Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

90 beoordelingen
Casino Strip Sign
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Assets: Park
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961.561 KB
5 okt 2015 om 15:32
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Casino Strip Sign

In 1 verzameling van ryanjamesoflondon
ryanjamesoflondon's PROPs
21 items
After releasing several casino assets for Skylines, it was time to build an entrance to the perfect casino strip!

See the image showing how best to place the lot.

Can't be bothered to download all the props? Subscribe to my PROP COLLECTION and you'll never have to download my props again!




Tris: ~1200
Cost: 3,000
Maintenance: 350

Electricity: 5

Tourists LW:50

Ent Accum: 300
Ent Radius: 400

Please help me in making more assets
I love creating new buildings for CS but it does take up a large portion of my time. If you really like my content, I would be very grateful if you could support me with a little donation.


12 opmerkingen
plu2 10 jul 2022 om 2:05 
@JayC, You probably need the Casino Strip Sign Prop .
Use the Loading Screen Mod to find missing assets.
JayC 19 apr 2021 om 2:10 
The mod just builds a regular street. The arch is invisible :-/
jtexasboyz 12 jan 2019 om 22:27 
a toll road version would be nice
TillerHater 3 sep 2016 om 19:15 
Hey its based off the Reno arch
Hank Kitts 6 mrt 2016 om 6:34 
Could we get a version based on the second Reno arch? The one with the multicoloured octagons.
Malibu 15 okt 2015 om 6:06 
Love your work Ryanjamesoflondon, epic Casino stuff
Baleur 12 okt 2015 om 5:11 
Brilliant!! LOL my downtown entertainment district is called The Strip just by pure coincidence.
Must add this to the entrance. But it will fudge up my bus lanes though, but thats fine.
constantphil 11 okt 2015 om 19:11 
Awesome! Please keep making more casino assets- my wife and I love them!
ryanjamesoflondon  [auteur] 9 okt 2015 om 5:26 
Yes indeed modelled after the Reno sign, well spotted!