
Prefab Hook is necessary from Ver3.0.

Size : 16 x 8
Gameplay common:
Construction Cost: 70000
Maintenance Cost: 3000

Electricity Consumption : 90

Sewage Accumulation: 35
Water Consumption: 35

EducatedWokers: 36
HighEducatedWokers: 6
UneducatedWokers: 12
WellEducatedWokers: 32

Triangle : 7271
Texture : 1024 x 1024

*** Change Log ***
26/Feb : Add Normal map texture
Reduction of the file size.
23/Oct : Update pedestrian path and Entrance has changed.
20 σχόλια
Vellis 16 Αυγ 2017, 1:31 
Another player reports this asset is not loading. I've not tested it myself
awkwardmoment 18 Μαϊ 2017, 11:49 
I loved this station! Please update to 1.7!
CityOfTokyo  [Δημιουργός] 24 Οκτ 2016, 6:37 
Yes it is.
Dyanne 23 Οκτ 2016, 12:50 
so it's workn now?
CityOfTokyo  [Δημιουργός] 23 Οκτ 2016, 4:51 
It had become like and without pulling the Pedestrian Path to the full width of the asset.
Dyanne 22 Οκτ 2016, 9:33 
okay, thanks you are looking into it ;)
CityOfTokyo  [Δημιουργός] 22 Οκτ 2016, 7:13 
Pedestrian Path is like is not working well.
just a moment please.
CityOfTokyo  [Δημιουργός] 21 Οκτ 2016, 7:47 
I try to confirm tomorrow.
Dyanne 20 Οκτ 2016, 11:32 
neither can people leave the station from the platforms...
Dyanne 20 Οκτ 2016, 11:22 
How do people get inside of the station, i've seen people go into the station because they work there, but everyone on platform comes from other trains, no one enters the station, is there something i'm missing? I do have the hook mod