Victor Vran

Victor Vran

130 ratings
Upgradeable to legendary destiny cards
By Sinatr
Shopping list if you plan to quickly pimp up your outfits
General info
Starting from level 16 we get access to Transmutation (tranforming things for 1000 gold). 3 destiny cards of same type and rarity produce single card of higher rarity. If it exists!

Destiny cards are used for several things:
  • To add passive bonuses to demon hunter (obviously);
  • [Transmuting] To improve secondary property to outfits (card has to be legendary);
  • [Transmuting] To increase base critical chance of weapon;

Because legendary cards are mainly used as resource to maximize secondary property of outfits it may be worth from beginning to know which cards are good and which are not.

Think about it as a shopping list.

Note: most efficient (money-wise) is to buy readymade legendaries for 20k from vendor (or even be lucky and get them as a drop). But if you have planty of gold (from selling greenies) like me, it may be faster to just buy cards from vendor and make legendary cards yourself by transmuting.
Shopping list
Legendary cards
Hope (+1500 hp)
Strength (+12% crit chance)
The Beast (+90 penetration)
The Bishop (6.5% of max hp on crit, 5 sec cd)
The Guardian (250 dmg aoe, 15% when hit in melee)
The Knight (+80 armor)
The Moon (250 dmg aoe on crit, 15 sec cd)
The Rogue (+150% crit dmg)
The Slayer (12% of max hp on kill, 15 sec cd)
The Sun (500 dmg aoe on overkill, 20 sec cd)

Not legendary
The Acrobat
The Alchemist
The Archer
The Barbarian
The Executioner
The Oak
The Runner
The Tower
The Vampire
The Warrior
xj3572 21 Jun, 2017 @ 9:08pm 
For those wondering, here is an updated full list (including all from DLCs) of Destiny Cards that can be upgraded to Legendary. There are of course cards that you may find that only appear at Legendary rarity, but I'm sure you'll know them when you see them.

The Bastion
The Beast
The Bishop
The Gong
The Guardian
The Knight
The Moon
The Obelisk
The Paladin
The Rogue
The Slayer
The Sun
The Swarm
Sinatr  [author] 15 Jun, 2017 @ 6:55am 
@★tsihcosamodas★, you are right, there are 2 new DLCs I don't own yet in the store.

That's the most unusual benefit of having Guide: to be notified about game updates. LOL. I am suprised to hear nothing from Steam yet. They though periodically show that offers window on startup, mostly for games I've already marked as "not interested"... can't wait for WeGame launch.
★Pruimpje★ 15 Jun, 2017 @ 5:55am 
Ur missing few: The Obelisk???? The Gong... The Swarm... The Paladin.... The Blademaster...
The Bastion

and maybe a few more, they are probably from the expansion
Raz 25 Jan, 2017 @ 9:03pm 
Saw a Legandary Magician in the shop today for 20K. Forgot what level it was, already buffed my armor with it.
Ashlee 霙 8 Jan, 2017 @ 12:10pm 
op, I love you. thanks for your time and effort.
lotzi 12 Sep, 2016 @ 12:35pm 
thank you :)
.:Jj:. 7 Jul, 2016 @ 7:22am 
Good to know!
Vox 2 Mar, 2016 @ 8:06pm 
Very handy reference list; much appreciated.
Sinatr  [author] 19 Feb, 2016 @ 10:50am 
@PCMaker, try to ask those questions on forums (click "Discussions" category on top of this page). Here are my thoughts:

1) To make it different, some cards are unique, some gives steady bonus (and increasing it further will break balance).

2) See (1), it's easy to learn as there are not so many cards, you can simply visit card traiders periodically, but they are planty given as a drop anyway.

3) I choose wicked myself: penetratinon and being fast for 20 seconds after killing something is good enough already, but there are some other bonuses too. In my opinion divine are too "defensive" and they are also weaker/more easy to obtain. There are recipes to make wicked cards, that's the key to "roll" powerful card, then just level its wickedness to max and nothing in game can stop you.
PCMaker 18 Feb, 2016 @ 7:01pm 
could you pls tell me:
1) why some cards can be only divine/wicked on certain levels (bishop can be only divine on lvl 8, but can be also wicked only lvl 6, why?!?), whats the fucking standard for this

2) why those cards have separate max level values, how the fcuk should i know which cards end where? lvl 4 max vampirism, sure lvl 5 archer max, lvl 8 bishop max, where is some goddam hierarchy or order in it?

3) divine and wicked both give different stats, but what do i even want for my build? do divine give defensive/heal stats and wicked offensive? what should i focus on? how should you even get to know it if you dont have milions of those cards to learn from

and wiki is completely useless

not to mention i need another milion cards for maximizing the stat values:steamsalty::steamsalty: