Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

478 évaluations
[TFA] Alien's Pulse Rife: Revamped
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Type de contenu: Addon
Type d'addon: Arme, Modèle
Mots-clés d'addon: Divertissement, Film, Jeu de rôle, Réalisme
Mots-clés : coop
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6.412 MB
10 oct. 2015 à 17h17
11 oct. 2015 à 0h21
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[TFA] Alien's Pulse Rife: Revamped

Wanna Go On A Bug Hunt?

This is a remake of my original swep that got over 600 ratings and 15,000 Subscribers.
This is how i wanna show my appreciation of all the people watched the 2 year cycle of
development. Over the past few months or so. My knowledge of Lua has increased
quite significantly. So i bring you the final and most polished version of this swep
released till date.




99 Rounds In Each Magazine
M203 Grenade Launcher
Iron Sights for M203.
Reload Sounds.
Custom Base.

Known Bugs:

This Bugs Are Very Minor
When holding 'R' with a fully loaded magazine makes the gun replay the reload sound.
TFA Weapon Info Is Not Currently Showing.


10/3 Prototype Remake/4Colors CS:S arm Texture BY SHORTEZ
Original Model and Art BY: DOKU
Additional Tweaking: NIRRTI/ILWRATH
LUA Programming BY: Originaly By NECROBARD, Now By Zayn
Additional Modeling, Scripting and Animations BY: FURY_161
Sound Effects courtesy of: Alien Versus Predator 2
95 commentaires
Callsign_Ewok 20 nov. 2023 à 8h37 
For some reason mine has 30 rounds? Also how do you use the grenade launcher? I love the sound and look though! Reload animations are good enough. Just need those two minor issues figured out. Also wish it was less recoil and way more accurate as the pulse rifle is accurate especially if were talking about the games like AVP2. in AVP 2010 it has spread and bloom how ever.
GreyFox24 25 mars 2023 à 9h26 
Tammo_Korsai 19 mars 2023 à 16h05 
The crosshair seems to disappear when I right click, making it tricky to aim.
ya boi Robert 27 févr. 2023 à 14h03 
i have tfa
ya boi Robert 27 févr. 2023 à 14h02 
why no work
KittyKat 17 févr. 2023 à 21h04 
I can't find the M14A pulse rifle
yotesnacks 11 juil. 2022 à 8h04 
somebody should seriously use some of these assets to make an ARCCW version, that'd be nice
MissedTheStars 19 mars 2022 à 13h08 
we now clearly need a smartgun
Owe3 31 aout 2021 à 0h47 
i went bug huntin with this thing, lemme works....well.
Maroon 5 aout 2021 à 11h48