The Typing of The Dead: Overkill

The Typing of The Dead: Overkill

101 ratings
Challenge Accepted
By SileNce
This guide aims to provide Director's Cut memorabilia locations and some tips in completing the final achievement: Challenge Accepted. Currently not that many people have managed to complete this achievement, so I hope this guide will help you in your quest in getting to 100%.
Challenge Accepted is the most challenging and most time consuming of all the achievements in The Typing of the Dead: Overkill. To some it may be quite a bit of a grind, however I love a bit of a challenge. It can be a frustrating achievement to get, and can mean many repeats of the same level, but once complete, you will be one of the few people who would have made it to 100% completion.

To complete this achievement, you'll be playing in Director's Cut mode, which is an extended version of the House of the Dead: Overkill game. Director's Cut mode is unlocked after completing the House of the Dead: Overkill. Any memorabilia found in the original is carried through to Director's Cut mode.

It may be a good idea to play through Director's Cut mode atleast once to unlock all the weapons in the Gun Shop. Completing it will unlock the Gwendolyn and the Crossbow. This will allow you to experiment with weapons and find your favourite and most effective play style.

The Challenges
  1. Combo - Get a designated amount of combos. Combos consists of killing zombies without missing or being hit
  2. Accuracy - Obtain above a designated Accuracy rate
  3. Goregasm - Hold a Goregasm for a designated length of time. Goregasms give the maximum point bonus, and are obtained after getting 30 Combos
  4. Player Deaths - Do not die
  5. High Score - Beat the designated high score for the level
  6. Pickups Collected - Collect all pieces of memorabilia. Each piece only needs to be collected once
  7. Civilians Saved - Save all civilians in a single playthrough

The hardest of the challenges will be obtaining the high score, as this will require you to make very few mistakes. The premise is to reach a Goregasm as quickly as possible and maintain it for as long as you can. You don't have to have a pefect game in order to reach the high score. If you lose your Goregasm, just get it back up as quickly as possible. With each attempt, you have the best chance if you successfully rescue all the civilians, as they award 5000 points each. If you have been playing outstandingly, you will have reached the high score before the boss fight, however if you are only a few thousand off, don't worry, the boss will award you atleast 5000 points. So to summarize: Don't get hit, and don't miss. If you do, you haven't failed just yet, you can still recover from a few mistakes.

I wish you the best of luck!
Weapon Choice
Many people have very different preferences, so it is definitely a good idea to try numerous weapon combinations out to find your favourite. I would advise maximising all the upgrades to your favourite weapons as soon as possible, as it will make a huge difference. My favourite combination is the Automatic Shotgun and the Hand Cannon.

The Automatic Shotgun is my main weapon of choice, being a fantstic short-mid range weapon with a scatter shot for ensuring an overall high accuracy throughout the level as it means you don't have to be pinpointing your every target. It also helps in hitting Grenades and Slowmo powerups with a much lower risk of missing, potentially breaking your combo and Goregasm. It is also very useful when shooting at projectiles that have been thrown at you.

The hand Cannon is perfect for shooting at medium to long range with high accuracy and damage. The Hand Cannon kills zombies and fat zombies in 1 hit no matter where you hit them, except the American football zombies in Carny, and those with a riot shield found in Jailhouse Judgment and Overkill (unless you hit them around their shield). It will also kill explosive zombies in one if you hit them in their body. Because of its high damage and accuracy, it also a great choice for rescuing survivors.

The Gwendolyn provides a fantastic replacement for those that favor the pistol. It becomes purchasable from the Gun Shop after Director's Cut mode has been completed. The highlight of this weapon is that it doesn't require reloading, which is great to kill bosses quickly without needed to wait for reloading. I also found it useful when scouring for memorabilia, as it reduces the risk of missing one when stuck in a reload.
General Tips
This section aims to provide some general tips that can help improve your chances of beating all the challenges in Director's Cut mode. Most of these can apply to every level, however some of these tips are more general regarding the game mode.

1. Separate "Pickups Collected" Challenge From the Rest
In my opinion, it's better to separate the Pickups Collected challenge from the rest of the challenges, due to several reasons. Firstly, once you shoot a piece of memorabilia, you no longer need to shoot it again, as it will already be added to the collection. Secondly, some pieces of memorabilia can pass by very quickly, and shooting at it may risk the chance of missing or getting hit by a zombie, which will reset your combos and end your goregasm. They only give 2000 points each, so it may better not to risk it. It may be better to just focus on collection all the memorabilia during your first playthrough of Director's Cut mode, so you won't need to think about them later on. And thirdly, reaching the high score mode means you'll have to be doing all the other Challenges simultaneously anyway.

