Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

925 rating
Elevated Train Stop (Read Description pls)
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16 Sep 2015 @ 4:17pm
25 Sep 2015 @ 11:16am
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Elevated Train Stop (Read Description pls)

Important: You will need BloodyPenguins Elevated Station Track Mod

for this to be properly working otherwise they ground will rise up to the tracks and make it look like wtf. It's also not clear what happens if you built the station and remove the required mod, so keep an eye on it! ;)

Again, BIG THANKS to BloodyPenguin for his work and for making this possible!

So here it is, an Elevated Railroad Station. It might have seen better days but still serves your city every day. With some shops underneath its a perfect addition to your urban transport system.
The design is really close to central european elevated railways systems from the early 20th century, yet I tried to keep it a bit international, not sure if it might even fit into NYC-alike cities. Enjoy!

model data:
3300 triangles on 3x16 squares
1024² textures (d, s, a, n, i)
45000 building cost
960 maintenance cost per week

If you like my work any support is gratefully accepted!

Thank you!
Diskusi Populer Lihat Semua (1)
4 Okt 2015 @ 11:32am
Herstellung einer assets Serie im Bereich Bahn.
145 Komentar
No Name 18 Sep 2022 @ 10:17am 
Love this! You make so many beautiful historic buildings. Thank you for all your work.

Since you said "It's also not clear what happens if you built the station and remove the required mod," I can at least tell you that if the mod breaks due to a patch (grrr), the asset will just fail to load.
qtwqwd 11 Agu 2022 @ 6:21am 
Does this also work for cargo station? I see freight trains stop by this.
Chris6d 2 Agu 2019 @ 5:02pm 
Ah, the first ever elevated train station that started it all. This opened the door to Metro Overhaul Mod and elevated trains galore! Great work
Genjokoan 8 Mei 2019 @ 5:13am 
Shiny! It not only works, it looks nice too.
diabzcorp 19 Apr 2019 @ 5:08am 
Hi Jens, thank you for sharing your work, it's very cool building.
The elevated train stop works well in my city but I never see any people walking In or Out the station. When a train arrives people are just walking to the other station platform.
The only guy I can see walking out is the employee of the station.
Did I missed something ? Thanks for your help
mr.v 24 Apr 2018 @ 10:47am 
It's working. Please make sure that you have Extra Train Station Tracks mod installed.
Wolvyreen 23 Agu 2017 @ 9:12am 
Asset isn't working. It's a shame. Loading Screen Mod says it failed to load and obviously isn't in game. what a shame....beautiful asset!
brunolondinese 17 Jul 2017 @ 6:46am 
this looks beautiful but i get the error message and the assets is not there in the buildings menu
MaGy 19 Mei 2017 @ 7:47am 
ZephiroX Yes you can but Only with mods (Fine road anarchy or Prop and tree anarchy)
mjm92150 7 Mei 2017 @ 2:15am 
I hope is going to work with the new DLC "Mass transit" !