Kingdom: Classic

Kingdom: Classic

216 ratings
Ultimate Early-Game Strategy Guide
By Scaramouche
This guide will cover the best strategies to use for your first 10 days as King or Queen of your Kingdom! The advice given in this guide can be useful for novice and veteran player alike.
This guide was intended for those who have a grasp of the concepts and terms, but are having difficultly getting to the later stages of the game. This is not a walkthrough.

A tl;dr will be included at the end of this guide.
Days 1-2: The Archer Horde
For the first 5 days, you are going to want to maximize the number of Archers you have as quickly as you can. Archers are your only source of income and defense at the beginning, therefore, you're going to want a lot of them.

Day 1
1. After lighting the fire, You'll want to forgo recruiting a builder and instead recruit two Archers.
2. Start recruiting as many Nomads as you can. I suggest going towards the right, since the Nomad camps will be closer.
3. Collect gold from the Archers, create 1 hammer, and as many bows as you can afford.
4. Build the Level 1 palisade. After this point you can usually collect gold from the archers, build extra bows, and wait out the rest of the night.

Day 2
For this day, you'll want to focus on recruiting more Archers, and upgrade your camp, if possible.

  • DO NOT EXPAND YOUR BORDERS DURING THE FIRST FIVE DAYS! It will make it very difficult for your Archers to hunt anything.
  • Avoid upgrading your castle. The more you upgrade, the less gold you get from the chest every morning.
  • You'll get Archer towers for free when you ugrade your castle later, so don't build them. Besides, every Archer that is in a tower is an Archer that doesn't hunt during the day.
Days 3-5: Exploration and Your First Blood Moon

For these days, nothing has to be done in any particular order. Instead, you'll want to focus on certain things when you get the opportunity.

Day 3-4
  • Explore the far left and right sides of your Kingdom. Make sure you bring plenty of gold for Nomads and artifacts. Keep recruiting as much as you can.
  • If you come across the artifact that unlocks stone buildings, try to activate it as soon as you can afford it. This is necessary to get knights and fully upgrade your Kingdom.

  • If you come across a red portal, do not go near it. Instead, turn around and go the other way. It's not worth the gold to try and cross it.

Day 5

Your first Blood Moon doesn't have to be a bloody, confusing mess. If you have been following this guide up to now, the night of Day 5 will be an uneventful night like any other. However, there are a few special things you should do to be totally prepared.

  • Any construction you plan on doing should be done before noon to avoid having a missing wall or tower during the Blood Moon.
  • Focus on recruiting any additional Archers for some extra firepower.

  • It's a good idea to upgrade your castle during these days, but don't upgrade to the stone castle. You won't need Knights at this point, and the amount of gold you recieve every morning is reduced to one gold coin.
  • Don't build the catapult yet. It will be a waste of your builders time up to this point.
  • At this stage, a good number of builders to have is 2.
Day 6 and Onward: Expansion, Farmers, and You
Now is the time to expand! Time to go over the things you must do to develop your settlement into a mature Kingdom.

Now that you have to expand your borders, you can no longer rely on your Archers to bring in a steady flow of coin. You must:
  • Recruit Farmers instead. The amount of farmers that can work one
    plot of farmland tends to vary based on the amount of empty room around it, so recruit as needed.
  • Expand your borders towards or past a plot of farmland. You don't have to enclose the farmland within your walls yet, since the Farmers will move inside the walls at the end of the day.
General Tips
  • You can herd deer for your Archers to kill for extra gold, though be warned: This is very time consuming, and you may end up in deep in the woods after nighfall if you aren't careful.

  • Activate the Builder artifact before you build more walls, if possible. This will enchant any walls they build for the duration of the artifact, making them very resilient. This is especially effective when your building tall stone walls.

  • Hold off on maxing out your castle until you plan on attacking portals. When you max out your castle, the amount of gold you recieve every morning is reduced to 1.

  • Knights are necessary to attack portals. They will defend your Archers.

  • Only upgrade the farmland to level 2 when it is enclosed in your walls. The Farmers will not leave the farmland at night when it is upgraded.
Recruit everything that moves. Have more Archers than the Mongols. Don't expand your territory until you can utilize Farmers effectively. Spend effectively and abundantly.
Username017 1 Jan, 2023 @ 7:03pm 
You don't really need to build a wall until your first blood moon. That money could be invested in more archers, more people, or the campfire\ (it won't give less money unless you upgrade it to stone tier [last two tiers])
goopr goop 4 Oct, 2022 @ 4:55am 
thanks to your reccommended start i have two big archer groups that kill any monster that dares to get near my camp! thank you very much for this, i think im at like day 8 or something and the only problem i have is coin shortage, which one time was the complete opposite xd
MrFavouriteAU 10 Dec, 2021 @ 11:31am 
i will try thxs
TalmondTheLost 17 Aug, 2021 @ 7:16pm 
thanks i'll try my best.
dawagamer 22 Jul, 2020 @ 8:15am 
Thanks very much for this early-game guide! Thanks to your approach, I was able to snowball my coin generation and Nomad recruitment towards victory by day 24! I admit, I have played the follow-up game, Kingdom: New Lands, before, so I'm not a newcomer as such.

For anyone interested in what happened in my playthrough:
(a) I amassed and kept adding to my large archer horde, as per this guide.
(b) The guide's advice to hold off on upgrading the innermost walls beyond level 1 until I got the stone castle was absolutely crucial. (By late game, the innermost walls and towers were fully upgraded and they stopped the final enemy assault -- dramatic, and indispensable.)
(c) I never upgraded farmland to level 2 as it wasn't optimal (for my situation).
(d) I relied heavily on the Archer "shrine" and, later, the Builder "shrine" in the later stages when I was assaulting the portals.
(e) Constructing teleport buildings on demolished portals made some things easier.
Lunasa 10 Apr, 2020 @ 10:24am 
@Ostrich bruh you didn't read the guide then.
You need to keep the farmland at level one till it is enclosed in the walls
lol necropost.
Watereaters 2 May, 2016 @ 10:14am 
you need to make another guide which is adapted to the update
Big Daddy C 12 Apr, 2016 @ 1:09pm 
Great, Thanks
Mister 24 Mar, 2016 @ 1:42pm 
is it smart to hire a nomad?
Tsunami 23 Mar, 2016 @ 2:00pm 
Tips vs the flying Munching Monsters?