2. Know the Level
There is no doubt that you will have to play through the levels multiple times in order to complete some of the challenges. So perhaps the most obvious tip, is to know the levels. You must know when you will be turning in order to predict surprise attacks. This will only come with practice and patience. The more you play a level, the more you know where the surprises are, so you will be better prepared for them. Look for places where you can reload your gun without worrying of a surprise attack, the last thing you want is to be caught off guard.

3. Centre Your Sights When Moving
When you play through Director's Cut mode you will come across frustrating areas in the level where you are hit within barely half a second when turning a corner when a zombie is already right in front of your face. Sometimes this can be unavoidable, however in most cases you may be able to dispatch the zombie before you are hit. This can be done by keeping your sights pointed at the centre of the screen, or perhaps a little bit off centre to the let or right depending on where you are turning. So when you do turn into a zombie, you'll be able shoot it as soon as it comes into view, stopping the attack and preventing you from losing your combos/Goregasm.

4. Switching Weapons
Rather than just sticking with your favourite weapon it can definitely be handy to get to know your secondary weapon. Using the tab key will instantly switch to your other weapon, and can easily get you out of situations when your primary one needs to reload. A word of warning however, you will not be able to switch weapons once you start reloading. You will have to wait until you have finished reloading in order to switch.

5. Automatic Reload
When your switch weapons, after holding your other weapon out for 5 or so seconds, your previous weapon will have automatically reloaded when you switch back. This can be advantageous, especially when you don't want to risk spending time reloading in case of a surprise attack.
Papa's Palace of Pain
50 Mutants
60 Seconds
Player Deaths
High Score
Pickups Collected
11 Total
Civilians Saved

Memorabilia Locations


Record 1: Left of the main entrance to the house

Poster 1: The back wall in the dining room

Figurine 1: On the closest chair in the piano room

Comic 1: On the fireplace mantle in the piano room

Figurine 2: In the cabinet in the office

Poster 2: Behind the entrance to the office

Record 2: On the right hand side of the exit out of the office

Comic 2: On the floor by the bed in the first bedroom

Poster 3: On the back of the wall as you exit the walk-in wardrobe

Comic 3: On the floor of the bathroom

Poster 4: On the wall of the first room in the attic

Level Tips
  1. Don't rush your shots when you face the crawling zombies under the dining table and snooker table. They aren't quite surprise attacks, so you have a little longer to aim. It can be easy to miss a shot if you rush.
  2. Shooting the chandelier in the main hall can kill most of the zombies that break through the front door.
  3. Watch out for the surprise attack when exiting the first attic room, it can be difficult to stop
  4. Bring an accurate gun to save the civilian in the basement, as he loves getting in your line of fire
Naked Terror
75 Mutants
60 Seconds
Player Deaths
High Score
Pickups Collected
7 Total
Civilians Saved

Memorabilia Locations


Comic 1: On the couch in the room after you save the second civilian

Figurine 1: At the end of the shelf in the supermarket

Poster 1: On the garage door after the gas station

Figurine 2: On the bench opposite you in the small alcove

Comic 2: On the left-hand side bench in the small alcove

Poster 2: On the back wall in the alleyway next to the bar

Record 1: On the back corner of the bar room with the snooker table

Level Tips
  1. When saving the second civilian, the third zombie appears quite suddenly at the door to the left. Make sure you are ready!
  2. Shooting the slow-mo powerup on the right-hand banister when you pause at the top of the stairs in the strip club before you start to move, allows you run and jump with better view of background zombies, enabling you to rack up some easy points.
  3. Shooting the sign above the entrance to the strip club after you exit causes it to fall and kill the chasing zombies.
  4. Use your grenade on the background zombies that are busy eating by the truck to get some easy points.
Ballistic Trauma
100 Mutants
120 Seconds
Player Deaths
High Score
Pickups Collected
8 Total
Civilians Saved

Memorabilia Locations


Poster 1: On the wall to the right as you enter the hospital

Record 1: On the wall of the first patient room

Comic 1: On the filing cabinets in the hall after the first cutscene with the screamer

Figurine 1: In the sink on the right-hand side of the hall by the large examination room after you exit the lift

Figurine 2: On the corner of the roof by the window you use to reenter the patient ward

Comic 2: On the counter in the cafeteria as you exit towards the kitchen

Figurine 3: On top of the washing machines on the right-hand side in the laundry room

Figurine 4: On the table on the right-hand side of the office

Level Tips
  1. Keep on your guard, there are a lot of surprise attacks
  2. Save your grenades for the boss, as they can be used to get extra points on the rising zombies, and also to escape her feint attack (where she comes at you with 3 other fakes)
100 Mutants
120 Seconds
Player Deaths
High Score
Pickups Collected
6 Total
Civilians Saved

