Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter

Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter

97 Bewertungen
Ultimate Enemy Pack - Part 2
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Content: Enemies
Other: Graphics, Sounds
89.990 MB
1. Okt. 2015 um 7:22
1 Änderungshinweis (anzeigen)

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Ultimate Enemy Pack - Part 2

In 3 Kollektionen von Solais
The Forgotten City
6 Inhalte
Serious Sam HD Extended: Episode 1
13 Inhalte
Ultimate Enemy Pack
2 Inhalte
Ultimate Enemy Pack - Part 2 of 2. For full, check:
14 Kommentare
vvvovchyna 10. Feb. um 13:54 
put all the enemies from the first pack in the 2st pack
MaxRadishOne 3. Feb. 2023 um 4:42 
Late reply to the commentary below, but no, he won't. The author of this mod has left the community a long time ago, and I don't think he has any plans for return.
athayer1 20. Sep. 2020 um 9:42 
are you gonna add the Processed, Brute Zealot, Belcher, Kalopsy, Space Mummy, hover drones, Pyromaniac, new Cloned soldiers, Cannibal, Harvester Mothership new spiders, the giant humanoid enemy, and giant tentacle monster from SS4 to the Ultimate enemy pack
Solais  [Autor] 18. Juni 2017 um 7:43 
Sorry no, I have no time for it, as explained in the comments section of that mod.
aidyngaliev-97 18. Juni 2017 um 7:25 
@Solais, do you continue working on Serious Sam hd Extended ?
®Mr.NigHT HunTer™ 21. Feb. 2017 um 22:28 
уменя не работает мод пишит не удаётся загрузить уровень

подскажите что делать
RaGiRa 9. Jan. 2017 um 21:16 
gagbey 14. Mai 2016 um 1:23 
so so so so so sosososososossosososososssssssosossoososossosossososososo cool
spawn 13. Mai 2016 um 22:12 
Cit1zen 23. Feb. 2016 um 11:03 
some enemies you put into the well and got better pack some scary