Go Home - Rage incoming

Go Home - Rage incoming

25 ratings
100% Achievement Guide
By NorkDorf Entertainment
Guide to show you how to get all the achievements in the game
First Start

First Start
Let's play Go Home !

Just launch/play Go Home - Rage incoming via Steam

How to launch the game via Steam

Just push play via Steam

After you have push play or launched the game you will then make it to the main menu where the achievement

First Start
Let's play Go Home !

will pop up
First level Completed

First level Completed
Complete the first level

Complete the first level

Just use WASD keys on your keyboard to get to the Green highlighted area on the right
You're Dead

You're Dead
Well, just die... Many times...

You will get this achievement really easy, you will die from the red blocks and from the spikes in the wall. Just play the game and you should get this one in no time.
First Token

First Token
Collect the first token!

You will get your first token in the 4th level of the game, its the yellow cube on the left.

Die 25 times

Really simple to do, just play the game and die by spike or red cube.
Tokens... Everywhere...

Tokens... Everywhere...
Collect 25 tokens

As you play through the game you will get the yellow cubes/tokens, if you pick up 1 cube/token and die it still counts for this achievement, just play through the game and you will get it by the time you finish the game
Lord of suicide ?

Lord of suicide ?
Die 50 times

As you play through the game you will die a lot so this achievement will come naturally, but if you are a super gamer and don't die then this achievement might be a challenge, all you need to do is let the game kill you with the red cubes and the wall spikes.

Die 100 times

This achievement can be a challenge for those people who have lighting fast reflexes and know how to maneuver through each level but for those the want to get this achievement all you need to do is die. You can get this really easy and fast when you get close to a red cube at the beginning of a level and die a lot, just keep running into the red cube. Level 11-12 are great levels to get deaths quickly. You should get the achievement in a matter of seconds.

Level 11

Level 12
Is that money ?

Is that money ?
Collect 50 tokens

Just play through the game and you will get this one eventually as you play.

Complete 12 level

The best tip I can give you to beat this level is know that you don't need to stay on the path to beat this level.

Find the hole

There is a gap found on level 7 which you just need to go into, when you go in it the achievement will pop up. Look for the circle on the picture below to know where the gap is.
Like a vacuum cleaner

Like a vacuum cleaner
Collect 100 tokens

This achievement was my last achievement to get, when you play through the game the first time you might get it. But if you don't get it then you can just go to the level select screen and choose different levels that have cubes.
Whaaat Ò.ó

Whaaat Ò.ó
Complete 25 level

This one is a big challenge and you will die a lot here. The best guide I can show you is from a YouTuber (Gamedojo) which shows you how to beat level 24-25
Helevorn 12 Sep, 2017 @ 12:54pm 
thanks for your time!
NorkDorf Entertainment  [author] 10 Jun, 2017 @ 4:52pm 
Are you sure your going through the right hole? Try it a couple times...
EvoGames878 10 Jun, 2017 @ 8:32am 
as in doesnt give me the achievement
EvoGames878 10 Jun, 2017 @ 8:29am 
the hole one doesnt work
GlobalHive  [developer] 18 May, 2016 @ 12:27pm 
very nice guide :D

We are working currently on a remake of the game with new Achievements and way more levels ;)
LonerD 4 Dec, 2015 @ 6:31am 
25 level - not necessarily play by the rules. There are easy way to second floor - just go slightly up and right from front position. Easy way to third floor - slightly right-down-left.