Memorabilia Locations


Record 1: On the right-hand side entrance to The Original House of Death

Figurine 1: On some boxes on the right, just after the fire causes you to change direction before running up the car along side The Original House of Death

Comic 1: On the floor to the left after you go underneath the ferris wheel ride

Record 2: On the right-side just after you save the same civilian for the second time underneath the ferris wheel ride

Comic 2: While in the haunted house ride, on the top right corner wooden support opposite a slow-mo powerup

Figurine 2: On top of the turn gate as you are entering the carnival for the boss

Level Tips
  1. Save your grenades for the zombie clowns on the boss, or in tricky situations such as when a load of zombies rush you as you exit the underpass underneath the ferris wheel ride
  2. In the haunted house ride, shooting the zombie models can add to your combos and give you plenty of points.
  3. Shooting the hanging skeletons also gives you points, but doesn't add or cancel your combos, so can be useful for that extra small point boost. Don't shoot the ones embedded into the walls though, as those don't count!
Creeping Flesh
60 Mutants
90 Seconds
Player Deaths
High Score
Pickups Collected
3 Total
Civilians Saved

Memorabilia Locations


Comic 1: On the floor on the right just up the stairs as you enter the cafeteria

Figurine 1: On the back shelf behind the burger counter in the cafeteria

Poster 1: On the wall to the left as you exit the cafeteria
Scream Train
60 Mutants
90 Seconds
Player Deaths
High Score
Pickups Collected
5 Total
Civilians Saved

Memorabilia Locations


Figurine 1: On the edge of the bar counter in the disco carriage

Record 1: On the back of the stairscase as you leave the disco carriage

Record 2: On the right-hand side of the burning carriage after you save the second civilian

Poster 1: On the back wall of the small room a zombie bursts out of in the burning carriage

Comic 1: On the dining table to the right in the Third Rail Diner carriage

Poster 2: On the wall by the entrance behind you in the second half of the dining carriage (you see it when you turn around to kill a zombie)

Level Tips
  1. You can't make many mistakes in this level, as there aren't many zombies, so if possible shoot the memorabilia for extra points
  2. Get an accurate gun to shoot the zombie behind one of the cages in the animal pen, as well as the zombie DJ. Only shoot the zombie DJ when his curtain opens just before he throws a record at you. Shooting the curtain will break your combo.
The Fetid Waters
90 Mutants
90 Seconds
Player Deaths
High Score
Pickups Collected
7 Total
Civilians Saved

Memorabilia Locations


Figurine 1:On the floor by the first caravan in the caravan park

Record 1: On the couch when you enter the caravan

Figurine 2: On the toilet in the caravan

Comic 1: By the large tin can in the caravan park

Record 2: On the back of a small truck you climb over in the area with the abandoned cars, tin cans, and a single caravan.

Comic 2: On the shelves in the basement of the house

Poster 1: By the stairs as you exit the basement of the house
Jailhouse Judgment
60 Mutants
90 Seconds
Player Deaths
High Score
Pickups Collected
10 Total
Civilians Saved

Memorabilia Locations


Figurine 1: In the last shower cubicle

Comic 1: Comic on the corner of the cabinet behind the throwing zombies in the office

Comic 2: On the stack of papers on the desk in the warden's office

Figurine 2: On top of the lockers where the security guard civilian comes out of

Poster 1: On the wall in the cafeteria

Comic 3: On the table the sleeping zombie is resting on in the cafeteria

Record 1: In the security room with the two zombie security guards

Poster 2: In an inmate's cell that a zombie bursts out of past the security room

Poster 3: On the wall on the left-hand side in the infirmary

Comic 4: On the floor on the right-hand side of the infirmary just after you pass the poster

Level Tips
  1. This level is quite difficult to complete and will need several attempts. When playing through, try to remember key locations where you can reload, and those where you have to switch guns, as there will be no time to reload.
  2. There are locations where you are being attack by a number of zombies, however the camera will change before all the zombies have been killed. Learn where these positions are, and do your best to prepare. Shooting while the camera is switching may cause an unavoidable miss, resetting your Goregasm.
  3. There are places where it is very difficult to avoid being hit, so getting a high score will be difficult as your Goregasm will be resetting. Try to collect memorabilia that are relatively low risk to shoot at to get some extra points. You will probably need them.
  4. Don't attempt to attack the background zombies behind cell bars and those looking down from the floor above, as there is a high risk of your bullets hitting the bar, resetting your Goregasm.
  5. If using the automatic shotgun, aim a little higher on the chest/head area to increase the chances of killing the zombies in 1 hit. It will greatly help in conserving ammo in certain tricky situations.
90 Mutants
90 Seconds
Player Deaths
High Score
Pickups Collected
8 Total
Civilians Saved

