Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

206 voti
Pine Tree 2 of 3 - 1/2 Snow
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Assets: Tree
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18 ott 2015, ore 8:30
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Pine Tree 2 of 3 - 1/2 Snow

Partially snow-covered pine tree.

This model is exactly the same as Shroomblaze's pine tree since we both got it from deviantart.
This is a snowy version of the same model, so there is still use for all versions of this tree.

Credit and many thanks for these beautiful models and textures goes to Nobiax[].

Imported, optimized and modded by TPB.


If you like my work and would like to support me, donations are always extremely appreciated :)
6 commenti
33shin33 17 feb 2018, ore 6:31 
Absolutely perfect, as a map creator myself I have to obligation to thank you. Amazing!
Captain-No 19 ott 2015, ore 17:14 
fit well in the -WINTER WONDERLAND- all in one Collection:
thank you, Thumbs up
MrMiyagi 18 ott 2015, ore 13:39 
Adding the two snow trees here to the map's listing
MrMiyagi 18 ott 2015, ore 11:20 
Oh no I already published a map that would have been perfect for these two to be added!!! NOOO!!!! lol Well, I'm sure I'll be doing another snow map. Awesome, thank you for these!
[TB] NickyZero 18 ott 2015, ore 9:05 
Perfect :)