Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Cronos V 1.1
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19 set 2015, ore 10:50
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Cronos V 1.1

As per request, I have *fixed* most of the problems in the old map. I completly destroyed and redid the highway system once I looked back at it and threw up, I also fixed the train rails too. I went over the city building terrain and smoothed it out, but the terrain outside the building area is not to smooth. I added small details to parts of it, but as is, here is your updated map! (:
5 commenti
Miraine  [autore] 22 set 2015, ore 5:07 
Can't you only get 9 tiles anyways? And I did that because I needed an outside highway connection and train connection...
JustinW 21 set 2015, ore 20:11 
would have been nice to have control on the western tip of the island rather than 7 ocean tiles.
Miraine  [autore] 20 set 2015, ore 14:19 
no problem
austinlovessaabs 20 set 2015, ore 8:59 
Alot better, thanks
Captain-No 19 set 2015, ore 11:16 
fit well in my -TROPICAL ISLAND- all in one Collection:
thank you, vote up