Memorabilia Locations


Comic 1: On the long table in the research room with the two security guards with shields

Figurine 1: On top of cabinets in the office space just after you climb over some grenades

Figurine 2: On top of the lockers in the workshop

Comic 2: Upstairs in the worlshop on the barrel a throwing zombie is standing on

Comic 3: On the floor as you exit the pool area

Poster 1: On the wall in the canteen where you save the two civilians

Record 1: In between two rows of missiles where the zombies lying down are in the missile armoury after you exit the vents

Comic 4: On the corner of the control panel used to open the doors for the boss, where you save the last civilian

Level Tips
  1. There are several ponts throughout this level where the camera swivels before the zombies have been killed, so it is usually a good idea the wait for the camera to stop moving before firing.
  2. There are a lot of throwing zombies in this level, so an automatic shotgun comes very handy in taking out thrown weapons.
  3. In the research room, where you pick up the first comic, when you jump on to the second long table you can see 3 zombies at the end. One of these zombies manages to hit you from quite far away before you have reached the end of the table, so make sure you kill him before you get there.
  4. When rescuing the civilian in the computer room, definitely try to use the slow-mo powerup to your advantage. Watch out for the zombie that throws knives at the civilian.
  5. If you reach the start of the boss with still quite a lot of points left, don't worry too much, as you can rack up a lot of points just after you pick up the miniguns, especially if you have Goregasm. You can potentially collect around 50,000 points from when you fall into the tunnels through to killing the boss.
  6. A high accuracy can be tricky to achieve due to the miniguns in the boss fight, so make sure you take your time. In the tunnels, shoot the red pillars with short bursts, and try not to fire haphazardly at the boss when she is moving around a lot. It is better to save your bullets for when you have the best chances of hitting her, such as when she sprays her milk, or when she tries to stomp on you. I took the hits from the explosive barrels she threw so I wouldn't waste my accuracy when shooting at them.
Closing Remarks
Thank you for reading this guide, I hope it has helped you in completing the game to 100% or even just helped you find the last few pieces of memorabilia in your collection.

This is the first guide i've ever written, so hopefully some people will find the tips handy. I only decided to create it as a side project because I noticed that there just weren't very many guides to this game, none of which specified any memorabilia locations, and only 0.3% of players had completed the Challenge Accepted achievement (as of publishing).

If you found this guide useful, please feel free to rate, favourite and share it with your friends.

Happy Gaming!
inuyasha 23 Sep, 2023 @ 2:53pm 
I'm more annoyed at not having a quick restart option than at some unfair hits, so much waiting in between restarts, but I managed to get all the annoying stuff done, only memorabilia left (should be quite easy), your guide is very much appreciated. :steamhappy:
Magnum Reset 4 Sep, 2023 @ 4:01am 
Thanks for the guide man, helped me out plenty! :zaggrin:
GOH 23 Apr, 2023 @ 10:14am 
Hello, just wanted to say thank you so much for making this guide. It really helped a lot with getting this achievement. Thank you so much :crashthumbsup:
Bibzuda 25 Dec, 2022 @ 7:57am 
Ah that's a shame, thanks for the info! Good to know it's not a problem elsewhere.
Christsnatcher 25 Dec, 2022 @ 12:27am 
@Azi: The problem you describe isn't tied to framerate or physics, it's simply an actually "unfair" encounter that survived three patches. This particular zombie messed up at least a dozen of my runs, and at some point I just accepted that not strategical thinking or good reflexes, but only "pre-firing" and a fair amount of luck granted me a chance of not getting hit by this guy (just as you said). In the end, it's the "oh well, so be it" sort of "bug", fortunately it's the only one of its kind in this game.
Bibzuda 24 Dec, 2022 @ 9:47pm 
I'm wondering if there's something weird with settings or framerate in this game or something because in Naked Terror right after getting outside and shooting the sign, there is a homeless looking guy who will always hit me before he is even on my screen as I turn around. Multiple times earlier in the level as well I have to basically pre-fire as the camera is turning to not get hit. Anyone else heard of this?

Managed to get past the level finally after some grinding, but hope it doesn't happen with others...thanks for the guide very useful.
Denisiow 12 Jul, 2022 @ 1:38pm 
7 years later, this guide is still the best. Thanks!
SileNce  [author] 14 Jan, 2022 @ 3:37pm 
Glad to see this guide is still helping people 7 years on! :ZombieKey:
Yopt 5 Jan, 2022 @ 9:28am 
Hello from 2022 :happymeat: Very helpful guide, thanks!
Christsnatcher 22 Mar, 2021 @ 4:27pm 
Many thanks both to the author of this outstanding guide and all other posters who provided additonal tips, really awesome. Only Overkill left to go for me now! :NZA2_Pentagram: