Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

151 人が評価
baroque garden, element 2 / Barockgarten, Element 2
Assets: Park
5.069 MB
2015年10月11日 6時14分
2016年7月27日 8時41分
2 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

baroque garden, element 2 / Barockgarten, Element 2

Titan 作成の 1 件のコレクション
baroque castle with garden / Barockschloss mit Garten
8 アイテム
!!!Deutsche Beschreibung weiter unten!!!!

This is a big embroidery parterre for the baroque castle / garden set. It is the 2nd element to create a real baroque park.


Footprint: 10x13
Coast: 10000
Maintenance Coast: 1000
Workers: Uneducated: 0 Educated: 0 Well Educated: 0 High Educated: 0

Model: 4633 Tris; 2048x1024px
LOD: 515 Tris; 128x128px

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Dies ist ein großes Broderieparterre für das Schloss/Barockgarten-Set. Es ist das zweite Element um einen echten barockgarten zu bauen.


Größe: 10x13
Kosten: 10000
Wartung: 1000
Arbeiter: Ungebildet: 0 Gebildet: 0 Gut Gebildet: 0 Hoch Gebildet: 0

Modell: 4633 Polygone; 2048x1024px
LOD: 515 Polygone; 128x128px

Du magst meine Arbeiten? Unterstütze mich doch :)


Tags: castle Schloss baroque Barock garden Garten park Park king König Germany Deutschland Karlsruhe


-> for some textures
-> and for the ornaments on the thumbnail
15 件のコメント
Prodorf 2018年5月16日 3時30分 
Mirror of Garden 4??? How is it going man?
sebesams 2018年4月28日 16時32分 
Hi Titan, I love this asset! But it looks like the mirror of Garden 4 is missing. The piece cannot be switched to the other side because the circle would be off... Is there a 6th garden part maybe?
MrMiyagi 2017年2月28日 4時19分 
Found them! I have no idea why I couldn't see them even after looking a milion times. Sorry about that. I think I need glasses :D
Rusty Trucker 2017年2月27日 6時34分 
it fades when close up and zoom out ...good idea tho
Titan  [作成者] 2017年2月27日 6時33分 
That's strange ... I'll look what is wrong
Rusty Trucker 2017年2月27日 5時41分 
i did find but unfortunatly most of it was unvisable...nice tho
Titan  [作成者] 2017年2月26日 11時40分 
You should find all these segments in the parks-section. :)
MrMiyagi 2017年2月25日 17時03分 
It's disappeared from the unique buildings tabs :( The Schloß is still there, but these gardens aren't there any more. I hope you can upload a fix?
Rusty Trucker 2017年2月20日 0時30分 
cant find it any where
Titan  [作成者] 2015年10月13日 6時51分 
If theres a space of 26 squares between the roads and they are absolutely parallel to each other it should look like in my pictures. :)