Controller Companion

Controller Companion

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Modded survival Skyrim Controller Scheme
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12 OCT 2015 a las 8:31
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Modded survival Skyrim Controller Scheme

So I attempted to do most of the hard work myself. All you have to do is assign the keyboard buttons in Skyrim's mod menu, which I've provided. Then you're ready to play.


Warning: The game displays and reads as if you are using a keyboard.

However, if you have played skyrim with a controller before (wth skyrim's native controller settings), everything should feel amazingly familiar. I simply 'pasted' the keyboard buttons onto the controller, with some slight changes for my preferences and mods.

Mods I'm using with this scheme:
Categorized Favorites
Convenient Horses
Realistic Needs and Diseases
Wearable Lanterns
Immersive HUD
A Matter of Time (Sky Dial)

Left Hand ............................LT
Right Hand ..........................RT
Spring ..................................LB
Move.....................................L stick
Look/Adust angle..................R stick
Sneak....................................L stick (press)
Toggle 1st/3rd person...........R stick (press)
Wait.......................................XBox Home
Character Menu......................B
Pick Up.....................................A (hold)

Here is where things start deviating from the original.
Favorites...................................D Pad Up
--because I use Categorized Favorites, I only use one button for faves, and never use quick keys.

Map................................................D Pad Left

Inventory.........................................D Pad Right

(Free)..............................................D Pad down
(Mine is broken.)

And now onto mods and explanations:
I'll ge giving the keyboard commands as well, since you will have to assign them in both controller companion and skyrim mod menu. I.e : Assign the keyboard button in the skyrim mod menu, then assign that keyboard button to a controller companion in CC. (Make sense?)

Sky Dial/iHud Toggle ("/') ........................ Select + LB
I have both the IHud and SkyDial set to only toggle activation, and bound it to the same key.
This is my 'exploration quick key. I can always just tap to get a feel for where I'm going.

Frostfall: Weathersense (>/.) ..................... Select + LT
Realistic Needs: Check Needs (>/.) ........... Select + LT
My 'status' quick-key. Tapping this will give me a quick view of my hunger/thirst as well as the weather around. I have Frostfall only give me info via gems in the corners. The info only shows when either I toggle this button or the conditions change.

Realistic Needs: Drink from Stream (]/}) ..... Select + B
I really only use this when I need to empty out an almost-finished waterskin. Go into your inventory, highlight your waterskin, and press this.

Hunterborn: Survival Skills (Enter) ................. Select + Y
Most of the hunterborn stuff is only accessed through crafting menus (at least the way I use it.) If you do foraging and other things though, I bound the key for you. (I tried assigning forage or sense direction to my down button, that's when I realized my controller was broken. That'd probably be a good place for it if you do use it though.)

Wearable Lanterns: Check Fuel (</,) .............. Select + RT
I wish I could assign this to my 'status' hotkey. But Chesko is an amazing mod author, and had enough foresight to prevent buttons from being double-assigned through SKSE.

Honorable Mention: Convenient Horses.
This mod is authored in a way that it works either/or for controller or M + K. I changed the settings to 'tap' method and it works perfectly.

Locations of bars, in case anyone's interested:
Sky Dial , top left corner. I offset the Y axis to drop it a little so I can still read status messages when it's showing.
Weathersense gem, top left edge. (thin, contextual)
Player wetness / temp top right edge (thin, conextual)
RND status messages of course show in the top left..
Wearable Lanterns fuel/pollen, bottom left edge, so's not to overlap other bars.

(I will provide screenshots if anyone's interested, if they want references for my layout. Also if anyone is bored and wants to draw a quick cover pic that would be cool too.)

I'm not planning on providing any type of 'support' for this, as messing around with it will mess up my own happy controller scheme. Plus it was a very laborious task and not something I'd like to repeat again. However, in case anyone else out there plays modded and wonders if it's possible to play with a controller, it is!! I am happy to answer questions though.
3 comentarios
KEEPER 4 JUL 2021 a las 11:22 
i don't know how you got the controller to use only one option to use favorites menu, i have tried to bind some of these in the past without any luck, even when it came down to the secondary options.

the only thing i could do with secondary options was for console commands.

i for one would like to take advantage of the favorites menu like on keyboard while using the controllers secondary bindings, so i can have multiple options instead of only 2.

but it just won't work that way, and i don't know what to do about it.
Triedtoswiminlava 29 DIC 2015 a las 18:36 
so this makes skyrim compatible with any controller ? do u need to download anything prior?
KEEPER 19 NOV 2015 a las 22:56 
i might just try this.